Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf oil spill disaster has cost BP $11.2bn – so far – Times LIVE 0

Posted on October 02, 2010 by bp complaints

Gulf oil spill disaster has cost BP .2bn – so far
Times LIVE
British energy giant BP has spent .2-billion on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster, the company said on Friday as new boss Bob Dudley began his first
Depression soars among Gulf residents after oil spill – PollIndependent
Obama Moves Gulf Recovery Plan ForwardAfro American
United effort sought to promote tourism, seafood after Gulf of Mexico oil spillNOLA.com
Press-Register – al.com –Las Vegas Sun –Evansville Courier & Press
all 153 news articles »

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Problems Seen in Process for BP Oil Spill Fund – New York Times 0

Posted on October 02, 2010 by bp complaints

CBS News

Problems Seen in Process for BP Oil Spill Fund
New York Times
part of his summer barnstorming towns near the Gulf of Mexico, urging people who felt they had suffered financial hardship because of the oil spill to
Feinberg: Gulf Oil Spill Claims Paid More Quickly, but Tough Calls AheadNewsHour
Gulf spill claims process still slow: senatorReuters
Overseer of Spill Fund Says 'Scams' FlourishWall Street Journal
NPR –The Atlantic (blog) –NOLA.com
all 30 news articles »

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Enviro Groups Ignored Gulf Before BP Disaster – New York Times 0

Posted on October 02, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Enviro Groups Ignored Gulf Before BP Disaster
New York Times
But only one lawsuit was filed by an environmental group involving oil and gas production in the Gulf. So, regulators at what was then the Minerals
Feds establish downtown bunker to build criminal, civil cases against BP NOLA.com
Gulf oil spill estimates loweredBreaking Travel News
US official says BP spill fines should go to GulfReuters
Washington Post –unEARTHED, from Earthjustice (blog) –Voice of America
all 4,739 news articles »

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Gulf Oil Spill: Researchers say levels of harmful oil compounds jumped in gulf … – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on October 02, 2010 by bp complaints

unEARTHED, from Earthjustice (blog)

Gulf Oil Spill: Researchers say levels of harmful oil compounds jumped in gulf
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Levels of some cancer-causing oil compounds rose significantly in the waters off the Louisiana coast during the BP spill, according to Oregon State
Carcinogens are 40-times greater off LouisianaunEARTHED, from Earthjustice
Scientist Finds High Levels of Carcinogens in GulfMother Jones (blog)
Scientists: 40 Times More Cancer-Causing Toxics in Gulf than Before Spill Prison Planet.com
Daily Beast
all 10 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Federal point man Thad Allen moving to Rand Corp. – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on October 01, 2010 by bp complaints

USA Today

Gulf oil spill: Federal point man Thad Allen moving to Rand Corp.
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the voice and face of the federal government's response to the BP oil spill, is joining Rand Corp. as a senior fellow.
Adm. Allen Steps Down From BP Oil Spill Response, Joins RANDWall Street Journal
US closes response command for BP oil wellAFP
Obama Gulf spill chief Thad Allen to start gig at RANDThe Hill (blog)
USA Today –Talk Radio News Service –PennEnergy- Energy News (press release)
all 22 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Government issues tighter rules for deep-water drilling – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on October 01, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Government issues tighter rules for deep-water drilling
Los Angeles Times
The aim is to prevent another disaster like the BP oil spill in the gulf. By Neela Banerjee, Tribune Washington Bureau The Interior Department,
Oil stocks mixed after new government rulesBusinessWeek
New offshore drilling rules require rigs practice for spillsKansas City Star
Salazar Says Offshore Drill Plans Must Identify Potential RisksBloomberg
The Hill (blog) –Politico (blog) –Reuters
all 495 news articles »

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New rules on offshore oil drilling; ban closer to being lifted – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

New rules on offshore oil drilling; ban closer to being lifted
Los Angeles Times
The Interior Department issues drilling and workplace rules meant to make deepwater operations safer after the gulf oil spill.
Salazar Says Offshore Drill Plans Must Identify Potential RisksBloomberg
US Issues New Rules on Offshore DrillingNew York Times
Salazar announces new drilling rules but nothing on banThe Hill (blog)
Politico (blog) –AFP –Reuters
all 431 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

US Issues New Regulations on Offshore Drilling – New York Times 0

Posted on September 30, 2010 by bp complaints


US Issues New Regulations on Offshore Drilling
New York Times
WASHINGTON — The Interior Department issued new safety and spill-response regulations for offshore oil and gas drilling on Thursday,
Questions about what's next as offshore drilling ban expiresWashington Post
US govt to unveil new drilling rules by ThursdayFOXBusiness
US govt to unveil new drilling rules by ThursdayReuters Africa
Houston Chronicle –CNSNews –The Hill (blog)
all 179 news articles »

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BP research funds to be handled by gulf governors – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

BP research funds to be handled by gulf governors
Los Angeles Times
The research initiative will focus on five major areas, including the study of chemical dispersants used to break up the oil, the effects of the spill on
Gold rush on the Gulf: Researchers clamor for cashThe Associated Press
Gulf of Mexico becomes a font of research dollars after BP spillKSPR
BP and Gulf of Mexico Alliance announce plans for implementing BP's 0 Channel 6 News Online
all 210 news articles »

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BP Sells First Debt Since Gulf Oil Spill – New York Times (blog) 0

Posted on September 28, 2010 by bp complaints

Los Angeles Times

BP Sells First Debt Since Gulf Oil Spill
New York Times (blog)
BP successfully returned to the bond market on Tuesday, five months after its disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico left investors worrying whether the
WRAPUP 1-US official says BP spill fines should go to GulfReuters
Federal gov't: Much of BP's money should go to Gulf statesUSA Today
Whitehouse Bill Clarifies Oil Spill Victims' Right to SueThe Washington Independent
Bloomberg –Wall Street Journal –ABC News
all 2,940 news articles »

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