Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

BP, 8 other companies sued by Justice Dept. over gulf oil spill – Washington Post 0

Posted on December 16, 2010 by bp complaints


BP, 8 other companies sued by Justice Dept. over gulf oil spill
Washington Post
The Justice Department sued BP and eight other companies Wednesday over the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, the federal government's first
United States sues BP over Gulf oil disasterThe Guardian
Justice Department Sues BP in Gulf Oil DisasterLiveScience.com
U.S. sues BP for environmental disaster in Gulf oil spillTucson Citizen
Wall Street Journal –UPI.com –The Associated Press
all 1,978 news articles »

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US sues BP, 8 other companies over gulf oil spill – St. Louis Post-Dispatch 0

Posted on December 16, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

US sues BP, 8 other companies over gulf oil spill
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The Justice Department filed a civil lawsuit Wednesday in New Orleans against the oil giant BP and eight other companies over the enormous oil spill in the
Federal lawsuit over oil spill could force BP to pay billionsHouston Chronicle
Justice Department sues BP, others over Gulf oil spillKansas City Star
Justice Department sues BP, others over Gulf oil spillAustin American-Statesman
Wall Street Journal –Economic Times –Christian Science Monitor
all 1,962 news articles »

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Justice Department sues BP, others over Gulf oil spill – Austin American-Statesman 0

Posted on December 16, 2010 by bp complaints


Justice Department sues BP, others over Gulf oil spill
Austin American-Statesman
The Obama administration filed a civil complaint Wednesday against BP and eight other companies for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill earlier this year,
Justice Department sues BP, others over Gulf oil spillKansas City Star
Fines of up to 00 a barrel, cleanup costs, other damages soughtHouston Chronicle
Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil SpillWall Street Journal
New York Times (blog) –Christian Science Monitor –The Associated Press
all 1,872 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

United States sues BP over Gulf oil disaster – The Guardian 0

Posted on December 16, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

United States sues BP over Gulf oil disaster
The Guardian
The Obama administration has sued BP and several of its partners in the oil well disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, potentially exposing them to billions in
Justice Department Sues BP in Gulf Oil DisasterLiveScience.com
U.S. sues BP for environmental disaster in Gulf oil spillTucson Citizen
Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil SpillWall Street Journal
The Associated Press –UPI.com –Press TV
all 1,835 news articles »

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Justice Department sues BP, others over Gulf oil spill – Kansas City Star 0

Posted on December 16, 2010 by bp complaints


Justice Department sues BP, others over Gulf oil spill
Kansas City Star
The Justice Department intends to prove the violations caused or contributed to the oil spill, Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday at a news
Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil SpillWall Street Journal
Justice Department sues BP, 8 other companies in gulf oil spillLos Angeles Times
A Community of Teachers and Students Responds to the Gulf Oil SpillNew York Times (blog)
Christian Science Monitor –The Associated Press –The Australian
all 1,819 news articles »

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Justice Department Sues BP, Eight Defendants Over Deepwater Horizon Disaster – The Am Law Daily 0

Posted on December 16, 2010 by bp complaints


Justice Department Sues BP, Eight Defendants Over Deepwater Horizon Disaster
The Am Law Daily
The explosion on April 20 that eventually sank the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig turned into the largest oil spill in US history.
WikiLeaks: BP Suffered Well Blowout Before GulfCBS News
Federal Investigators Find Oil Industry Failing to Learn From Past DisastersNew York Times
Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil SpillWall Street Journal
Bloomberg –Mother Jones –TIME
all 1,804 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

US government sues BP over Gulf oil spill – The Australian 0

Posted on December 16, 2010 by bp complaints


US government sues BP over Gulf oil spill
The Australian
BP has repeatedly stated that it would pay all legitimate claims arising from the oil spill, so it is unclear whether the civil lawsuit would increase the
Justice Department sues BP, 8 other companies in gulf oil spillLos Angeles Times
Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil SpillWall Street Journal
A Community of Teachers and Students Responds to the Gulf Oil SpillNew York Times (blog)
Christian Science Monitor –The Associated Press –New York Daily News
all 1,743 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

US Sues BP Over Gulf Oil Spill – Seeks All Clean Up & Damage Costs – Treehugger 0

Posted on December 15, 2010 by bp complaints


US Sues BP Over Gulf Oil Spill – Seeks All Clean Up & Damage Costs
NY on 12.15.10 Saying that "violations of safety and operational regulations" led to the explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon and the subsequent
DOJ Files Suit on Deepwater Horizon SpillMother Jones
Government Sues BP, Others Over Gulf Oil SpillPolitics Daily
Justice Dept. Sues BP, Anadarko, Tranocean for Gulf Oil SpillFox Business
Wall Street Journal –New York Times (blog) –TIME
all 1,607 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil Spill – Wall Street Journal 0

Posted on December 15, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters UK

Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil Spill
Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—The US Justice Department filed a civil oilspill lawsuit Wednesday against a BP PLC unit and several other companies,
Govt sues BP, 8 other companies in Gulf oil spillThe Associated Press
BP Sued in New Orleans for Damages by US Over Gulf of Mexico Oil SpillBloomberg
U.S. joins Gulf oil spill lawsuits, seeks unlimited damagesCNN International
AFP –Salon –Reuters
all 1,048 news articles »

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Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil Spill – Wall Street Journal 0

Posted on December 15, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters UK

Justice Department Sues BP Over Gulf Oil Spill
Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—The US Justice Department filed a civil oilspill lawsuit Wednesday against a BP PLC unit and several other companies,
Govt sues BP, 8 other companies in Gulf oil spillThe Associated Press
BP Sued in New Orleans for Damages by US Over Gulf of Mexico Oil SpillBloomberg
U.S. joins Gulf oil spill lawsuits, seeks unlimited damagesCNN International
AFP –Salon –Reuters
all 1,048 news articles »

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