LDWF Announces Fishing Opening in a Portion of Plaquemines Parish East of the Mississippi River to Fishing 0
Rep. Peter Welch delivers opening statement at Gulf spill hearing 25
Rep. Peter Welch delivered an opening statement to leaders of BP, Transocean and Halliburton on May 12 about the devastating human and environmental toll of the Gulf oil spill. Welch visited the Gulf region on Friday with a bipartisan delegation of Energy and Commerce Committee members. The group flew over the spill site, were briefed by response officials and met with residents and business owners affected by the spill. Welch recently cosponsored the BP Deepwater Horizon Inquiry Commission Act, which would create an independent, non-partisan commission to investigate the causes of the Gulf spill and seek to prevent future incidents from occurring.
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Following the BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, we’re all looking for ways to cut down on gas consumption, and perhaps looking more to light rail and other transportation options. But sometimes, just sometimes, you really need a waiting getaway car. Here’s the article from the Mercury News: www.mercurynews.com “Behind the Logo” – bp logo re-imagined: www.flickr.com BP oil spill unleashes an outpouring of angry art: io9.com Santa Clara County VTA Light Rail – “Always on time!” www.vta.org
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LDWF Announces Opening of Spring Shrimp Season in Lake Pontchartrain, Lake Borgne and Mississippi Sound 0
LDWF Announces Partial Opening of Inshore Areas and Territorial Sea to Recreational and Commercial Fishing 1
View full post on EMERGENCY.louisiana.gov
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Announces Partial Opening of Territorial Sea Off Grand Isle to Recreational and Commercial Fishing 1
View full post on EMERGENCY.louisiana.gov