Posted on
December 06, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Sunshine State News |
Study Praises RESTORE Act as Good for Businesses Sunshine State News The RESTORE Act would ensure that 80 percent of the fines from the BP oil spill last year would go to restore the Gulf region. The measure has already moved through the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and has the backing of both Sunshine … Report: Federal RESTORE Act would generate many jobs for Florida businessesWTSP 10 News US releases Gulf recovery roadmapUpstream Online RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other StatesMarketWatch (press release)
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Tags: BusinessesGoodNewspraisesrestorestateStudySunshine
Posted on
September 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
 GCaptain (press release) |
Admiral Papp Praises Deepwater Horizon Crew, Captain Kutcha Cleared GCaptain (press release) The Commandant of the US Coast Guard, Admiral Robert Papp, released his final report on the Deepwater Horizon Investigation today. The contents of the report are in stark contrast to the initial USCG Investigation …
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Tags: AdmiralCaptainClearedCrewDeepwaterGCaptainHorizonKutchaPapppraisespressRELEASE
Posted on
May 18, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Maritime Executive (press release) |
MTD Praises Coast Guard Investigative Report on Deepwater Horizon Tragedy The Maritime Executive (press release) In letters sent to Capitol Hill, the Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO lauded the US Coast Guard report on last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster. MTD President Michael Sacco (pictured) stated the 288-page report issued last month “provides all a far …
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Tags: coastDeepwaterExecutiveGuardHorizonInvestigativeMaritimepraisespressRELEASEReporttragedy
Posted on
March 13, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Politico |
GOP praises Bill Clinton on drilling Politico (blog) They portrayed that drop as a result of a moratorium Obama imposed on new deepwater drilling permits last year following the massive Deepwater Horizon spill. The administration recently granted two permits–the first two since the spill. … GOP Lawmakers Back Bill Clinton on
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Tags: billblogClintonDrillingPoliticopraises
Posted on
February 18, 2011 by
bp complaints
Rep. Grijalva Praises Committee's Investigation of Gulf Oil Spill Response The State Column (blog) He wrote: “Gaining public trust is necessary in disaster response, and the preparation of the Oil Budget report suggests the White House chose to shortcut that process. For instance, an early draft of the report apparently sent to the White House for …
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Tags: blogColumnCommittee'sGrijalvaGulfinvestigationpraisesRep.responsespillstate
Posted on
February 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
OMSA Praises Ruling Holding Obama Administration in Contempt for its … PR Newswire (press release) "President Obama claims to have lifted the Gulf moratorium, yet not a single deepwater permit has been issued in nine months. As a result, thousands of … Administration's Drill Ban Draws Blast From JudgeWall Street Journal
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Tags: AdministrationContemptHoldingNewswireObamaOMSApraisespressRELEASERuling
Posted on
September 30, 2010 by
bp complaints |
Carper praises oil spill fund administrator WDEL 1150AM Senator Carper defends and praises the man in charge of the fund set up to pay victims of the Gulf Coast oil spill. … Carper Says Gulf Claims System Needs Work, Vouches for FeinbergBloomberg Kenneth Feinberg talks about the oil spill claim process: see the More Oil Spill Victims Receiving Claim ChecksWKRG-TV KeysNet –The Florida Independent – (blog) all 184 news articles »
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Tags: 1150AMAdministratorCarperFundpraisesspillWDEL