Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf oil spill: Virginia offshore drilling plan postponed – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on May 07, 2010 by bp complaints

Richmond Times Dispatch

Gulf oil spill: Virginia offshore drilling plan postponed
Los Angeles Times (blog)
[Update at 3:17 pm The US Chamber of Commerce criticized the administration's Virginia decision. “We remain deeply concerned by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Va. environmental groups speak out against offshore drillingCharlottesville Daily Progress
McDonnell says drilling still in planThe Free Lance-Star
To Drill Or Not To DrillHarrisonburg Daily News Record
Washington Post –Facing South (blog) –Washington Post (blog)
all 212 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Congress wants independent panel with subpoena power – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on May 07, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf oil spill: Congress wants independent panel with subpoena power
Los Angeles Times (blog)
A bipartisan delegation of House members also planned a flyover of the spill Friday and meetings in the gulf. "This disaster will be all the more tragic if
Gulf Oil Spill 2010 Update – BP Suffering £15 billion Loss Over Deepwater UK Today News
Gulf oil spill disaster sparks Vancouver protest (video included)Examiner.com
Could the Gulf oil disaster be Halliburton's fault?ZDNet (blog)
FindLaw –Christian Science Monitor –FOXNews
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Gulf oil spill: More calls for moratorium on offshore drilling – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on May 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Gulf oil spill: More calls for moratorium on offshore drilling
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Tranquillon Ridge area as a way to fight looming budget gaps, but this week backed away from the proposal, citing the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Gulf oil spill: Turtle found struggling in oil – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints

New York Times (blog)

Gulf oil spill: Turtle found struggling in oil
Los Angeles Times (blog)
The National Wildlife Federation took CNN on a tour Wednesday of the spreading oil plume from the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and has
BP Oil Disaster Threatens Survival of the “Gulf's Sea Turtle”OnEarth Magazine

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Mobile, Ala., feels backlash of gulf oil spill – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Mobile, Ala., feels backlash of gulf oil spill
Los Angeles Times
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times / May 4, 2010) By Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times The massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is not likely to change
Alabama coastline gets reprieve from oil spill; work to stop leak continuesal.com (blog)

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BP gives Congress gloomy outlook on gulf oil spill – Los Angeles Times 1

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints


BP gives Congress gloomy outlook on gulf oil spill
Los Angeles Times
BP officials Tuesday told congressional representatives that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill could grow at a rate more than 10 times current estimates in a
Gulf Oil Disaster – Beneath the WavesTucson Citizen
Some oil spill events from May 4, 2010The Associated Press
Obama: Govt Committed To Preventing Economic Damage In GulfWall Street Journal
Washington Post –New York Times –KFYR-TV
all 7,837 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Spill rate could be more than 10 times previous estimate, BP says – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf oil spill: Spill rate could be more than 10 times previous estimate, BP says
Los Angeles Times (blog)
BP officials Tuesday told congressional representatives that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill could grow at a rate more than 10 times current estimates in a
Obama: Govt Committed To Preventing Economic Damage In GulfWall Street Journal
Gulf Oil Disaster – Beneath the WavesTucson Citizen
Effort to cap Gulf oil spill moves forwardUSA Today
New York Times –BusinessWeek –Victoria Times Colonist
all 8,011 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Lawyers joust for clients – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on May 04, 2010 by bp complaints

Economist (blog)

Gulf oil spill: Lawyers joust for clients
Los Angeles Times (blog)
The ruling was hailed by the fishermen's legal team, the Gulf Oil Disaster Recovery Group, as a “first major victory” on behalf of those affected by the
Gulf Oil Disaster – Beneath the WavesTucson Citizen
Obama: Govt Committed To Preventing Economic Damage In GulfWall Street Journal
Gulf Oil Spill Is Bad, but How Bad?New York Times
USA Today –Victoria Times Colonist –CultureMap
all 8,790 news articles »

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Gulf Oil Spill Threatens to Rearrange Washington’s Climate Agenda – New York Times 0

Posted on May 04, 2010 by bp complaints

Gulf Oil Spill Threatens to Rearrange Washington's Climate Agenda
New York Times
But the repercussions of the oil disaster are not likely to stop there, considering that offshore drilling incentives in an ultimate climate bill are

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Gulf oil spill: BP calls disaster ‘inconceivable’ – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on May 03, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf oil spill: BP calls disaster 'inconceivable'
Los Angeles Times (blog)
The accident in the Gulf of Mexico that has unleashed a massive oil slick was unforeseeable, said BP PLC Chairman Lamar McKay, speaking on ABC's "The Week"
Obama sees 'massive, potentially unprecedented' Gulf oil disasterThe Hill
President Barack Obama talks to Louisiana fishers about Gulf oil spill disasterNOLA.com
Gulf Oil Spill Could Spell Disaster for U.S. Energy IndependenceBefore It’s News
World Socialist Web Site –ChattahBox –Power Line (blog)
all 22,887 news articles »

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