Posted on
October 17, 2010 by
bp complaints
The BP oil well's plugged. Now what? Cleaning up the Gulf Jackson Clarion Ledger One can gain some perspective by comparing the recent Gulf of Mexico blowout to the second largest oil spill in US waters – the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. … What we learned, No. 6: Put someone credible in chargeOrlando Sentinel Decision 2010: Oil drilling becomes a hot political issueThe News Herald What we learned, No. 2: Oil and tourism don't mixOrlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel –Orlando Sentinel –Orlando Sentinel all 10 news articles »
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Tags: ClarionCleaningGulfJacksonLedgerplugged.well's
Posted on
September 19, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Coast Guard declares BP Gulf oil well plugged NECN An estimated 4.9 million barrels escaped into Gulf waters during the disaster before the flow was contained in late July. John Wright is a contractor who … BP oil well behind disaster is officially declared Gulf Oil Spill: Deepwater Horizon Well Now 'Effectively Dead' Says Coast GuardAll247News The Day the Water Died: Detoxing after the Gulf Oil Spill, by Gabriela Segura, MDVeterans Today Network Sify –International Business Times –CNN all 1,530 news articles »
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Tags: coastdeclaresGuardGulfNECNplugged.Well
Posted on
September 19, 2010 by
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 Reuters |
Q+A: BP's Gulf of Mexico well is plugged. Now what? Reuters HOW HAS THE SPILL IMPACTED THE GULF COAST? * For 87 days following the April 20 Deepwater Horizon rig explosion that triggered the oil spill, crude spewed … Blown-out BP well finally killed at bottom of Gulf of Mexico [Updated]Los Angeles Times (blog) Gulf oil spill 'finally sealed'BBC News BP oil spill "effectively dead"Financial Times CNN –Bloomberg –Reuters Canada all 1,561 news articles »
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Tags: BP'sGulfMexicoplugged.ReutersWell
Posted on
September 17, 2010 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Gulf oil well close to being plugged for good The blast triggered an environmental and economic disaster for the region along the Gulf shoreline, and drew public and political attention to the oil and … Tony Hayward grilled by British MPsThe Voice of Russia Hayward Defends BP's Record In U.K. TestimonyNPR Blame gameLawrence Journal World Sarasota Herald-Tribune –Newswise (press release) –OMB Watch all 4,268 news articles »
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Tags: beingcloseCTV.caGoodGulfplugged.Well
Posted on
September 17, 2010 by
bp complaints
 Reuters |
Gulf Oil Spill Update: Well On Verge Of Being Plugged For Good Huffington Post The April 20 blast sank the Deepwater Horizon rig and triggered the spill that eventually spewed 206 million gallons of oil into the Gulf. … Gulf Oil Spill: Bacteria mainly ate the gas, not the oilLos Angeles Times (blog) BP Plc could bring the worst oil spill in US history to an end this weekend …Bloomberg BP Sued by Mexican States Over Gulf Oil–Spill DamageBusinessWeek Herald Sun – –National Geographic all 3,502 news articles »
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Tags: beingGoodGulfHuffingtonplugged.PostspillUPDATEVergeWell
Posted on
August 08, 2010 by
bp complaints |
Oil spill plugged, but more oiled birds than ever are being found The wildlife death toll from the Gulf oil spill has been much lower than the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, which killed an estimated 100000 to 250000 … Oil spill rewrites the rules of researchCharlotte Observer
all 4 news articles »
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Tags: beingbirdseverfoundmoreNOLA.comOiledplugged.spillThan
Posted on
July 28, 2010 by
bp complaints
 CNN International |
Michigan Oil Spill Update: Oil Leak Plugged Long Island Press The Michigan spill is the latest of three major oil spills that have occurred this year, including the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (Spill Update: … Governor sounds alarm about oil spill in Michigan riverCNN Michigan oil spill a replay of Gulf spill?Michigan Messenger Granholm addresses Michigan oil WISH –The Detroit News –iNEWP- Freedom of Speech all 607 news articles »
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Tags: IslandLeaklongMichiganplugged.pressspillUPDATE