Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Oil Spill Update: Poll Shows Environmental Restoration High Priority in Gulf … – Audubon Magazine (blog) 0

Posted on September 29, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters UK

Oil Spill Update: Poll Shows Environmental Restoration High Priority in Gulf
Audubon Magazine (blog)
other experts to weigh in on what they think are the most important next steps to conserve wildlife and habitat in the Gulf after the BP oil spill.
3 Mexican states sue BP over Gulf oil spillMiamiHerald.com
States tally oil spill toll to send BP their billsUSA Today
Senate Gridlock Hampers BP Oil Spill InvestigationAOL News
Reuters –Houston Chronicle –Los Angeles Times
all 2,937 news articles »

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Teleconference to Provide Operational Update on Florida Shoreline Cleanup Efforts 0

Posted on September 28, 2010 by bp complaints

Key contact numbers

  • Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information: (866) 448-5816
  • Submit alternative response technology, services or products: (281) 366-5511 
  • Submit a claim for damages: (800) 916-4893
  • Report oiled wildlife: (866) 557-1401

Deepwater Horizon Incident
Joint Information Center

Phone: (713) 323-1670
(713) 323-1671

WHO: Dr. Jacqui Michel, lead NOAA scientist for shoreline cleanup and assessment operations, Liz Jones, NOAA scientific support coordinator and Holly Fortune, Florida On-Scene Coordinator for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill recovery

WHAT: Teleconference to provide operational update on Florida shoreline cleanup efforts

WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010, 10:30 a.m. CDT,11:30 a.m. EDT.  The call-in number is (866) 304-5784; the conference ID number is 14641528





Recent Updates for Unified Command for the Deepwater BP Oil Spill | Deepwater Horizon Response

Oil spill update: NOAA opens more federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico – Examiner.com 0

Posted on September 26, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil spill update: NOAA opens more federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill led to multiple closures of federal fishing waters in the Gulf of Mexico to protect marine life from oil contamination.
Riding for a cause: SASHS students raise awareness of Gulf oil disastersThe Shippensburg News-Chronicle
Scientists Searching For OilWKRG-TV
NOAA's Pisces heads to Deepwater Horizon wellhead area to collect samplesMississippi Press (blog)
AOL News –Examiner.com
all 6 news articles »

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(NYSE:BP) BP 9/25/2010 Update: Bearish Stock Outlook – Business and Finance News (blog) 0

Posted on September 25, 2010 by bp complaints


(NYSE:BP) BP 9/25/2010 Update: Bearish Stock Outlook
Business and Finance News (blog)
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will cost them billions to clean up. BP's stock fell over 50% in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil
Alabama pilots to continue monitoring oil spill's impactMontgomery Advertiser
Whale Sharks Killed, Displaced by Gulf Oil?National Geographic
Gulf oil spill: Study suggests latest US estimate was about rightChristian Science Monitor
Press Herald –USA Today –TopNews United States
all 304 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Unified Area Command Weekly Update 0

Posted on September 24, 2010 by bp complaints

Key contact numbers

  • Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information: (866) 448-5816
  • Submit alternative response technology, services or products: (281) 366-5511 
  • Submit a claim for damages: (800) 916-4893
  • Report oiled wildlife: (866) 557-1401

Deepwater Horizon Incident
Joint Information Center

Phone: (713) 323-1670
(713) 323-1671

NEW ORLEANS (Sept. 24, 2010) – The following information is an operations update from the Unified Area Command for the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Approximately 22,632 personnel are currently responding to protect the shoreline, wildlife and cleanup vital coastlines.

Currently, 1,381 vessels are responding on site, including skimmers, tugs, barges, and recovery vessels to assist in containment and cleanup efforts.

More than 32,000 water samples have been taken throughout the Gulf of Mexico in the search for residual sub-surface oil.

More than 556 tons of recyclable waste, including oily liquid & oily solid waste, has been processed.

To date, 87% of closed fisheries have been reopened.

Approximately 104 miles of Gulf Coast shoreline is currently experiencing moderate to heavy oil impacts-approximately 94 miles in Louisiana, 9 miles in Mississippi and 1 mile in Florida. Approximately 483 miles of shoreline are experiencing light to trace oil impacts-approximately 224 miles in Louisiana, 85 miles in Mississippi, 59 miles in Alabama, and 115 miles in Florida. These numbers reflect a weekly snapshot so that planning and field operations can more quickly respond to new impacts; they do not include cumulative impacts to date, or shoreline that has already been cleared.


For information about the response effort, visit www.RestoreTheGulf.gov.

For specific information about the federal-wide response, visit http://www.whitehouse.gov/deepwater-bp-oil-spill. To contact the Deepwater Horizon Joint Information Center, call (713) 323-1670.

To submit your vessel as a vessel of opportunity skimming system, or to
submit alternative response technology, services, or products, call

To report oiled wildlife, call (866) 557-1401.

For information about validated environmental air and water sampling results, visit http://www.epa.gov/bpspill.

For National Park Service updates about potential park closures, resources at risk, and NPS actions to protect vital park space and wildlife, visit http://www.nps.gov/aboutus/oil-spill-response.htm.

For Fish and Wildlife Service updates about response along the Gulf Coast and the status of national wildlife refuges, visit http://www.fws.gov/home/dhoilspill/.

For daily updates on fishing closures, visit http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov.

For information on assistance loans for affected businesses, visit the SBA’s Web site at www.sba.gov/services/disasterassistance, call (800) 659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the hearing impaired), or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov. 

For information on how to file a claim, visit the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) Web site. In addition, www.disasterassistance.gov has been enhanced to provide a one-stop shop for information on how to file a claim and access additional assistance-available in English and Spanish.

Any members of the press who encounter response personnel restricting their access or violating the media access policy set forth by Admiral Allen should contact the Joint Information Center. At the above listed telephone numbers.




Recent Updates for Unified Command for the Deepwater BP Oil Spill | Deepwater Horizon Response

Oil spill update: Deepwater Horizon Repsonse transfers to Restore The Gulf.gov – Examiner.com 0

Posted on September 23, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil spill update: Deepwater Horizon Repsonse transfers to Restore The Gulf.gov
In a statement released today, it was announced that on September 29, 2010, oil spill updates will be provided through the Restore the Gulf site.
Oil Spill Update: Experts Weigh In on Next Steps to Protect Birds, Marine Audubon Magazine (blog)
"Sea Snot" Explosion Caused by Gulf Oil Spill?National Geographic
Researchers Give New Gulf Oil Spill Estimate Of 4.4-Million BarrelsMyStateline.com
LiveScience.com –Voice of America –Reuters Africa
all 664 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Oil Spill Update: Experts Weigh In on Next Steps to Protect Birds, Marine … – Audubon Magazine (blog) 0

Posted on September 23, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil Spill Update: Experts Weigh In on Next Steps to Protect Birds, Marine
Audubon Magazine (blog)
The cleaning up of the gulf oil spill is winding to a close but another door of opportunity is opening. Its been 21 years since the Exxon Valdez oil spill
Gulf oil well is dead but the pain will remainTMCnet
The Gulf of Mexico oil spill: After the killThe Economist
Better technology can prevent another Gulf oil blowout, energy secretary saysMiamiHerald.com
Internetbits –Energy Tribune –Wall Street Journal
all 453 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Oil Spill Update: Feds Provide Detailed Weekly Avian Victims Reports – Audubon Magazine (blog) 0

Posted on September 20, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil Spill Update: Feds Provide Detailed Weekly Avian Victims Reports
Audubon Magazine (blog)
Red banded juvenile Brown Pelican 4Z2, oiled by BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, rehabilitated and released on Rabbit Island, West Cove,
Gulf oil well is dead but the pain will remainThe Associated Press
Gulf oil well sealed for goodWorld Magazine
BP Macondo oil well officially declared deadExaminer.com
Southeast Missourian –ffog.net –All247News
all 7,543 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

UPDATE 1-BP says Gulf of Mexico well will be sealed Saturday – Reuters 0

Posted on September 17, 2010 by bp complaints


UPDATE 1-BP says Gulf of Mexico well will be sealed Saturday
N) said on Friday that its ruptured Gulf of Mexico well that caused the world's worst marine oil spill will be permanently sealed on Saturday.
BP says Gulf well should be completely sealed SaturdayCNN
Gulf Oil Spill: Bacteria mainly ate the gas, not the oilLos Angeles Times (blog)
BP Plans to Finish Sealing of Macondo Well TomorrowBloomberg
FOXBusiness –USA Today –Newsinferno.com
all 4,240 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf Oil Spill Update: Well On Verge Of Being Plugged For Good – Huffington Post 0

Posted on September 17, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf Oil Spill Update: Well On Verge Of Being Plugged For Good
Huffington Post
The April 20 blast sank the Deepwater Horizon rig and triggered the spill that eventually spewed 206 million gallons of oil into the Gulf.
Gulf Oil Spill: Bacteria mainly ate the gas, not the oilLos Angeles Times (blog)
BP Plc could bring the worst oil spill in US history to an end this weekend Bloomberg
BP Sued by Mexican States Over Gulf OilSpill DamageBusinessWeek
Herald Sun –Telegraph.co.uk –National Geographic
all 3,502 news articles »

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