Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Florida’s Response To The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Reaches Day 100 – Holmes County Times Advertiser 1

Posted on August 08, 2010 by bp complaints

Bradenton Herald

Florida's Response To The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Reaches Day 100
Holmes County Times Advertiser
TALLAHASSEE – Tomorrow, August 7, 2010, marks the 100th day of activation for the Florida State Emergency Response Team's response to the Deepwater Horizon
The St. Joe Company Files Lawsuit against Halliburton for Role in Deepwater MarketWatch (press release)
Real Estate News: Real-Estate Developer St. Joe Sues HalliburtonWall Street Journal (blog)
St. Joe Files Suit against Halliburton for Oil Spill DamageGlobeSt.com
Beaches Leader –CNBC –UPI.com
all 223 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Seattle’s NOAA operation testing safety of Gulf fish – Seattle Times 0

Posted on August 08, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

Seattle's NOAA operation testing safety of Gulf fish
Seattle Times
But nobody checks the fish for chemical dispersants dumped in the Gulf to break up oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill. By Sandi Doughton While Gulf states
Oil Spill Calculations Stir Debate on DamageNew York Times
BP begins 'static kill' of its Deepwater Horizon wellMiamiHerald.com
BP Finishes Pumping Cement into Blown-Out WellVoice of America
Oil & Gas Journal –The Guardian –The Economist (blog)
all 10,693 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Minerals Service Had a Mandate to Produce Results – New York Times 0

Posted on August 08, 2010 by bp complaints

Boston Globe

Minerals Service Had a Mandate to Produce Results
New York Times
At a rally in Houma, La., in June, workers opposed a ban on deep-water drilling imposed after the BP oil spill in the gulf. By JASON DePARLE NEW ORLEANS
Federal agency set the stage for deepwater drillingBoston Globe

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Under Mandate to Get Results, Minerals Service Led Way Into Deep Water – New York Times 0

Posted on August 08, 2010 by bp complaints

New York Times

Under Mandate to Get Results, Minerals Service Led Way Into Deep Water
New York Times
At a rally in Houma, La., in June, workers opposed a ban on deep-water drilling imposed after the BP oil spill in the gulf. By JASON DePARLE NEW ORLEANS

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gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Coverage Turns, Cautiously, to Spill Impact – New York Times 0

Posted on August 07, 2010 by bp complaints


Coverage Turns, Cautiously, to Spill Impact
New York Times
Recent reports that much of the oil seemed to have disappeared from the surface of the gulf prompted fierce reactions in the region.
BP: Focus is on killing well, not future drilling in GulfCNN
Gulf oil spill: BP starts last leg of relief wellLos Angeles Times (blog)
BP considers drilling in same area as Gulf oil spill, could be worth New York Daily News
USA Today –The Associated Press –Kansas City Star
all 3,781 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf fishermen aren’t ready to ditch BP – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on August 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

Gulf fishermen aren't ready to ditch BP
Los Angeles Times
"Shrimping is a gamble, but this is a sure thing and the money's about the same as what I was making before the oil spill," said Ted Portier, 63,
Gulf oil spillDallas Morning News
The water's fineBoston Globe
How the Gulf oil disaster may change the seafood culture of Gulf coast statesHelium
Helium –Marketplace (blog) –Care2.com (blog)
all 448 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: BP starts last leg of relief well – Los Angeles Times (blog) 4

Posted on August 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Gulf oil spill: BP starts last leg of relief well
Los Angeles Times (blog)
BP resumed work Friday on the drilling operation meant to spell the ultimate end of its notorious gulf well as it continued to scale back its massive
BP considers drilling in same area as Gulf oil spill, could be worth New York Daily News
An Ixtoc vs. Gulf oil spill comparisonUSA Today
Gulf oil spill's economic fallout easing up in FloridaMiamiHerald.com
NPR –CNNMoney –Wall Street Journal
all 13,321 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Turning a Crisis Into an Opportunity – New York Times 0

Posted on August 06, 2010 by bp complaints


Turning a Crisis Into an Opportunity
New York Times
Now that the country's worst oil spill in history has finally been stopped, expect a gusher of political debate over what it meant and whom to blame.
'Static kill' success lifts WH moodPolitico (blog)
A Disaster That Wasn't: How America Survived the SpillEsquire (blog)
Letter to the President #559: 'So precisely how much damage did the oil do?'CNN (blog)

all 60 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP cements Gulf oil well ahead of permanent plug – Economic Times 0

Posted on August 05, 2010 by bp complaints

National Geographic

BP cements Gulf oil well ahead of permanent plug
Economic Times
Progress in shutting off the cause of an environmental disaster for the US Gulf Coast came as a relief for both BP, whose image and stock took a beating,
Defenders of Wildlife Reacts to NOAA Report on Gulf Oil DisastereNews Park Forest
The Gulf oil spill's cost comes into focusUSA Today
Gulf oil spill: White House accused of spinning reportThe Guardian
RedOrbit –Examiner.com –Washington Post
all 13,539 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: BP starts cementing well – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on August 05, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Gulf oil spill: BP starts cementing well
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Since the well was mechanically capped three weeks ago, no oil has leaked into the gulf. Slicks have shrunk substantially and offshore cleanup crews are
Oil Spill Gives Unexpected Boost To Gulf State GovernorsHuffington Post (blog)
Oilspill liability to rise in UKWall Street Journal
Is the Gulf Oil Spill Story Over? Not ReallyTIME
Examiner.com –Reuters (press release) –Fiint
all 13,817 news articles »

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