Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

In Oil Inquiry, Panel Sees No Single Smoking Gun – New York Times 0

Posted on August 28, 2010 by bp complaints


In Oil Inquiry, Panel Sees No Single Smoking Gun
New York Times
Blog posts about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. By Friday, nearly all of the main witnesses, from roustabouts to senior vice presidents, had testified
Gulf oil spill: Doomed rig had good reputation, BP executive testifiesLos Angeles Times (blog)
BP Executives Say They Didn't Know Who Had Command of Oil Rig Before BlastBloomberg
BP slammed over unclear answers on oil rig safetyAberdeen Evening Express
NOLA.com –This is London
all 763 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP Executives Tell Panel They Didn’t Know Who Had Command of Gulf Oil Well – Bloomberg 0

Posted on August 26, 2010 by bp complaints


BP Executives Tell Panel They Didn't Know Who Had Command of Gulf Oil Well
The incident shut down deep-water oil exploration in the Gulf, closed thousands of square miles of fishing grounds for months, and erased 40 percent of BP's
Gulf oil spill: BP not learning from disasters, investigator chargesLos Angeles Times (blog)
Gulf oil valve 'blunder' revealedThe Press Association
BP shifts blame in Gulf oil spillUPI.com
World Socialist Web Site –Wall Street Journal (blog) –NOLA.com
all 532 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Spill panel probes Obama’s decision to drill more – Washington Post 0

Posted on August 25, 2010 by bp complaints


Spill panel probes Obama's decision to drill more
Washington Post
AP WASHINGTON — The chairmen of the presidential panel investigating the Gulf oil spill are expressing disappointment that the Obama
How reporters mangle science on Gulf oilCNN
Gulf oil spill: other slicks 'saved' by microbesTelegraph.co.uk
BP Oil Spill Has Little Impact on Global DrillingNew York Times (blog)
Los Angeles Times (blog) –Tonic –Examiner.com
all 2,371 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

“Judge Barbier on panel at trial lawyer maritime conference” – Point of Law 0

Posted on August 14, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters India

"Judge Barbier on panel at trial lawyer maritime conference"
Point of Law
Judge Barbier, the MDL judge for Deepwater Horizon (BP) oil spill cases, spoke today at a Louisiana trial-lawyer conference. Nothing inherently wrong with
New Orleans Judge Picked to Handle Gulf Spill SuitNPR
New Orleans will host deepwater horizon oil spill litigationLexology (registration)
Spill claims to test limits of BP's liabilityFinancial Times
Houston Chronicle –Courthouse News Service –Legalbrief (subscription)
all 254 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Oil spill panel co-chair skeptical of drilling ban length – The Hill (blog) 1

Posted on August 10, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil spill panel co-chair skeptical of drilling ban length
The Hill (blog)
compensation fund, a move that would give both sides an incentive to continue production in the Gulf, scene of the US's worst-ever offshore oil spill.
Weather a worry for drilling effortWGME
Q & A: Chairs of BP oilspill panel discuss drilling moratorium, response effortsWashington Post
US spill panel seeks details about drilling banReuters Africa
Seeking Alpha (blog) –NOLA.com –USA Today
all 248 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Q & A: Chairs of BP oil-spill panel discuss drilling moratorium, response efforts – Washington Post 1

Posted on August 09, 2010 by bp complaints


Q & A: Chairs of BP oilspill panel discuss drilling moratorium, response efforts
Washington Post
25, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling will meet in Washington. The seven members of the bipartisan panel
Presidential commission presses Michael Bromwich about moratoriumNOLA.com
Deep-water drilling ban is hurting related businessesUSA Today
'Punishing' the oil industry only hurts the little guysLaurel Leader Call

all 25 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

US panel asked to consolidate oil spill lawsuits – The Associated Press 0

Posted on July 29, 2010 by bp complaints


US panel asked to consolidate oil spill lawsuits
The Associated Press
BOISE, Idaho — More than 2000 miles from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, a federal judicial panel in Idaho is being asked to consolidate more than 300
Federal panel will decide where to hear BP casesMarketplace (blog)
Boise a Player in BP Debate This WeekAg Weekly

all 103 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

As federal panel probes oil spill, picture emerges of a series of iffy decisions – Washington Post 0

Posted on July 25, 2010 by bp complaints

ABC Online

As federal panel probes oil spill, picture emerges of a series of iffy decisions
Washington Post
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill has surpassed the size of the 1969 Santa Barbara spill and the Exxon Valdez. Here are some other historical spills.
BP-leased Deepwater Horizon rig did not have alarm fully activated at time of New York Daily News
Automatic Alarm System Was Disabled Before Deepwater Horizon BlastBloggingStocks (blog)
Technician: Deepwater Horizon warning system disabledRoyal Dutch Shell plc .com (blog)
Examiner.com –Los Angeles Times –Christian Science Monitor
all 902 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

U.S. spill panel to hold public meeting July 12-13 0

Posted on July 05, 2010 by bp complaints

U.S. spill panel to hold public meeting July 12-13
A U.S. presidential panel to probe the cause of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and recommend new rules to prevent future disasters will hold its first public meeting in New Orleans on July 12 and 13 its co-chairs said on Saturday.
Read more on Reuters via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News

UPDATE: US House Panel Passes Oil-Spill Liability Bill 0

Posted on June 24, 2010 by bp complaints

UPDATE: US House Panel Passes Oil-Spill Liability Bill
UPDATE: US House Panel Passes Oil-Spill Liability Bill
Read more on Fox News

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