Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Irresponsible to declare Gulf oil crisis over – Reuters UK (blog) 0

Posted on August 07, 2010 by bp complaints

Seattle Post Intelligencer

Irresponsible to declare Gulf oil crisis over
Reuters UK (blog)
Since the Gulf oil disaster began, more than 5000 birds, nearly a thousand endangered sea turtles, and dozens of dolphins have been rescued or found dead.
Defenders of Wildlife Reacts to NOAA Report on Gulf Oil DisastereNews Park Forest
Scientists criticize White House minimization of Gulf disasterWorld Socialist Web Site
Oil in the Gulf: Half the Spill Remains with Unknown Impacts and DamagesNatural Resources Defense Council (blog)
Greenpeace USA (blog) –USA Today –Morning Sentinel
all 404 news articles »

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Business digest: Halliburton sued over role in Gulf oil spill – The News-Press 0

Posted on August 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Town Hall

Business digest: Halliburton sued over role in Gulf oil spill
The News-Press
Florida real estate developer St. Joe Co. is suing Halliburton Co. over its role in the rig explosion that led to the massive oil spill in the Gulf of
St. Joe files oil spill lawsuitThe News Herald
Was Deepwater blown out of all proportion?Belfast Telegraph
Halliburton sued by developer St. Joe Co. – APHouston Business Journal
WJHG-TV –MarketWatch (press release)
all 172 news articles »

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Is the Gulf Oil Spill Story Over? Not Really – TIME 0

Posted on August 05, 2010 by bp complaints


Is the Gulf Oil Spill Story Over? Not Really
Maybe the biggest lesson to be learned from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is that things like these almost always have an anti-climactic ending.
Oil Spill Gives Unexpected Boost To Gulf State GovernorsHuffington Post (blog)
Gulf oil spill update with pictures: BP static kill working, new oil flow Examiner.com
Factbox: Developments in the Gulf of Mexico oil spillReuters (press release)
Washington Post –USA Today –New York Times
all 12,601 news articles »

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Effects from gulf oil spill far from over, experts say – Tampabay.com 1

Posted on August 04, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Effects from gulf oil spill far from over, experts say
Even if the report's numbers were dead-on, Steiner said, that would not mean the oil spill disaster is over, as some pundits are now claiming.
Where's All the Oil?FOXNews (blog)
Gulf oil spill worst disaster in US historyThe Exponent
Gulf oil spill: US scientists reject talk of plumes and report 75% of slick The Guardian
New Zealand Herald –unEARTHED, from Earthjustice (blog) –Helium
all 11,264 news articles »

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8 3 10 media fly over source for static kill yt 0

Posted on August 04, 2010 by bp complaints

Uploads by deepwaterhorizonjic

BP oil spill: Obama administration’s scientists admit alarm over chemicals – The Guardian 2

Posted on August 03, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

BP oil spill: Obama administration's scientists admit alarm over chemicals
The Guardian
own scientists for approving the use of huge quantities of chemical dispersants to tackle the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Guardian has learned.
BP refused to use non-toxic dispersants in oil spillExaminer.com
EPA releases findings of latest spill dispersant testsOil & Gas Journal
EPA Says Oil Dispersants No More Toxic than OilSustainableBusiness.com
New Scientist –MarketWatch (press release) –The INDsider
all 44 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Video: Rush Limbaugh declares the Gulf oil spill disaster over, defends use of … – Examiner.com 0

Posted on August 03, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Video: Rush Limbaugh declares the Gulf oil spill disaster over, defends use of
In a long rant defending BP and criticizing Congress, Limbaugh claimed that the Gulf oil spill problem is "solved." He further claims that the dispersants
BP aims to plug gulf oil well for good with two-pronged 'kill' shotWashington Post
Government revises Gulf oil flow estimate to 62000 barrels a dayMiamiHerald.com
Put hysteria aside, and learn from oil spillOrlando Sentinel
Southeast Farm Press –New York Daily News –Christian Science Monitor
all 4,457 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

BP lawsuits over oil spill take center stage – Reuters 0

Posted on July 30, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

BP lawsuits over oil spill take center stage
Drill ships and response vessels work in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast line while attempting to drill relief wells at the Deepwater Horizon Oil
BP readies static kill; shares up 33% in JulyMarketWatch
Deepwater Horizon: Static kill set for MondayOffshore Oil and Gas Magazine
Gulf Coast can't afford another disaster (Rep. Bill Cassidy)The Hill (blog)
Boston Globe –Albany Times Union –TIME (blog)
all 5,376 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

BP eyes $10B tax credit over Gulf spill response – MiamiHerald.com 0

Posted on July 28, 2010 by bp complaints


BP eyes B tax credit over Gulf spill response
As BP announced a billion second-quarter loss, it said it would incur a charge of billion from the Gulf oil spill response — and thus claim a
Florida oil spill UPDATE: BP says top kill mud was toxic: Tony Hayward Examiner.com
BP gets 'wake-up call' and bln in spill chargesReuters
BP plots cash course for oil cleanup, futureHouston Chronicle
Christian Science Monitor –The Associated Press –FOXNews
all 9,237 news articles »

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Spill May Cost Gulf $22.7 Billion in Revenue Over Three Years, Group Says – Bloomberg 0

Posted on July 27, 2010 by bp complaints

Boston Globe

Spill May Cost Gulf .7 Billion in Revenue Over Three Years, Group Says
BP Plc's oil spill may cost Gulf coastal communities .7 billion in lost revenue over the next three years,
Research on gulf oil spill shouldn't take a backseat to litigationWashington Post
Back to work for Gulf oil spill containment effortsMiamiHerald.com
Day 97: The Latest on the Oil SpillNew York Times
Christian Science Monitor –Wall Street Journal (blog) –FOXNews
all 780 news articles »

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