Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf oil spill: Deepwater Horizon was ‘a well from hell,’ widow says – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on July 22, 2010 by bp complaints

Sky News

Gulf oil spill: Deepwater Horizon was 'a well from hell,' widow says
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Workers had problems controlling the oil well underneath the Deepwater Horizon before the oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, the widow of a worker
Rig Worker Was Worried About Safety, Widow SaysNew York Times
Federal hearings turn to possible human factors in BP oil spillWashington Post
Deepwater Horizon workers 'concerned about safety before explosion'The Guardian
Bloomberg –Newsinferno.com –New York Magazine
all 332 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

4 Oil Firms Commit $1 Billion for Gulf Rapid-Response Plan – New York Times 0

Posted on July 22, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

4 Oil Firms Commit Billion for Gulf Rapid-Response Plan
New York Times
The moratorium was imposed after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on April 20 and spewed millions of gallons of oil into the gulf.
BP SPILL: Workers Foresaw Potential for Disaster on Deepwater HorizonHuffington Post Investigative Fund (blog)
Deepwater Horizon oil crisis leads to Congressional actionLexology (registration)
Ships ready to leave leaky Gulf well as storm brewsUSA Today
Dallas Morning News –NPR (blog) –Washington Post
all 3,227 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

BP Demands Anadarko, Mitsui Chip In for Gulf Spill Response – New York Times 0

Posted on July 22, 2010 by bp complaints

BP Demands Anadarko, Mitsui Chip In for Gulf Spill Response
New York Times
When the rig sank two days later, oil billowed from the well causing the worst oil spill in US history. BP billed Anadarko 9 million for spill response
Investors in Gulf Oil Well Distance Themselves From SpillWall Street Journal
Anadarko Plans to Meet With BP to Avoid Oil Spill Cost Dispute LitigationBloomberg
Mitsui unit sees BP as responsible for paying Gulf oil spill damagesistockAnalyst.com (press release)
Reuters Africa –BusinessWeek
all 19 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Weather poses latest challenge to gulf oil spill response – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on July 22, 2010 by bp complaints


Weather poses latest challenge to gulf oil spill response
Los Angeles Times
On Wednesday, Thad Allen, the federal oil spill response chief, said experts in Houston were considering their options if the ships monitoring for leaks had
4 Oil Firms Commit Billion For Gulf Rapid-Response PlanNew York Times
Florida Releases July 21, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation UpdateGov Monitor
A gathering storm halts Gulf oil well workThe Associated Press
San Francisco Chronicle (blog) –Wall Street Journal –Houston Chronicle
all 2,970 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: Oil companies to form emergency response system for future … – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on July 22, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Gulf oil spill: Oil companies to form emergency response system for future
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Four of the world's biggest oil companies are expected to announce Thursday the formation of a rapid-deployment response system that will be made available
4 Oil Firms Commit Billion for Gulf Rapid-Response PlanNew York Times
Florida Releases July 21, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation UpdateGov Monitor
A gathering storm halts Gulf oil well workThe Associated Press
San Francisco Chronicle (blog) –Wall Street Journal –MarketWatch (press release)
all 2,108 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: Salazar defends moratorium on deep-water drilling – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on July 22, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf oil spill: Salazar defends moratorium on deep-water drilling
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday that there were "corners that were cut" by BP in drilling
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: House Hearing Examines ResponsibilityHelicopter Association International
Oil groups resigned to tougher US regulationFinancial Times
Gulf LatestWDEF News 12
FOXNews –Forbes (blog) –Wall Street Journal
all 126 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Oil Companies Plan Rapid Response System to Gulf Spills – New York Times 0

Posted on July 21, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

Oil Companies Plan Rapid Response System to Gulf Spills
New York Times
Four large oil companies are committing billion to set up a rapid response system to deal with oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico's deep
Gulf Oil spill forces some families to part with petsSan Francisco Chronicle (blog)
Would a class-action lawsuit against BP over shareholder losses due to the Wall Street Journal
Special report: Plumes, politics and the sultan of spillReuters
BusinessWeek –Long Island Press –The Associated Press
all 18,402 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Oil Companies Plan Rapid Response to Gulf Spills – New York Times 0

Posted on July 21, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

Oil Companies Plan Rapid Response to Gulf Spills
New York Times
Four large oil companies are committing billion to set up a rapid response system to deal with oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico's deep
Gulf Oil spill forces some families to part with petsSan Francisco Chronicle (blog)
Would a class-action lawsuit against BP over shareholder losses due to the Wall Street Journal
Special report: Plumes, politics and the sultan of spillReuters
BusinessWeek –Bloomberg –Washington Post (blog)
all 18,333 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP to sell oil and natural gas fields to rival Apache for $7 billion – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on July 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters India

BP to sell oil and natural gas fields to rival Apache for billion
Los Angeles Times
and other countries to rival Apache Corp. for billion in its biggest move yet to raise money to pay reparations for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
BP Rises After Agreeing on Billion Sale of Fields to ApacheBloomberg
BP selling assets to Apache for bBoston Globe
Oil spill forces BP to sell Alberta assetsCalgary Herald
Washington Post –Telegraph.co.uk –Kansas City Star
all 622 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

No Shortage of Books on Oil Spill – New York Times 0

Posted on July 21, 2010 by bp complaints

New York Times

No Shortage of Books on Oil Spill
New York Times
Controlled oil burns last month near the site of the Deepwater Horizon spill. Publishers are lining up books about the disaster. By JULIE BOSMAN Any readers
Transocean Employees Become Focus of BP Oil-Spill InvestigatorsBusinessWeek
Deepwater Horizon: Containment test extended another dayOffshore Oil and Gas Magazine
Gulf well can remain closed as US considers mud plugUSA Today
BloggingStocks (blog) –MarketWatch (press release) –Christian Science Monitor
all 5,154 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

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