Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf Officials Optimistic That Cement Will Kill Well – New York Times 0

Posted on July 31, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf Officials Optimistic That Cement Will Kill Well
New York Times
Final victory over the well — which blew out on April 20, crippling the Deepwater Horizon rig and killing 11 drill workers — will not be declared until
Next try to kill BP well in Gulf likely to begin on TuesdayMiamiHerald.com
Static kill date slightly delayed due to debris found in wellExaminer.com
'Static kill' of Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico will be delayed about a dayNOLA.com
Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine –MarketWatch –Houston Chronicle
all 249 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Chevron’s second-quarter profit triples – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on July 31, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters India

Chevron's second-quarter profit triples
Los Angeles Times
to post a hefty profit but ended up reporting a net loss of billion for the quarter because of huge costs associated with the gulf oil disaster.
Big Oil thriving beyond the GulfMarketWatch

all 305 news articles »

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Oil Spill Dispersants Shifting Ecosystem Impacts in Gulf, Scientists Warn – New York Times 1

Posted on July 31, 2010 by bp complaints

al.com (blog)

Oil Spill Dispersants Shifting Ecosystem Impacts in Gulf, Scientists Warn
New York Times
A seemingly feel-good story showed up this week on the nation's front pages and newscasts: The oil that befouled the Gulf of
Oil, Dispersants from BP Spill May Have Entered Gulf Food ChainNewsinferno.com
Dispersants Used in Oil Disaster Creating New CrisisPR Newswire (press release)
Massive Amounts of Underwater Oil Droplets Which Organisms Eat Does Not Equal Firedoglake (blog)
Examiner.com –Naperville Sun –Huffington Post (blog)
all 39 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Louisiana fish and shrimp get thumbs-up – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on July 31, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf oil spill: Louisiana fish and shrimp get thumbs-up
Los Angeles Times (blog)
For weeks, federal scientists have been painstakingly testing gulf seafood. In the early days of the spill, fish were contaminated with oil or dispersant,
Navy secretary to hold town hall meetings on Gulf's futureMiamiHerald.com
Louisiana reopens fishing grounds after spill closureAFP
US Gulf Coast states push for offshore oil revenuesReuters Africa
NOLA.com –BusinessWeek –Bastrop Daily Enterprise
all 178 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

House approves oil spill legislation – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on July 30, 2010 by bp complaints


House approves oil spill legislation
Los Angeles Times
In its most sweeping response to the gulf oil spill, the House on Friday approved legislation that would impose new environmental safeguards for offshore
House approves oil spill legislationThe Associated Press
Offshore Drilling Overhaul Passed by House After BP Oil SpillBusinessWeek
House to vote on oil spill bill, including several Markey provisionsBoston Globe
MiamiHerald.com –AFP –Wall Street Journal
all 376 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: BP pulls up boom as fishing areas reopen – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on July 30, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Gulf oil spill: BP pulls up boom as fishing areas reopen
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Federal forecasters said Friday significantly less oil was being observed in aerial views of the gulf. The size of the oil slick has been reduced
BP hiring former FEMA head for Gulf recoveryThe Associated Press
BP's Dudley: Time for 'scaleback' in Gulf cleanupUSA Today
New BP CEO: Some Gulf Efforts To Be Scaled BackNPR
AFP –Telegraph.co.uk –DailyFinance
all 829 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Bullock Wants to Be Removed From Oil Spill-Awareness Campaign – New York Times (blog) 0

Posted on July 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

Bullock Wants to Be Removed From Oil Spill-Awareness Campaign
New York Times (blog)
seeking to draw attention to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico amid questions about the corporate sponsorship of the group organizing the campaign.
Sandra Bullock Wants to Be Erased From Gulf PSAE! Online (blog)
Bullock Pulls Out of Oil Spill PSATonic
Video: Sanda Bullock withdraws from BP-backed front group 'advocating' for Examiner.com
The Associated Press –Huffington Post (blog)
all 212 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

A final fix to gulf oil leak may be at hand – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on July 30, 2010 by bp complaints


A final fix to gulf oil leak may be at hand
Los Angeles Times
Even though no oil has flowed into the Gulf of Mexico since a sealing cap was installed over the gusher July 15, they say it will take a cement job to shut
Admiral Allen provides update on Gulf oil crisisExaminer.com
Gulf Oil Disaster Reaches 100 DaysVoice of America
WebMD –Seattle Times –New York Times
all 3,955 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: Wide swath of fisheries reopened in Louisiana – Los Angeles Times (blog) 2

Posted on July 30, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

Gulf oil spill: Wide swath of fisheries reopened in Louisiana
Los Angeles Times (blog)
No new oil has flowed into the Gulf of Mexico since a sealing cap was installed over the failed well 50 miles off Louisiana. As early as Sunday evening,
Louisiana Reopens Some Fishing Areas in Gulf as FDA Tests Confirm SafetyBloomberg
Key step toward killing gulf gusher could happen soonerBoston Globe
Florida Releases July 29, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation UpdateGov Monitor
Examiner.com –BusinessWeek –Washington Post (blog)
all 4,887 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Dudley to outline BP plans to help Gulf recover – Albany Times Union 0

Posted on July 30, 2010 by bp complaints


Dudley to outline BP plans to help Gulf recover
Albany Times Union
Hayward, who became the face of BP's flailing efforts to contain the massive Gulf oil spill, will step down as chief executive in October and be offered a
BP's Hayward Defends Tenure, Spill ResponseWall Street Journal
Dudley to outline BP plans to help Gulf recoverAtlanta Journal Constitution
BP oil spill: Was Tony Hayward right after all?Telegraph.co.uk
The Associated Press –BNET (blog) –NOLA.com
all 9,040 news articles »

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