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Bobby Jindal sparred with Obama over Gulf oil spill response, reveals book – Oneindia 0

Posted on November 13, 2010 by bp complaints


Bobby Jindal sparred with Obama over Gulf oil spill response, reveals book
US President Barack Obama over the Gulf oil spill, alleging that he was more focused on the political aftermath than the actual impact of the crisis.
Jindal Book: Obama An Arrogant PhonyFox News
Bobby Jindal Blasts Obama's Response to BP Oil SpillCBS News
Bobby Jindal criticises Obama in new bookNDTV.com
USA Today –Huffington Post –Opelousas Daily World
all 134 news articles »

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Bobby Jindal sparred with Obama over Gulf oil spill response, reveals book – Sify 0

Posted on November 13, 2010 by bp complaints


Bobby Jindal sparred with Obama over Gulf oil spill response, reveals book
Bobby Jindal, the Indian origin Governor of Louisiana, has used his new book to criticise US President Barack Obama over the Gulf oil spill, alleging that
Jindal Book: Obama An Arrogant PhonyFox News
Bobby Jindal Blasts Obama's Response to BP Oil SpillCBS News
Obama gets hammered by GOP foe Jindal over BP oil spillUSA Today
Huffington Post –Opelousas Daily World –Mother Jones
all 124 news articles »

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Obama gets hammered by GOP foe Jindal over BP oil spill – USA Today 0

Posted on November 12, 2010 by bp complaints

USA Today

Obama gets hammered by GOP foe Jindal over BP oil spill
USA Today
Jindal claims that "political posturing" became the focus of President Obama and his team during the response to the Gulf Coast oil spill.
Bobby Jindal Book Slams Obama Handling Of Oil SpillHuffington Post
Louisiana Gov Jindal Criticizes…MyFox Atlanta
Jindal Calls Obama 'Lackadaisical' in Response to Gulf Oil in New BookFox News
Reuters –Washington Post (blog) –2TheAdvocate (blog)
all 99 news articles »

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Gulf of Mexico oil spill commission wins over some initial doubters – NOLA.com 0

Posted on November 10, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf of Mexico oil spill commission wins over some initial doubters
Some early critics of President Barack Obama's national oil spill commission are now praising the panel for conducting a thorough investigation of the BP
Gulf Resident: Permitorium still a problemWashington Examiner (blog)
Well Acts 'Plain Wrong' or 'Difficult to Explain,' Reilly SaysBloomberg

all 5 news articles »

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Spill Panel: No Evidence Of Saving $ Over Safety – NPR 0

Posted on November 08, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Spill Panel: No Evidence Of Saving $ Over Safety
A presidentially ordered investigation of the Gulf oil spill lends support to BP's own conclusions about the disaster and challenges congressional claims
Commission supports BP over spillThe Press Association
No evidence Gulf oil firms put profit over safety: probeAFP
Gulf Oil-Spill Commission Finds No Evidence BP Put Saving Cash Over SafetyBloomberg
DailyFinance –Monsters and Critics.com –Thaindian.com
all 1,410 news articles »

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Commission supports BP over spill – The Press Association 0

Posted on November 08, 2010 by bp complaints

Fox News

Commission supports BP over spill
The Press Association
The presidential commission investigating the BP Gulf oil spill has challenged claims made in Congress that the oil company and others sacrificed safety to
No evidence Gulf oil firms put profit over safety: probeAFP
Gulf Oil-Spill Commission Finds No Evidence BP Put Saving Cash Over SafetyBloomberg
Gulf Oil-Spill Investigator Disputes Claims That BP, Halliburton Chose Money DailyFinance
Monsters and Critics.com –The Associated Press –Thaindian.com
all 1,306 news articles »

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Gulf Oil-Spill Commission Finds No Evidence BP Put Saving Cash Over Safety – Bloomberg 0

Posted on November 08, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf OilSpill Commission Finds No Evidence BP Put Saving Cash Over Safety
Photographer: Derick E. Hingle/Bloomberg The US panel investigating the BP Plc oil spill found no evidence decisions were made to put profit ahead of safety
No evidence Gulf oil firms put profit over safety: probeAFP
Officials gather in Florida for first meeting of Gulf oil spill restoration The Canadian Press
Gulf spill panel finds safety not sacrificedCBC.ca
Wall Street Journal –The Associated Press –USA Today
all 1,111 news articles »

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No evidence Gulf oil firms put profit over safety: US official – AFP 0

Posted on November 08, 2010 by bp complaints


No evidence Gulf oil firms put profit over safety: US official
"We have not not seen a single instance where a human being made a conscious decision to favor dollars over safety," National Oil Spill Commission chief
Officials gather in Florida for first meeting of Gulf oil spill restoration The Canadian Press
Independent panel to share findings on Gulf spillThe Associated Press
Six months after the oil spill, Floridians stage beach walk to show coast is clearUSA Today
Reuters –Bloomberg –WDBO Radio
all 996 news articles »

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BP, this isn’t over – Socialist Worker Online 0

Posted on November 08, 2010 by bp complaints

Green Left Weekly

BP, this isn't over
Socialist Worker Online
Cherri Foytlin, whose husband works in the Gulf oil industry, announced that every Louisiana state representative and senator had been invited to both
United States: BP's 'cure' is killing in the GulfGreen Left Weekly
NOAA Official Asks EINNEWS to Withdraw Story Questioning Safety of Gulf SeafoodEIN News (press release)

all 7 news articles »

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BP in clear over Gulf of Mexico oil rig disaster – Mirror.co.uk 1

Posted on October 30, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

BP in clear over Gulf of Mexico oil rig disaster
Bp was cleared of blame over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill by an official report which yesterday ruled a US company was at fault.
Inquiry finds Halliburton, BP knew of faulty cement weeks before Gulf oil disasterUSA Today
Halliburton Counterpunch! A View Into the Oil Spill Legal Saga to ComeBNET (blog)
Halliburton and the Gulf Oil Spill: Maybe Faulty Cement Is the Smoking GunCBS MoneyWatch.com (blog)
ToTheCenter.com –Inthemoneystocks.com (blog) –Sky News
all 2,471 news articles »

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