BP Oil Spill: Important Update 6/18/2010 Part 1: Documentary filmmaker and reporter James Fox on the scene of the Gulf Oil Spill. www.youtube.com Confused, angry, frustrated, concerned? Want to help and don’t know what you can do or how? Participate in the Oil Spill Project! oilspillproject.org Video Rating: 5 / 5
There has been a great effort to mislead the public regarding the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. It has now come out that the ‘live feed’ of the leak is of a smaller leak, about 5-6 miles away from the one that is spewing about 100 000 barrels of oil into the Guf every day. Last Wednesday, May 28, BP made and attempt at the ‘top kill’ method of pumping drilling mud into the hole and claimed soon after that this was somewhat working. But on MSNBC, Nicholas Pozzi of WOW Energy Solutions said the probability of top-kill working is low, may also cause explosion and blow top off, making it worse. Have not put an o-ring in it, so they are basically just pumping mud into the water.( An O-ring is a mechanical gasket to join 2 parts together, creating a seal.) www.youtube.com May 29 it was revealed that the top kill method has failed, as anticipated by Mr. Pozzi. www.youtube.com Ixtoc 1 Oil rig blowout of 1979 Drilling mud being replaced with seawater (in this case accidentally, as opposed to the intentional replacement of it at Deepwter Horizon, overseen by Haliburton) led to the blowout of this rig in the Gulf of Mexico in 1979. All methods of stopping the leak failed except for drilling a release well. You would think something would have been learned by the oil industry from this experience, but BP is nonetheles attempting all the methods that failed at Ixtoc 1. www.project-syndicate.org UN VEHICLES AT REYNOLD”S AIRPARK TheTrutherGirls blog entry thetruthergirls.wordpress.com E … Video Rating: 4 / 5
UPDATE: New cap, ships could contain Gulf leak by Monday
NEW ORLEANS — The federal official leading the Gulf oil spill cleanup said Friday a new containment cap and an additional ship collecting oil could effectively contain the spill in the next three days. Read more on Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal
Oil Leak Update: New Tropical Storm Could Threaten The Gulf, Oil Has Hit Every … allvoices By RoyEisner It is Day 78 of the oil leak disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Saturday, I was telling you about the world's largest oil skimmer called "The … Gulf oil spill update: BP oil found on Texas beaches, threatens Lake PontchartrainExaminer.com BP or no BP, oil industry will fight backArab News Editorial: Size of Gulf disaster hits home for all of usGreen Bay Press Gazette StarNewsOnline.com –msnbc.com –Gulf Jobs Market News all 4,999 news articles »
there are 4-5 videos please watch all of them to understand what happened…. they are attempting to cut something off of the BOP and drop the saw…. the recover the saw… start to cut again…. something happens to make the operator of the ROV panic and escape the area… then something blows!!! What in the world just happened???? Video Rating: 0 / 5
On the evening of the 28th of June at approx 7:15pm, Liberate Tate In protest over BP’s sponsorship of the arts performed a “Solemn” oil like spill at the Tates Summer party. Dressed in black and veiled the performers carrying black buckets with BP logos spewed molasses over the entrance way as onlookers watched in amazement as the Portland stone floor was consumed by the black oil like mess. Feathers were scattered and filled the air and in the same manner of approach the artists gracefully paced their escape. Licence to Spill “Apart from catastrophic spills like the Deepwater Horizon, there are a whole host of adverse impacts that are associated with the production of oil. On the local level, it often involves extreme forms of pollution for local communities, while regionally oil is frequently associated with greater militarization and conflict. Globally, carbon emissions, oil companies, and our collective dependence on the product they push, are taking us ever closer to the edge of climate catastrophe. ” To download Licence to Spill, a new release from Platform, visit www.carbonweb.org Info : www.artnotoil.org.uk Video Rating: 5 / 5