Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

BP cuts ruptured oil pipe with shears 0

Posted on June 04, 2010 by bp complaints

Overflight of top kill operations 2
bp oil spill 2010
Image by Deepwater Horizon Response

BP cuts ruptured oil pipe with shears
VENICE, La. (Reuters) – BP succeeded on Thursday in cutting a ruptured oil pipe in the Gulf of Mexico and will begin funneling oil and gas to the surface within hours, U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen said.
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How to close the BP Deepwater Horizon faulty pipe 0

Posted on June 01, 2010 by bp complaints

How to close the leaking pipe of BP. Place the device over a free section of the existing pipe and close it with hydraulic rams. Seals with rubber rings and little spikes that firmly grip the pipe. A chemical bonding agent can be injected between the pipe and the device to improve grip. Cut off the existing pipe with rov’s. Using hydraulic rams, the two hatches close over the resulting small piece of pipe that is sticking out of the device. The pipe is now ending in a chamber that is sealed. The device could have an internal valve, allowing fluids to be pumped into this chamber, and as a result also allowing fluids to be pumped down the pipe.
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Oil Leaking from Deepwater Horizon’s Broken Riser Pipe 0

Posted on May 22, 2010 by bp complaints

Oil Leaking from Deepwater Horizon’s Broken Riser Pipe. Video was released 5-18-2010. visit: firedoglake.com

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