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September 21, 2010 by
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New Orleans Saints raffle Super Bowl ring for Gulf spill charities Mother Nature Network (blog) Beyond the raffle, the Saints have already allocated 0000 to local charities that are responding to the recent oil spill disaster. … Saints announce winner of ring raffle2TheAdvocate (blog) Hattiesburg man wins Saints Super Bowl ringFOX 8 News WVUE-TV
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Posted on
August 09, 2010 by
bp complaints
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Having the Super Bowl Champion New Orleans Saints here at the White House this morning, there was a sense of hope and almost lightheartedness – nobody forgot that Louisiana is still in the midst of yet another tragedy, but it was reminder that New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Coast has seen the worst before and come out fighting.
The President gave a few remarks on why so many Americans had a soft spot for the Saints:
So this was an unbelievable season. After decades of frustration, the Saints finally won the big one. The “ain’ts” and the “sad sacks” gave way to the “Who Dats.” Local musicians even gave a jazz funeral to retire the “ain’ts” nickname. But I think we all know that this season meant far more than that to the City of New Orleans -– and to all Americans, really.
Look, I’m a Bears fan. I’m not going to lie. (Laughter.) But this was a big win for the country — not just for New Orleans — because five years ago, this team played its entire season on the road. It didn’t have a home field. The Superdome had been ruined by Hurricane Katrina. The heartbreaking tragedies that unfolded there when it was used as a shelter from that terrible storm lingered all too fresh in a lot of people’s minds.
And back then, people didn’t even know if the team was coming back. People didn’t know if the city was coming back. Not only did the team come back – it took its city’s hands and helped its city back on its feet. This team took the hopes and the dreams of a shattered city and placed them squarely on its shoulders.
And so these guys became more than leaders in the locker room -– they became leaders of an entire region. And the victory parade that we saw earlier this year made one thing perfectly clear, that New Orleans and the New Orleans Saints are here to stay.
Te President also spoke about the team’s commitment to their community, and the government’s commitment to keep doing everything necessary for as long as it takes in the wake of the BP oil spill:
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White Blog Feed
Tags: ObamaOrleansPresidentSaintsSpiritwelcomes
Posted on
June 09, 2010 by
bp complaints
Saints visit Louisiana communities weary of oil
Louisiana residents weary from the worst-ever U.S. oil spill set aside its misery for a few hours Tuesday to schmooze with the National Football League-champion New Orleans Saints. Along the main highway to Fort Jackson in Plaquemines Parish, coach Sean Payton, team owner Tom Benson and some players passed Saints banners that sprouted where anti-BP signs had stood.
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