Posted on
June 14, 2011 by
bp complaints (blog) |
Enviros Say Feds Caved in to Shell's 'Flawed' Plan for Deepwater Drilling Courthouse News Service "No reasonable person would take a 1-in-43 chance of their house burning down, so why in heaven's name would the federal government take a 1-in-43 chance of having another massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?" Earthjustice attorney David Guest said … Washington Watch for June 13, 20112TheAdvocate
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Tags: CavedCourthouseDeepwaterDrillingEnvirosFedsFlawedNewsplanServiceShell's
Posted on
June 10, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Environmental groups sue over Shell offshore plan Houston Chronicle The conservationists say the government isn't able to make a fully informed decision about the impact of the project now, because the ocean energy bureau has just begun work on an environmental review of the Gulf that is essentially a post-spill update … Environmentalists challenge Shells Gulf plans in courtFuelFix (blog) Exxon Finds Biggest Oil Field in Gulf of Mexico Since 1999San Francisco Chronicle Exxon has 3 deepwater Gulf of Mexico discoveries-UPDATE 5Forexyard Wall Street Journal all 500 news articles »
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Tags: ChronicleenvironmentalGroup'sHoustonoffshoreoverplanShell
Posted on
June 10, 2011 by
bp complaints
Environmentalists sue to halt Gulf drilling plan San Antonio Express The conservationists say the government isn't able to make a fully informed decision about the impact of the project now because the ocean energy bureau has just begun work on an environmental review of the Gulf that is essentially a post-spill update … Environmentalists challenge Shells Gulf plans in courtFuelFix (blog) Exxon has 3 deepwater Gulf of Mexico discoveries-UPDATE 5Forexyard Exxon Finds Biggest Oil Field in Gulf of Mexico Since 1999San Francisco Chronicle Wall Street Journal all 476 news articles »
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Tags: AntonioDrillingEnvironmentalistsExpressGulfhaltplan
Posted on
May 19, 2011 by
bp complaints
 BBC News |
UK tests deep water oil leak plan BBC News It followed concerns raised by the Gulf of Mexico spill in April 2010, when a blast at the Deepwater Horizon rig caused a massive oil leak. Exercise Sula tested how authorities would react to and deal with a major deep water spill in the UK. … Senator decries BP tax deductionWalton Sun UCSB Professor Returns from Gulf Spill TripDaily Nexus Sydney Ideas talk – Deepwater Horizon: what happened and what next?Village Voice Balmain The Nation. (blog) –NASDAQ –Opposing Views all 33 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: DeepLeakNewsplanTestsWater
Posted on
May 18, 2011 by
bp complaints
 FuelFix (blog) |
US approves BHP's deep-water Gulf of Mexico exploration plan The Australian BHP's is the third such plan to be approved by federal offshore regulators since new safety and environmental rules were adopted in the aftermath of BP's deadly Deepwater Horizon disaster. Royal Dutch Shell has had two exploration plans approved. … BOEMRE announces the approval of an Initial Exploration PlanKATC Lafayette News BHP deepwater exploration plan OKed for U.S. gulfMarketWatch UCSB Professor Returns from Gulf Spill TripDaily Nexus Sky News Australia –The Nation. (blog) –Press Action (blog) all 59 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: ApprovesAustralianBHP'sDeepwaterexplorationGulfMexicoplan
Posted on
May 18, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Houston Chronicle (blog) |
BHP deepwater exploration plan OKed for U.S. gulf MarketWatch The US government had instituted a six-month ban on deep-water drilling after the explosion of Transocean Ltd.'s (NYSE:RIG) Deepwater Horizon, which was being leased by BP PLC (BP, BP.LN), killing 11 and unleashing the largest offshore oil spill in US … US approves BHP's deep-water Gulf of Mexico exploration planThe Australian BOEMRE announces the approval of an Initial Exploration PlanKATC Lafayette News BHP given green light to drill in Gulf of MexicoSydney Morning Herald Finance News Network all 17 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: DeepwaterexplorationGulfMarketWatchOKedplanU.S.
Posted on
May 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
BOEMRE Approves Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Exploration Plan Supported by Post … The Maritime Executive (press release) NEW ORLEANS – The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) today announced the approval of a deepwater Gulf of Mexico Exploration Plan (EP) following the completion of a site-specific Environmental Assessment (SEA) for …
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: ApprovesBOEMREDeepwaterExecutiveexplorationGulfMaritimeMexicoplanPostpressRELEASEsupported
Posted on
May 12, 2011 by
bp complaints
DNR Secretary Angelle Comments on BOEMREs Approval of Second Exploration Plan … KATC Lafayette News Today, LA Department of Natural Resources Secretary Scott Angelle commented on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement's (BOEMRE) approval of the second deepwater Exploration Plan (EP) since the Deepwater Horizon explosion and …
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: AngelleapprovalBOEMRE'sCommentsexplorationKATCLafayetteNewsplanSecondSecretary
Posted on
May 11, 2011 by
bp complaints
US approves Shell's Gulf of Mexico drilling plan MarketWatch Overall since last June, the US has issued drilling permits for 13 wells in deep water, or depths of greater than 500 feet, subject to new safety requirements put in place after the Gulf oil spill. The agency has also issued permits for 52 new wells in …
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gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: ApprovesDrillingGulfMarketWatchMexicoplanShell's
Posted on
May 11, 2011 by
bp complaints
CORRECT: US Approves Shell Plan To Drill In Gulf Of Mexico Automated Trader Overall since last June, the US has issued drilling permits for 13 wells in deep water, or depths of greater than 500 feet, subject to new safety requirements put in place after the Gulf oil spill. The agency has also issued permits for 52 new wells in …
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Tags: ApprovesAutomatedCorrectDrillGulfMexicoplanShellTrader