Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

US Justice Dept Sues BP over Gulf Oil Spill – MINA 0

Posted on December 23, 2010 by bp complaints

Common Dreams (press release)

US Justice Dept Sues BP over Gulf Oil Spill
While the full scope of the disaster isn't yet known, the Justice Department wrote in its suit, "the consequences include lost lives, destroyed livelihoods,
Gulf oil spill voted top news story of 2010Atlanta Journal Constitution
U.S. sues BP, others for oil spillTrading Markets (press release)
Is oil damage really over?Daily Home Online
24/7 Wall St. (blog) –Trade Only Today –Washington Post
all 834 news articles »

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Is oil damage really over? – Daily Home Online 0

Posted on December 23, 2010 by bp complaints

Common Dreams (press release)

Is oil damage really over?
Daily Home Online
think the Gulf of Mexico is likely to fully recover from the disastrous April oil spill that spewed millions of gallons of crude oil into the water.
GM uses oil-soaked boom from Gulf of Mexico to make Chevy Volt partsLos Angeles Times
Gulf Oil Spill Booms Get Reused, Recycled in Chevy VoltAutoGuide.com
Oil damage checks flowMyFox Tampa Bay
Inhabitat –Bloomberg –Mashable
all 834 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Transocean Ordered to Turn Over Safety Records – ClaimsJournal.com 0

Posted on December 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Transocean Ordered to Turn Over Safety Records
a batch of safety records to a government panel probing the deadly rig explosion that spawned the massive Gulf oil spill, a federal judge has ruled.
Texas Attorneys Advise Gulf Residents Considering Bonuses to Proceed CautiouslyBenzinga

all 5 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Transocean Ordered to Turn Over Safety Records – ClaimsJournal.com 0

Posted on December 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Transocean Ordered to Turn Over Safety Records
a batch of safety records to a government panel probing the deadly rig explosion that spawned the massive Gulf oil spill, a federal judge has ruled.
Texas Attorneys Advise Gulf Residents Considering Bonuses to Proceed CautiouslyBenzinga

all 5 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Transocean Ordered to Turn Over Safety Records – ClaimsJournal.com 0

Posted on December 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Transocean Ordered to Turn Over Safety Records
a batch of safety records to a government panel probing the deadly rig explosion that spawned the massive Gulf oil spill, a federal judge has ruled.
Texas Attorneys Advise Gulf Residents Considering Bonuses to Proceed CautiouslyBenzinga

all 5 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

US sues BP, eight others over Gulf oil spill – Khaleej Times 0

Posted on December 20, 2010 by bp complaints


US sues BP, eight others over Gulf oil spill
Khaleej Times
The US filed suit for the first time against BP and eight other companies for uncounted billions of dollars in damages from a massive oil spill in the Gulf
Gov't sues BP, eight other companies in Gulf spillJennings Daily News
US Justice Dept Sues BP over Gulf Oil SpillMINA
BP reimbursements slow to arriveNBC2 News
Mother Nature Network (blog) –allvoices –Tiny Green Bubble
all 335 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

US files lawsuit against BP over gulf oil disaster – Catholic Online 0

Posted on December 20, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

US files lawsuit against BP over gulf oil disaster
Catholic Online
BP has paid billion to compensate Gulf businesses for lost livelihoods because of the oil disaster. The firm could also face fines of up to 00 for
US suing BP for Gulf oil disasterNatural News.com
Florida Keys & the Gulf Oil Disaster: Stories Shared and Lessons LearnedNatural Resources Defense Council (blog)
Justice Department Sues BP in Gulf Oil DisasterLiveScience.com
The National –Washington Post –KKTV 11 News
all 3,223 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

BP, other firms sued by US over gulf oil disaster – Philadelphia Inquirer 0

Posted on December 19, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

BP, other firms sued by US over gulf oil disaster
Philadelphia Inquirer
AP WASHINGTON – The Justice Department on Wednesday sued BP PLC and eight other companies over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in an effort to recover billions
Government sues BP for up to billion over Gulf oil spill, seeking New York Daily News
Justice Department Files Suit in Gulf Oil SpillCSNews Online
US Sues BP, Others Over Gulf Oil SpillNPR
Christian Science Monitor –Reuters –St. Louis Post-Dispatch
all 3,223 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

US Justice Dept. Sues BP, 8 others over Deepwater Horizon oil spill – Justice News Flash 0

Posted on December 19, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

US Justice Dept. Sues BP, 8 others over Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Justice News Flash
BP and the other defendants were accused of violating federal regulations and failing to prevent the April 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion and fire on the
US Government to Sue BPmsnbc.com
Cables Suggest BP Near-Fiasco in '08Wall Street Journal
Oil field services firms to recover from BP spill shockInternational Business Times
Bloomberg –EcoWorld.com –eNews Park Forest
all 3,223 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Transocean must turn over records – Calgary Herald 0

Posted on December 18, 2010 by bp complaints

The Louisiana Record

Transocean must turn over records
Calgary Herald
GULF SPILL – Transocean Ltd., the owner of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico in April, must turn over safety
Louisiana: Transocean Ordered to Turn Over RecordsNew York Times
Across The NationLubbockOnline.com
Transocean Ordered to Turn Over RecordsWall Street Journal
The Louisiana Record –NOLA.com
all 152 news articles »

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