Posted on
March 23, 2011 by
bp complaints
 News One |
Why is Brazilian Oil Giant Petrobras Pumping Oil Off America's Gulf Coast? From the Trenches World Report The war in Libya is more about oil than anything else and it's beyond belief that America is not producing more oil to protect ourselves. The Japan disaster is going to put big time pressure on the world's oil supply and prices in America such as .00 … Beck, Limbaugh Renew Smear That Obama Is Undermining US With Petrobras …Media Matters for America How the Wall Street Journal Set Off a Firestorm Against PetrobrasForbes (blog)
all 55 news articles »
gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: America'sBraziliancoastGiantGulfPetrobraspumpingReportTrenchesWorld
Posted on
September 18, 2010 by
bp complaints
 Washington Post |
BP: Finished Pumping Cement At Deepwater Horizon Well Wall Street Journal LN) said Saturday it is waiting for the cement it pumped into the bottom of the Deepwater Horizon well to set before proceeding to test it. … BP's Deepwater Horizon Debacle At Five Months: Final Well Kill In Sight?Gulf Coast Maritime BP's report is self-servingCharleston Post Courier BP says well may be sealed by todayHouston Chronicle –Washington Post –2TheAdvocate all 61 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: cementDeepwaterFinishedHorizonJournalpumpingStreetWallWell
Posted on
August 06, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
BP oil spill update: Oil giant completes pumping cement into oil well … Administration almost 53 million gallons of oil remains in the Gulf — five times more than the size of spill left by the Exxon Valdez in Alaska in 1989. BP Finishes Injection Early; Cap on Oil–Spill Payouts Set to Be Raised in UKWall Street Journal Oil spill in Michigan's Kalamazoo River has echoes of Gulf of Mexico disasterWashington Post Gulf oil spill: BP starts cementing wellLos Angeles Times (blog) BusinessWeek –The Guardian –San Francisco Chronicle all 13,166 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: cementCompletesExaminer.comGiantintopumpingspillUPDATEWell
Posted on
June 12, 2010 by
bp complaints
BP plans to burn some oil pumping up to surface
BP plan to burn off the oil they are collecting from the sea-bottom spill using a device called an EverGreen Burner.
Read more on 3news
Tags: burnPlanspumpingSomeSurface