Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Presidential panel says response misleading, sluggish, over-optimistic – Houston Chronicle 0

Posted on October 07, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Presidential panel says response misleading, sluggish, over-optimistic
Houston Chronicle
In four sharply critical reports released Wednesday, the commission's investigators also rapped the administration for its initial response to the oil spill
Gulf oil spill: White House blocked and put spin on scientists' warningsThe Guardian
Report critical of government response to gulf oil spillLos Angeles Times
Gulf oil spill response ill-managed, presidential panel saysWashington Post
Wall Street Journal –The Associated Press –The Washington Independent
all 814 news articles »

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Panel: White House blocked worst-case oil spill figures – Salon 0

Posted on October 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

Panel: White House blocked worst-case oil spill figures
The White House blocked efforts by federal scientists to tell the public just how bad the Gulf oil spill could have been, according to
Gulf oil spill response ill-managed, presidential panel saysWashington Post
Oil well sealed, claims improvingAtmore Advance
Oil Spill Conference Keeps Gulf Disaster in MindWUSF 89.7 News
Wall Street Journal –Bloomberg –Observer Online
all 1,052 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill response ill-managed, presidential panel says – Washington Post (blog) 0

Posted on October 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

Gulf oil spill response ill-managed, presidential panel says
Washington Post (blog)
said one of the four working papers written by the staff of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling.
Spill Panel Faults Obama Response EffortWall Street Journal
Spill Commission Report Details Failures of Administration's 'Oil Budget'The Washington Independent
White House oil spill commission releases new reportsNOLA.com
Houston Chronicle –The Detroit News –Barron’s (blog)
all 954 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill response ill-managed, presidential panel says – Washington Post 0

Posted on October 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Gulf oil spill response ill-managed, presidential panel says
Washington Post
The Obama administration's response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill was marked by confusion over the spill rate and conflicts between
Spill Panel Faults Obama Response EffortWall Street Journal
Report: US Thwarted Worst-Case Oil Spill EstimateNPR
Report: White House Kept Key Information from Public in Weeks After Oil SpillThe Washington Independent
NOLA.com –Houston Chronicle –The Detroit News
all 875 news articles »

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Gulf Coast should avoid ‘going back to poor’ after oil spill, says panel – al.com (blog) 0

Posted on October 06, 2010 by bp complaints

al.com (blog)

Gulf Coast should avoid 'going back to poor' after oil spill, says panel
al.com (blog)
Callaway was part of a panel that said the Gulf Coast should diversify its economy in the wake of the oil spill. WASHINGTON — The Gulf Coast should not

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Spill panel says Transocean stalls inquiry – Tampabay.com 0

Posted on October 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Boston Globe

Spill panel says Transocean stalls inquiry
Members of a federal panel investigating the cause of the Gulf of Mexico rig explosion and oil spill accused rig owner Transocean on Tuesday of thwarting
Oil spill hearings focus on who was in charge after the blastWashington Post
Panel: Transocean thwarts efforts to get documentsThe Associated Press
Oil spill investigators admonish Transocean for 'thwarting' subpoenas NOLA.com
all 277 news articles »

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Panel: Transocean thwarts efforts to get documents – Kansas City Star 0

Posted on October 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Boston Globe

Panel: Transocean thwarts efforts to get documents
Kansas City Star
Members of a federal panel investigating the cause of the Gulf of Mexico rig explosion and oil spill accused rig owner Transocean on Tuesday of thwarting
Oil spill hearings focus on who was in charge after the blastWashington Post
Panel: Transocean thwarts efforts to get documentsThe Associated Press
Oil spill investigators admonish Transocean for 'thwarting' subpoenas NOLA.com
all 275 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Panel: Transocean thwarts efforts to get documents – The Associated Press 0

Posted on October 05, 2010 by bp complaints


Panel: Transocean thwarts efforts to get documents
The Associated Press
Members of a federal panel investigating the cause of the Gulf of Mexico rig explosion and oil spill and how to improve safety and oversight accused rig
Oil spill investigators admonish Transocean for 'thwarting' subpoenas NOLA.com

all 235 news articles »

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US agencies treated spill as catastrophe from outset, panel told – Oil & Gas Journal 0

Posted on October 04, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Times

US agencies treated spill as catastrophe from outset, panel told
Oil & Gas Journal
US departments and agencies responding to the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico treated it as a catastrophe from the beginning,
Gulf oil spill project excites studentsAlexandria Town Talk
Carcinogen Levels Skyrocket After Gulf Oil SpillThe Epoch Times
BP plc (NYSE:BP) Cleanup Costs EstimatedStock Briefings
Christian Broadcasting Network –FairWarning –domain-B
all 552 news articles »

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Round 5: Investigative Panel Meets Again on Gulf Spill – Christian Broadcasting Network 0

Posted on October 04, 2010 by bp complaints


Round 5: Investigative Panel Meets Again on Gulf Spill
Christian Broadcasting Network
The next round of hearings on the cause of April's deadly rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico and the subsequent oil spill are scheduled to begin Monday
Carcinogen Levels Skyrocket After Gulf Oil SpillThe Epoch Times
Gulf Drilling Ban Could End Months Before Emergency Spill Fleet is Ready for FairWarning
Gulf oil spill: Lingering disaster?The News Herald
domain-B –NorthJersey.com –WKRG-TV
all 532 news articles »

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