Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Update on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill – 05 July 1

Posted on July 05, 2010 by bp complaints

BP press releases


Posted on July 04, 2010 by bp complaints

RUN…!!! YOU NEED TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY RIGHT THIS MINUTE…!!! I’M NOT ALLOWED TO SEND MESSAGES ON THIS ACCOUNT ANYMORE…!!! MY BOARD HAS BEEN WIPED CLEAN 5 TIMES NOW…!!! !!!…PLEASE COPY AND MIRROR ALL OF THIS MATERIAL BEFORE THEY BLACK IT OUT AGAIN…!!! YOU NEED TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY RIGHT THIS MINUTE…!!! THERE IS A “FEMA” HOLOCAUST COMING IN DAYS…!!! DON’T COME BACK…!!! Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and Hydrogen Sulfide…!!! www.youtube.com From Hawk On June 24th 2010 — Get Out of the Gulf Coast Now!!! www.youtube.com “Deepwater Crimes Against Humanity” www.youtube.com “Operation Garden Plot” www.youtube.com “FEMA Martial Law” www.youtube.com “FEMA ready to Mobilize. GET OUT OF GULF on your terms now !” www.youtube.com Super Hurricanes [1of2] www.youtube.com Super Hurricanes [2of2] www.youtube.com “Gulf Oil Spill (It Gets the Hose)” www.youtube.com Sharks in oily Gulf water (WATCH THIS RIGHT NOW) www.youtube.com “Tsunami – Incredible Video Footages” www.youtube.com Mass Evacuation www.youtube.com “Encountering Auschwitz (2005)” www.youtube.com “FEMA Camp Footage (Concentrations Camps in USA)” www.youtube.com “Experience the perfect blend of speed, and accuracy with the All New Mathews® Z7™” www.mathewsinc.com “Flying over FEMA site” www.youtube.com “Martial Law coming soon to LA? Military HUMVEES in LA railyards II” www.youtube.com “Inside the FEMA Human Cattle or Sheep Train? – Clear view?” www.youtube.com “BP Death Clouds Already Onshore! Benzene-3400ppb
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Florida Releases July 3, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation Update – Gov Monitor 1

Posted on July 03, 2010 by bp complaints

New York Times (blog)

Florida Releases July 3, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation Update
Gov Monitor
Governor's Executive Order 10-101 established the Gulf Oil Spill Economic Recovery Task Force, which will facilitate efforts by Florida businesses and
Gulf oil spill could be headed to Miami and Florida Keys, new government data New York Daily News
Florida Keys, Miami Threatened By Gulf Oil Spill [Report]IndyPosted
BP Gulf spill trickles down to local stationsOrlando Business Journal
NuWire Investor –KeysNet –Gothamist
all 383 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

UPDATE: Keystone Pipeline Starts Deliveries Of Oil-Sands Crude To US 1

Posted on July 01, 2010 by bp complaints

UPDATE: Keystone Pipeline Starts Deliveries Of Oil-Sands Crude To US
UPDATE: Keystone Pipeline Starts Deliveries Of Oil-Sands Crude To US
Read more on FOX Business

Gulf oil disaster update: Tropical Storm Alex closing in on Gulf spill – Examiner.com 1

Posted on June 29, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf oil disaster update: Tropical Storm Alex closing in on Gulf spill
There is good news and bad news from the Gulf of Mexico this morning as the record oil spill heads into its third month. The good news is that Tropical
Storm Alex nears hurricane strength in Gulf of MexicoReuters
Gulf oil spill: Storm to delay new oil collection effortLos Angeles Times (blog)
Storm creates new worries for gulf oil disasterDenver Post
Huffington Post (blog) –Wall Street Journal –San Jose Mercury News
all 8,102 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Secretary Napolitano and Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Policy Carol Browner visit New Orleans to receive update on the BP oil spill response 0

Posted on June 28, 2010 by bp complaints

Recent Updates for Unified Command for the BP Oil Spill | Deepwater Horizon Response

Update on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill – 28 June 0

Posted on June 28, 2010 by bp complaints

BP press releases

MEDIA ADVISORY: BP to hold technical briefing on relief wells; status update on subsea containment efforts 0

Posted on June 28, 2010 by bp complaints

Recent Updates for Unified Command for the BP Oil Spill | Deepwater Horizon Response

Gulf oil disaster update: Tropical storm may hamper efforts to halt progress … – Examiner.com 0

Posted on June 26, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters (press release)

Gulf oil disaster update: Tropical storm may hamper efforts to halt progress
As if the efforts to contain the oil leak in the Gulf were not already sufficiently complicated, a tropical depression—the first of the 2010 summer
Gulf Oil Disaster: Not War but CancerHuffington Post (blog)
Gale force winds could leave Gulf oil gushing for 2 weeksSan Jose Mercury News
As Oil Spill Grows, So Does Need For Data On Health EffectsPhysOrg.com
San Francisco Chronicle (blog) –Toronto Star –CNN (blog)
all 2,861 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

BP Oil Disaster Update #1 15

Posted on June 26, 2010 by bp complaints

DRILLED BY BP: OIL DISASTER THREATENS GULF OF MEXICO AND COASTAL COMMUNITIES How does one capture the drama of a slow-moving train wreck? We all want to look away from the mercurial unraveling of the Deep Water Horizon story, but as fingers of rainbow sheen and large tar balls begin washing up on the wetlands and in the passes of Louisiana from the Chandeluer Islands to Cocodrie Peninsula, we cant. Were riveted. We want answers. We want solutions. We want explanation. Capt. Jon Brett, (Director of FishbuzzTV and Snook Foundation Florida Gulf Coast Director) and Capt. Brandon Shuler (Snook FOundation Texas Director) will be on the ground collecting the stories that interest of all gulf coast anglers and residents. We will tell the underrepresented side of the news. We will capture the devastation this spill will create as it encroaches and infuses into the delicate wetlands and marshes of Louisiana, and the rest of the vital GUlf coast nursery habitat for snook, grouper, tarpon, bonefish, snapper and hundreds of other species and wildlife. These wetlands and nurseries are disappearing from the Louisiana coast and Mississippi River delta at the alarming rate of 500 square yards every 45 minutes and represent the breeding grounds which supply 25% of the nations seafood production. We’re hoping to capture the stories of the Gulf coast shrimper and fishermen as they watch their livelihoods attacked by another, yet this time man-made, disaster. We have witnessed and tried to
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Dear you there, read my comment here! here on this video you can see a good design of a special dome studied to work up to the dry ground or to be immersed deep on the sea to stop the loss of petrol from the well on the bottom of the sea or the wells up to dry ground when they are on fire. On the case will happen next an other desaster like Horizon Deep Water, you can be ready to stop it just by prevention! This device benefits of a special concept during the immersion, the flows of wather his self generated during the diving to be very straight on his ideal direction even when find opposite pressure on the bottom of the sea (like in this case petroleum and gaz coming out from the well), so even on these conditions this special cap can be very stable and precize on it trajectory. Not just it, the system has a special device (form) which work automatically like a second seal and can be very safe a time positioned… you can forget it on the bottom of the sea and can work all most for a century! It’s easy to realized and sure his application. Even the ice on the deepest level of the sea doesn’t represent special disturb. There is also a model expressly projected! In the case you have some questions, just ask to me, I’ll be glad to answhere to your questions. How it works? Here attached you can see a good 3D design of the device expressly studied for this problem to bee immersed deep on the sea to get the petroleum in stead to lose it from the bottom of the sea. If you

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