Posted on
December 07, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Gulf Coast Newspapers |
Now Is the Time to Invest in Restoring the Health of the Gulf of Mexico Huffington Post More than 18 months have passed since the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, but evidence of the spill remains. Unusual numbers of dead dolphins, turtles and other wildlife have been found in the Gulf in the months following the disaster, … BP's Battle Over Who's to Blame for Gulf Disaster Heats UpWall Street Journal (blog) UNITED STATES 14 Dec 2011 Washington plans first auction of Gulf oil leases …NewsAhead Agency Cornyn opposes approval of Gulf oil spill funding MarketWatch (press release) –Gulf Coast Newspapers all 1,313 news articles »
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Tags: GulfHealthHuffingtonInvestMexicoPostrestoringTime
Posted on
December 01, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Trading News Bulletin |
Time to Simply Watch Transocean Motley Fool As you know well, Transocean was the owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig, which was completing a deepwater Gulf of Mexico well for BP (NYSE: BP ) on April 20, 2010, when the rig exploded, burned, and sank, killing 11 of the hands aboard and resulting in … Transocean shares slide percent on stock offeringBusinessWeek Transocean Falls to 7-Year Low After Share Sale AnnouncementSan Francisco Chronicle Transocean Ltd.The Boston Globe Wall Street Journal – all 145 news articles »
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Tags: FoolMotleySimplyTimeTransoceanWatch
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December 01, 2011 by
bp complaints
Time to Simply Watch Transocean DailyFinance As you know well, Transocean was the owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig, which was completing a deepwater Gulf of Mexico well for BP (NYS: BP) on April 20, 2010, when the rig exploded, burned, and sank, killing 11 of the hands aboard and resulting in …
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Tags: DailyFinanceSimplyTimeTransoceanWatch
Posted on
October 29, 2011 by
bp complaints
It's time to get drilling permits back on track The Daily Advertiser Even with its return, the overall status of Gulf permitting is still significantly below normal levels. GNO Inc.'s report dated Oct. 11, found that deepwater permit issuance lags behind the monthly average held in the year prior to the oil spill. … Major Victory for Seacor in Connection with Deepwater Horizon Rig ExplosionThe Maritime Executive BP Sneaks Back Into The Gulf Of (blog) BP returns to the GulfLondon Review of Books (subscription) (blog)
all 16 news articles »
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Tags: AdvertiserbackDailyDrillingIt'sPermitsTimeTrack
Posted on
September 20, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Congress: Enough Excuses – Time to Pass Oil Spill Response Reforms Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) A government investigation has found that last spring's Deepwater Horizon explosion, which resulted in eleven worker deaths and led to our nation's worst-ever oil spill, was the result of numerous failures and poor decision-making by BP and its … Deepwater Horizon oil spill cleanup workers may have escaped harm7thSpace Interactive (press release) Poor decisions, barrier failure led to Macondo well blowout, oil spillOil & Gas Journal Renewed Push to Keep BP Oil Fine Money in GulfWUSF 89.7 News GreenAnswers –Texas A&M The Battalion –Bizmology all 25 news articles »
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Tags: blogCongressCouncildefenseenoughExcusesNaturalPassReformsResourcesresponsespillTime
Posted on
September 09, 2011 by
bp complaints
Time running out in BP's strategy vacuum Financial Times Complicating all decisions, and seen as the biggest drag on its share price, is uncertainty over how much BP will have to pay for the gulf spill and whether it will be found to have been grossly negligent, something it has denied. …
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Tags: BP'sFinancialRunningStrategyTimeTimesVacuum
Posted on
June 24, 2011 by
bp complaints
State to BP: Time to pay up WOKV AP FILE In this April 21, 2010 file image provided by the US Coast Guard, fire boat response crews battle the blazing remnants of the off shore oil rig Deepwater Horizon. The owner of the rig largely blames oil giant BP for the disaster in an internal … Transocean blames BP for oil rig Banks are lending money to energy exploration projects again despite last … BP and Transocean Still Pointing Fingers Over Oil SpillMotley Fool (press release) –Bayoubuzz –Houston Chronicle all 32 news articles »
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Tags: stateTimeWOKV
Posted on
May 01, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Proactive Investors UK |
Oil time bomb ticking in Gulf Nashua Telegraph Among the many lessons to be learned from the Deepwater Horizon deadly explosion and subsequent three-month oil spill that spewed 5 million barrels of crude into the Gulf of Mexico is that, economically, the vitality of the region depends on oil … Washington Watch for May 1, 20112TheAdvocate Oil Drill Ban Costs Govt Billions; al-Qaida Targeted Brooklyn BP profits soar, predicts it soon will resume drilling in Gulf of MexicoDaily Kos Eurasia Review –Gulf Coast Maritime –The Hindu all 81 news articles »
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Tags: BombGulfNashuaTelegraphTickingTime
Posted on
April 24, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Time for a Cease-Fire in the War on Oil Wall Street Journal This month, one year since the Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, the Noble Clyde Boudreaux—an ultra-deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig—will start operations off the coast of Brazil. Until a few weeks ago it was … A year later, what's changed for oil and gas?Daily Comet Damage costs from the BP oil spill continuing to LUTHER STRANGE: Alabama in forefront of BP claims litigationGadsden Times Auburn Citizen –Business Standard –Boston Globe all 1,978 news articles »
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Tags: CeaseFireJournalStreetTimeWall
Posted on
April 20, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
The BP Oil Spill, One Year On: Forgetting the Lessons of Drilling in the Gulf TIME It took just a couple of days for Admiral Thad Allen to realize how disastrous the well blowout at the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig would prove to be. On April 20 last year, the well being drilled by the … Deepwater Horizon, One Year Later: A Conversation With Carl SafinaThe Atlantic Inkley: "This impact could last for many many years"CNN (blog) Last of Gulf closed by spill reopens to fishingBusinessWeek BBC News –Politico all 5,432 news articles »
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Tags: DrillingForgettingGulfLessonsspillTimeYear