Forecast: Oil SOUTH of the Florida Keys by May 19 according to trajectory projections 15
The federal government is failing to keep Florida residents informed. The mega-disaster will soon arrive on the east coast. Today the nations top federal offshore drilling official stepped down. Satellite imagery courtesy of Ocean Circulation Group, University of South Florida. Video courtesy of Subscribe for more updates. Tags “May 16” “May 17” “May 18” dispersant riser pipe syphon gulf louisiana alabama mississippi miami lauderdale “palm beach” turtles coral reef pelicans oilspill oilslick oil BP Deepwater Horizon Transocean Halliburton Anadarko wellhead junkshot containment boom dome rov rig blowout ixtoc exxon valdez volcano geyser loop current gulfstream “new orleans” biloxi
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Rep. Peter Welch questioned leaders of BP, Transocean and Halliburton on May 12 about the devastating human and environmental toll of the Gulf oil spill. Welch visited the Gulf region on Friday with a bipartisan delegation of Energy and Commerce Committee members. The group flew over the spill site, were briefed by response officials and met with residents and business owners affected by the spill. Welch recently cosponsored the BP Deepwater Horizon Inquiry Commission Act, which would create an independent, non-partisan commission to investigate the causes of the Gulf spill and seek to prevent future incidents from occurring.