Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Panel probes decisions made after Gulf spill – Las Vegas Sun 0

Posted on October 03, 2010 by bp complaints


Panel probes decisions made after Gulf spill
Las Vegas Sun
AP How well did the White House react to the Gulf oil spill disaster? A federal panel appointed by President Barack Obama starts its investigation Monday.
Lessons of Gulf spill should spark clean-energy developmentCharleston Post Courier
BP Names Assets as Collateral For Compensation FundDailyFinance
United effort sought to promote tourism, seafood after Gulf of Mexico oil spillNOLA.com
Houston Press (blog) –Mother Nature Network –Independent
all 177 news articles »

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GOP Still Thwarting Spill Panel – Mother Jones (blog) 0

Posted on October 02, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

GOP Still Thwarting Spill Panel
Mother Jones (blog)
The National Oil Spill Commission continues its investigation into the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill, but the president's panel remains hampered by
Spill panel presses BP on response planWashington Post
Long-term Recovery Plan For The Gulf Coast Is Released On TuesdayNewOrleans.Com
Oil from BP spill traveled 500 kms: scientistsAFP
Huffington Post –Fire Chief –NOAA
all 4,739 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

OMSI panel to showcase oil spill experts – Portland Tribune 0

Posted on October 01, 2010 by bp complaints


OMSI panel to showcase oil spill experts
Portland Tribune
Short led a recent expedition to the Gulf of Mexico to conduct an experiment evaluating subsurface oil in the area surrounding the Deepwater Horizon blowout
U.S. oil spill waters contain carcinogens: reportReuters
Has the Gulf oil spill changed US attitudes?USA Today
US oil spill waters contain carcinogens -reportFOXBusiness
KTVZ –UPI.com –The Sophian
all 4,122 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Panel says witnesses block oil spill probe – UPI.com 0

Posted on September 29, 2010 by bp complaints


Panel says witnesses block oil spill probe
29 (UPI) — Industry witnesses are not cooperating with the investigation of the US gulf oil disaster, the panel leaders charged.
Whitehouse Bill Clarifies Oil Spill Victims' Right to SueThe Washington Independent
Public perception of BP affected spill response, Allen saysCNN International
Lousiana Parish President: Who's In Charge Of Ongoing Gulf Cleanup?MyStateline.com
AFP –FayObserver.com –The Guardian
all 2,954 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Spill panel says it’s getting the silent treatment – Houston Chronicle 0

Posted on September 29, 2010 by bp complaints


Spill panel says it's getting the silent treatment
Houston Chronicle
In their testimony, Gulf Coast officials urged the Obama administration to speed up approvals of shallow-water projects that have been stalled as oil
Report: Direct BP oil spill aid to needUSA Today
BP prepares to sell bonds for first time since spillWashington Post
BP Sells First Debt Since Gulf Oil SpillNew York Times (blog)
Reuters –Los Angeles Times –Wall Street Journal
all 3,036 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Fla. panel again blasts oil spill claims process – Bradenton Herald 0

Posted on September 28, 2010 by bp complaints

al.com (blog)

Fla. panel again blasts oil spill claims process
Bradenton Herald
Charlie Crist and Florida Cabinet members Tuesday renewed their criticism of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill claims administrator after being told another
Gulf Spill Paymaster Says He Has Eliminated Claims Backlog – While Claimants ProPublica
Rejected oil spill claims will get a second look, says Ken Feinbergal.com (blog)
Feinberg Catches Flak From JusticeWall Street Journal (blog)
ProPublica –Press-Register – al.com (blog) –NOLA.com
all 8 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Spill panel presses BP on response plan – Washington Post 0

Posted on September 28, 2010 by bp complaints


Spill panel presses BP on response plan
Washington Post
MacDonald said that most of the oil remains in the gulf. This oil "is a highly durable material that resists further dissipation," MacDonald concluded.
Gulf Oil Spill Point Man Calls for Changes to Law for Future ResponseVoice of America
At Oil Spill Hearing, Calls For New Response PlanNPR
Barack Obama under fire for grossly underestimating Gulf oil spillThe Guardian
Los Angeles Times –The Associated Press –St. Louis Post-Dispatch
all 1,858 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Panel Wants BP Fines to Pay for Gulf Restoration – New York Times 0

Posted on September 28, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Panel Wants BP Fines to Pay for Gulf Restoration
New York Times
WASHINGTON — A large share of the penalties collected from BP for its Gulf of Mexico oil spill should be dedicated to repairing the
Barack Obama under fire for grossly underestimating Gulf oil spillThe Guardian
Gulf Oil Spill Point Man Calls for Changes to Law for Future ResponseVoice of America
Oil spill response chief calls for third party to manage future disastersLos Angeles Times
Tbo.com –Washington Post –CNN International
all 1,623 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Panel probes decisions made after Gulf spill – The Associated Press 0

Posted on September 27, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Post

Panel probes decisions made after Gulf spill
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — A panel that President Barack Obama appointed to investigate the Gulf oil spill will begin Monday to scrutinize how his administration reacted
Experts question BP's take on Gulf oil spillKSPR

all 135 news articles »

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La. governor presses panel on drilling moratorium – BusinessWeek 0

Posted on September 01, 2010 by bp complaints


La. governor presses panel on drilling moratorium
The oil spill commission had asked the center to look into the wisdom of using a moratorium to prevent spills in the aftermath of the BP disaster.
Gov. Bobby Jindal hoped for more from President Barack Obama on Gulf of Mexico NOLA.com
Oil spill commissioners listening tourFOX 8 News WVUE-TV
Oil Spill Commissioners Discuss Drilling BanWDSU New Orleans
all 40 news articles »

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