Posted on
September 29, 2010 by
bp complaints |
Long-term Recovery Plan For The Gulf Coast Is Released On Tuesday NewOrleans.Com The Obama Administration released America's Gulf Coast: A Long-Term Recovery Plan After The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Tuesday. The report was presented … Gulf Oil Spill Will Not Affect Property Insurance MarketNational Underwriter Property And Casualty Insurance News Presidential Oil Spill Commission Hears Calls for Stronger Response PlanVoice of America Gulf Fishermen Doing Better Thanks to SpillFrumForum Los Angeles Times –Reuters –Trading Markets (press release) all 3,049 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: coastGulflongtermNewOrleans.ComplanRecoveryReleasedTuesday
Posted on
September 29, 2010 by
bp complaints |
Plan seeks billions for Gulf Coast Houma Courier But any dedication of fines directly to Gulf states will require a change in law. “Today, any penalties would go to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund and … Oil Spill Update: Poll Shows Environmental Restoration High Priority in Gulf …Audubon Magazine (blog) 3 Mexican states sue BP over Gulf oil Gulf oil spill: can region keep its seafood on America's dinnerWBRC USA Today –U.S. News & World Report –Voice of America all 3,020 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: billionscoastCourierGulfHoumaplanseeks
Posted on
September 29, 2010 by
bp complaints |
Presidential Oil Spill Commission Hears Calls for Stronger Response Plan Voice of America The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling heard from US Coast Guard officials, Gulf region scientists and a top BP … Oil spill penalties should go to Gulf Coast, advisors sayLos Angeles Times US official says BP spill fines should go to GulfReuters Panel says witnesses block oil spill AOL News –Trading Markets (press release) –Huffington Post all 3,020 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: AmericacallsCommissionhearsplanPresidentialresponsespillstrongerVoice
Posted on
September 28, 2010 by
bp complaints |
Spill panel presses BP on response plan Washington Post MacDonald said that most of the oil remains in the gulf. This oil "is a highly durable material that resists further dissipation," MacDonald concluded. … Gulf Oil Spill Point Man Calls for Changes to Law for Future ResponseVoice of America At Oil Spill Hearing, Calls For New Response PlanNPR Barack Obama under fire for grossly underestimating Gulf oil spillThe Guardian Los Angeles Times –The Associated Press –St. Louis Post-Dispatch all 1,858 news articles »
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Tags: panelplanPostPressesresponsespillWashington
Posted on
September 28, 2010 by
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 The Guardian |
At Oil Spill Hearing, Calls For New Response Plan NPR The presidential commission investigating the Gulf oil spill called government officials and scientists to account Monday in Washington. … Gulf Oil Spill Point Man Calls for Changes to Law for Future ResponseVoice of America Barack Obama under fire for grossly underestimating Gulf oil spillThe Guardian Oil spill response chief calls for third party to manage future disastersLos Angeles Times AOL News –Washington Post –CNN International all 1,657 news articles »
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Tags: callshearingplanresponsespill
Posted on
September 27, 2010 by
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 CBS News |
Oil spill commission questions BP's response plan Washington Post The co-chairman of the president's oil spill commission pressed a BP executive Monday morning to explain why the company overestimated its … Scientist Says More Than 50% of Oil Still in GulfWall Street Journal Public perception of BP affected spill response, Allen saysCNN International US commission probes Gulf oil spillAFP –NPR –The Associated Press all 1,149 news articles »
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Tags: BP'sCommissionplanPostQuestionsresponsespillWashington
Posted on
September 23, 2010 by
bp complaints
 CBS News |
Kevin Costner Pitches 5M Oil Spill Plan CBS News Actor Kevin Costner returned to Capitol Hill to testify before the House about his 5 million Gulf oil spill disaster plan. The plan incorporates his … Moody Takes Anadarko Off Downgrade Watch Amid Gulf Oil SpillWall Street Journal Gulf Oil Spill Study on Worker HealthWUSF 89.7 News Immeasurable costs of the Gulf oil spillFlorida Times-Union (blog) Audubon Magazine –Washington Examiner (blog) – (blog) all 251 news articles »
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Tags: $895MCostnerKevinNewspitchesplanspill
Posted on
September 04, 2010 by
bp complaints

Good Day All,
Thank you for your participation in the recent Deepwater Horizon Response, Academic Discussion Group. As promised, we have provided the following links to the Pre-Decisional Copy of the Implementation Plan for Sub-Sea and Sub-Surface Oil and Dispersant Detection, Sampling and Monitoring.
1. A Memorandum from the Deputy Federal On-Scene Coordinator outlining submission of input and timelines.
2. The National Incident Commander’s Sub-Surface Oil and Dispersant Detection, Sampling and Monitoring Strategy.
3. A draft, Pre-Decisional Copy from the Unified Area Command entitled: Implementation Plan for Sub-Sea and Sub-Surface Oil and Dispersant Detection, Sampling and Monitoring. We would like your input on this plan.
4. A submission form.
We request your input on the submission form provided, and particularly we would like comments addressing one of the thirteen steps set forth in paragraph (6) of the National Incident Commander’s attached strategy. Completed submission forms should be sent via email to no later than 5:00 p.m. September 7, 2010 so we may consider your input. We expect to have a signed copy of the implementation plan ready for distribution within the next week.
Thank you again for your time and input as we move forward to implement this plan.
RADM Roy Nash
Deputy Federal On-Scene Coordinator
Deepwater Horizon Response
Recent Updates for Unified Command for the Deepwater BP Oil Spill | Deepwater Horizon Response
Tags: Detectionplan
Posted on
September 04, 2010 by
bp complaints
Tags: ImplementationplanPreDecisionalSubsurface
Posted on
August 30, 2010 by
bp complaints
 Daily Mail |
Lesson Plan: Gulf Oil Spill SUNY-ESF Headlines The Gulf oil spill, while severe, will be incorporated into class material just as any other disaster in the area would be. Oil spills, both natural and … High seas force delay in key step needed to kill Gulf oil wellCNN BP blamed for the Gulf oil disaster by – BP engineersThe Inquisitr New Claims Process For Those Affected By The Oil SpillWFN: World Fishing Network Naples Daily News –Lexington Herald Leader –Voice of America all 391 news articles »
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Tags: GulfHeadlineslessonplanspillSUNYESF