MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Release of rehabilitated pelicans at Coast Guard Station Brunswick, Ga. 0
Louisiana Pelican Release in Texas – Texas Parks and Wildlife [Official] 7
Several rehabilitated brown pelicans and 1 Forrester tern were transported from Louisiana to the Aransas National Wildife Refuge near Rockport. The birds were banded and released. So far there are no known direct impacts of the oil spill on the Texas coast. For more on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, see
Video Rating: 4 / 5
VIDEO RELEASE: Public Service Announcement Publicizing the Hotline To Report Impacted Wildlife 0
VIDEO RELEASE: Protect the Boom PSA 0
Pelican Release 0
A group of rescued pelicans is returned to the wild
Uploads by deepwaterhorizonjic
UPDATED MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Release of Rehabilitated Brown Pelicans 0
PHOTO RELEASE: U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Marlin patrols to support more than two dozen Vessels of Opportunity participants 0
PHOTO RELEASE: U.S. Coast Guard conducts SCAT team training operations in St. Petersburg, Fla. 0
Coast Guard flies pelicans rescued from oil spill to Texas for release 0
The Coast Guard flies pelicans rehabilitated from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill from New Orleans to Texas to be released into the wild June 20, 2010. U.S. Coast Guard video by Petty Officer 2nd Class Gina Ruoti.
Uploads by deepwaterhorizonjic