Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Alabama AG, governor at odds again over oil spill – MiamiHerald.com 0

Posted on September 04, 2010 by bp complaints


Alabama AG, governor at odds again over oil spill
Bob Riley of trying to let BP get off cheap for the Gulf oil spill and Riley has accused King of not acting in the best interest of the state.
Alabama governor hires Birmingham law firm for oil spill work; Troy King says al.com (blog)
Alabama AG, governor at odds again over oill spilWSFA

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Arrest warning to activists over Greenland oil rig stunt – Herald Scotland 0

Posted on September 01, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Post

Arrest warning to activists over Greenland oil rig stunt
Herald Scotland
The BP gulf oil disaster showed us it's time to go beyond oil. Sim McKenna, Greenpeace activist Edinburgh-based Cairn Energy last week sparked hopes of a
Greenpeace Wrestles British Oil CompanyIndyPosted

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No Lies, No Suppression of The Truth: The Oil Disaster is Not Over! – NewsBlaze (press release) 0

Posted on August 28, 2010 by bp complaints

Naples Daily News

No Lies, No Suppression of The Truth: The Oil Disaster is Not Over!
NewsBlaze (press release)
President Obama's visit to New Orleans on the fifth anniversary of Katrina must not pass in silence because the Gulf oil disaster is not over!
BP warning clean-up crews that a 200-foot, 2-mile oil slick is about to hit EnergyBoom

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Flight Over “Deepwater Horizon” Site Reveals No Visible Oil – NewOrleans.Com 0

Posted on August 27, 2010 by bp complaints

Boston Globe

Flight Over "Deepwater Horizon" Site Reveals No Visible Oil
Looking for oil, ABC26 News Reporter Vanessa Bolano took to the skies Thursday over the area where the rig "Deepwater Horizon" once stood.
Gulf oil spill: BP managers had little experience supervising Deepwater HorizonLos Angeles Times (blog)
BP Executives Say They Didn't Know Who Had Command of Oil Rig Before BlastBloomberg
Panelists batter BP over past accidentsBoston Globe
NOLA.com –Wall Street Journal –Washington Post
all 469 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Brad Pitt Calls for Death Penalty Over Gulf Oil Spill? – Manolith 0

Posted on August 23, 2010 by bp complaints

The Age

Brad Pitt Calls for Death Penalty Over Gulf Oil Spill?
the cause conscious actor has said that high ranking BP oil executives should possibly pay the ultimate price for the Gulf Oil disaster.
Brad Pitt reconsiders death penaltyCatholic Online
Brad Pitt Eyes Death Penalty for BP Execs?PopEater
Brad Pitt is 'willing to look at the death penalty' in bizarre rant against BPDaily Mail
NBC Philadelphia –Hollyscoop –Sydney Morning Herald
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Brad Pitt Reconsiders Death Penalty Over BP Oil Spill In Spike Lee Documentary – MyStateline.com 0

Posted on August 23, 2010 by bp complaints

Sky News

Brad Pitt Reconsiders Death Penalty Over BP Oil Spill In Spike Lee Documentary
and Da Creek Don't Rise," Pitt comments on the April 20th oil rig explosion and subsequent oil spill that left the Gulf of Mexico in a polluted state.
Brad Pitt: Out for Deadly OilSpill Retribution?TIME
Brad Pitt: I would reconsider my views on death penalty for BP oil spillNew York Daily News
Pitt: Death penalty for BPPolitico (blog)
TheCelebrityCafe.com –SodaHead News –Hollyscoop
all 88 news articles »

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Brad Pitt In Tirade Over BP Gulf Oil Spill – Sky News 0

Posted on August 23, 2010 by bp complaints

Daily Mail

Brad Pitt In Tirade Over BP Gulf Oil Spill
Sky News
Brad Pitt has said that he would consider executing those responsible for the BP oil spill if he was in power. The Fight Club and Ocean's Eleven actor,
Questions About the GulfNew York Times (blog)
The BP oil spill: An unprecedented responseWashington Post
Gulf of Mexico's Fish Beachings May Be Increasing Because of BP Oil SpillBloomberg
Examiner.com –Houston Chronicle –Manila Bulletin
all 80 news articles »

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As Spill claims czar takes over, a checklist of promised changes – Bradenton Herald 0

Posted on August 23, 2010 by bp complaints

ABC News

As Spill claims czar takes over, a checklist of promised changes
Bradenton Herald
Today, independent paymaster Kenneth Feinberg takes the reins from BP in managing damage claims from the Gulf oil spill.
BP Spill Fund Manager Feinberg Says Victims May Retain Ability to SueBloomberg
Gulf claims chief says no-sue rule was his ideaThe Associated Press
Feinberg anticipates rush of reimbursement requests at new Gulf Coast claims Palm Beach Post
CBS News –NOLA.com –New York Times
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Feinberg ready to take over claims process – WWL First News 0

Posted on August 18, 2010 by bp complaints


Feinberg ready to take over claims process
WWL First News
BP says it's paid out over 0 million in damage claims from the Gulf Oil disaster. However, starting next week, a new independent administrator takes over
BP to stop handling most Gulf claimsCNN (blog)
BP to Transfer Claims to Independent FacilityVoice of America
BP To Transfer Most Gulf Oil Claims To GCCFRTT News
Enviro.BLR.com –1340 WGAU –The Post-Standard – Syracuse.com
all 2,973 news articles »

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Scientists Contradict Government Over Oil Spill – MyFOXMaine.com 0

Posted on August 18, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Scientists Contradict Government Over Oil Spill
Florida and Georgia are contradicting a government report on how much oil is still in the Gulf of Mexico following the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster.
BP Oil Spill Coverup: Fishermen Speak UpHuffington Post (blog)
Scientists refute US report, say Gulf oil still widespreadSeattle Times
What happened to Gulf oil spill? Rosy portrait was hasty, study says.Christian Science Monitor
Palm Beach Post –USA Today –Creative Loafing Tampa (blog)
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