Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

BP spill will not change oil industry, says lobbyist – Financial Times 0

Posted on August 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters UK

BP spill will not change oil industry, says lobbyist
Financial Times
The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico represented a “renewed call” for oil companies to think about their
Rigs' drilling parts lack third-party endorsementsThe Associated Press
Sector Update: Energy Lower, BP Blames Engineers for Oil SpillNASDAQ
Strong Buys Among Oil StocksForbes (blog)
Huffington Post (blog) –UPI.com –WJZ
all 450 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Obama Pledges Commitment to New Orleans – New York Times 0

Posted on August 30, 2010 by bp complaints

CBS News

Obama Pledges Commitment to New Orleans
New York Times
The excruciatingly slow effort to plug the BP oil spill — finally accomplished in July after 87 days — brought the president to the gulf numerous times in
Obama, in New Orleans, promises to 'fight alongside' Gulf CoastLos Angeles Times
Obama vows to end 'turf wars, red tape' hindering Katrina recoveryChristian Science Monitor
Obama visits New Orleans on Katrina anniversaryThe Associated Press
Washington Post –FOXNews (blog) –9&10 News
all 1,848 news articles »

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Obama, in New Orleans, promises to ‘fight alongside’ Gulf Coast – Los Angeles Times 2

Posted on August 29, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Obama, in New Orleans, promises to 'fight alongside' Gulf Coast
Los Angeles Times
After being criticized for his administration's slow response to this year's BP oil spill, Obama impressed on gulf residents the improvements he had made in
Obama to New Orleans on Katrina anniversarySalon
Work in progressScranton Times-Tribune
Sunday Open Thread: Katrina EditionBig Government (blog)
Politico (blog) –Herald.ie –Christian Science Monitor
all 5,851 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: BP engineer’s idea to help prevent future blowout met with … – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on August 28, 2010 by bp complaints

Los Angeles Times

Gulf oil spill: BP engineer's idea to help prevent future blowout met with
Los Angeles Times (blog)
A BP drilling engineer told federal investigators Friday that he thinks it would be helpful if the oil company had a real-time operations center that rig
BP engineer defends decision on cement jobHouston Chronicle
Key BP engineer refuses to testify at hearingThe Associated Press
BP Engineer Declines To Testify On Oil Well 8 At US Government PanelNASDAQ

all 173 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Now, solar-power ‘Seaswarm’ robots to clean up Gulf oil spill in 30 days – Economic Times 0

Posted on August 28, 2010 by bp complaints

CNET (blog)

Now, solar-power 'Seaswarm' robots to clean up Gulf oil spill in 30 days
Economic Times
WASHINGTON: Scientists may bring in a swarm of solar-powered robots to clean up the Gulf oil spill in a record time of 30 days. The robots, named 'Seaswarm'
Using Robots To Clean Up Oil SpillsForbes
MIT builds swimming, oil-eating robotsComputerworld
MIT Robots Self Clean Oil SpillsReuters
DVICE –CNET (blog) –Robotic Magazine (blog)
all 66 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Poll: Bush handled Katrina better than Obama dealt with oil spill – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on August 28, 2010 by bp complaints

USA Today

Poll: Bush handled Katrina better than Obama dealt with oil spill
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Obama will also discuss the BP spill, which pushed more than 200 million gallons of crude oil into the gulf waters and on to environmentally sensitive
Obama to commemorate Katrina on 5th anniversaryThe Associated Press
Poll: Most Say New Orleans Deserves More US AidCBS News
How Katrina revived New OrleansReuters Blogs (blog)
Independent –Episcopal News Service –Docuticker (blog)
all 3,823 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

In Oil Inquiry, Panel Sees No Single Smoking Gun – New York Times 0

Posted on August 28, 2010 by bp complaints


In Oil Inquiry, Panel Sees No Single Smoking Gun
New York Times
Blog posts about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. By Friday, nearly all of the main witnesses, from roustabouts to senior vice presidents, had testified
Gulf oil spill: Doomed rig had good reputation, BP executive testifiesLos Angeles Times (blog)
BP Executives Say They Didn't Know Who Had Command of Oil Rig Before BlastBloomberg
BP slammed over unclear answers on oil rig safetyAberdeen Evening Express
NOLA.com –This is London
all 763 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: Hearing focuses on BP decision maker – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on August 27, 2010 by bp complaints

CBS News

Gulf oil spill: Hearing focuses on BP decision maker
Los Angeles Times (blog)
A witness confirmed this week that Guide was aware of well-documented maintenance problems aboard the oil rig, leased from Transocean.
Key BP engineer refuses to testify at hearingThe Associated Press
BP Engineer Declines To Testify On Oil Well 8 At US Government PanelNASDAQ
BP Engineer May Shed Light on Gulf Spill as Decision Is ProbedBloomberg

all 168 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Attempt to lift blowout preventer to start next week – Los Angeles Times (blog) 3

Posted on August 27, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters UK

Gulf oil spill: Attempt to lift blowout preventer to start next week
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Engineers in the Gulf of Mexico have abandoned efforts to fish out pieces of drill pipe stuck in the damaged Macondo well and early next week will begin
Feds to remove temporary cap from Gulf wellThe Associated Press
Salvage operation could offer up clues to US oil spillAFP
FOX 8 News WVUE-TV –Houston Chronicle –CNN
all 544 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Doomed rig had good reputation, BP executive testifies – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on August 27, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

Gulf oil spill: Doomed rig had good reputation, BP executive testifies
Los Angeles Times (blog)
The Deepwater Horizon, which exploded April 20 in the Gulf of Mexico, was considered one of the most efficient and safest mobile floating rigs in the
Preventing the Next Oil Spill: Do Consumers Hold the Key?Huffington Post (blog)
Did Transocean's Neglect of Deepwater Horizon Rig Maintenance Cause Gulf Oil DailyFinance
Berkeley's Answer to Gulf Oil Spill MysteryNBC Bay Area
PNW Local News –Bloomberg –Maroon
all 554 news articles »

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