White House Oval Office Address Obama Oil Spill – Roachenator Slayer Special 37
Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Howard Fineman react to President Obama’s Oval Office Address on the oil spill. Here are the highlights of what the trio said: Olbermann: “It was a great speech if you were on another planet for the last 57 days.” Matthews compared Obama to Carter. Olbermann: “Nothing specific at all was said.” Matthews: “No direction.” Howard Fineman: “He wasn’t specific enough.” Olbermann: “I don’t think he aimed low, I don’t think he aimed at all. It’s startling.” Howard Fineman: Obama should be acting like a “commander-in-chief.” Matthews: Ludicrous that he keeps saying [Secretary of Energy] Chu has a Nobel prize. “I’ll barf if he does it one more time.” Matthews: “A lot of meritocracy, a lot of blue ribbon talk.” Matthews: “I don’t sense executive command.” For cool people only \m/ BARACK OILBAMA uses oil spill as an excuse to push extreme far left wing politics “In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11, indelibly by 9/11. I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come. And one of the biggest leadership challenges for me going forward is going to be to make sure that we draw the right lessons from this disaster and that we move forward in a bold way in a direction that finally gives us the kind of future-oriented — or the kind of visionary energy policy that we so vitally need and has been absent for so long. … [N]ow is …

Youtube will only broadcast the 1st 10 minutes of this 16 minute interview. To see the entire interview with this Transocean Horizon Explosion Survivor please go to www.drillingahead.com You can also view our discussion at www.drillingahead.com
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