Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Oil Spill Proves It’s Obama Who Is All Hat and No – FOXNews 0

Posted on May 06, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil Spill Proves It's Obama Who Is All Hat and No
There are rumblings that Obama's handling of the BP oil disaster could turn out to be his "Katrina." "The administration is well aware that the president's
Burn-off starts in Gulf oil disasterNew Zealand Herald
Gulf Oil Disaster Politicized by Both SidesAOL News
Gulf oil spill could 'devastate' South Florida's environmentLos Angeles Times
KidGlue –New York Times (blog) –The Associated Press
all 12,669 news articles »

View full post on gulf oil disaster updates – Google News.

Louisiana oil spill: Anger turns on BP as Obama blames British firm 0

Posted on May 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Louisiana oil spill: Anger turns on BP as Obama blames British firm
The financial developments came as convicts were drafted in to help the oil clean-up in Louisiana. More than 80 prisoners wearing green jumpsuits were searching for wildlife affected.

Read more on Daily Mail


Obama Backs ‘Significantly’ Higher Spill Damage Cap (Update1) 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama Backs ‘Significantly’ Higher Spill Damage Cap (Update1)
The Obama administration is backing “significantly” higher limits for damages BP Plc might face for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and won’t rule out scaling back plans to expand offshore drilling.

Read more on BusinessWeek


Obama vows to mitigate oil spill fallout 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama vows to mitigate oil spill fallout
US President Barack Obama has vowed his administration will work ‘overtime’ to mitigate the economic damage to the US Gulf Coast from the huge oil spill but warned of a ‘significant challenge’.

Read more on Sky News Australia


President Obama may change mind about offshore drilling rigs following Gulf of Mexico oil spill 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints

President Obama may change mind about offshore drilling rigs following Gulf of Mexico oil spill
In the wake of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico , President Obama is still committed to domestic energy production – but he may change his mind about new offshore drilling rigs, an official said Tuesday.

Read more on New York Daily News


Obama Faces Backlash Over Drilling, Leak Response – NPR 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

Obama Faces Backlash Over Drilling, Leak Response
Exhaustive disaster updates are now being issued by the White House under the heading, "The Ongoing Administration-Wide Response to the Deepwater Horizon
Governors Of Gulf States Discuss Oil Spill Disaster ResponseFree Internet Press
Gulf oil spill lawsuit spurs lawsuitBizjournals.com
" NYTimes Fails to Disclose Group's Ties to Drilling Industry in Downplaying Brad Blog (blog)
Appolicious –Sport Fishing –Wall Street Journal
all 10,617 news articles »

View full post on gulf oil disaster updates – Google News.

Obama to work ‘overtime’ on oil spill 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama to work ‘overtime’ on oil spill
US President Barack Obama has vowed his administration will work ‘overtime’ to mitigate the economic damage to the US Gulf Coast from the huge oil spill but warned of a ‘significant challenge’.

Read more on Sky News Australia


Obama vows to fix the US Gulf oil spill 0

Posted on May 05, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama vows to fix the US Gulf oil spill
US President Barack Obama has vowed his administration will work ‘overtime’ to mitigate the economic damage to the US Gulf Coast from the huge oil spill but warned of a ‘significant challenge’.

Read more on Sky News Australia


Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Brings Criticism & Challenges for The Barack Obama Administration 25

Posted on May 04, 2010 by bp complaints

(4.30.10) — Barack Obama and his administration are coming under increasing scrutiny for what critics are calling a slow response to the Gulf Of Mexico oil spill tragedy. We have the latest developments on the continuing situation. Read more about this story: “Oil Washes Up on Gulf Coast; Spill May Be Five Times Estimated Size” bit.ly “Oil Hitting LA Coast” bit.ly “Governor Delcares State of Emergency” bit.ly “Obama orders review of Gulf of Mexico oil spill” bit.ly “Hello, The Gulf Oil Spill Is Obama’s Katrina” bit.ly * Photo Credit: Description: Oil spill Date: Unknown Source: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Secondary Source: Wikimedia Commons bit.ly Author: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Permission: This photo is in the public domain #.

Obama: Gulf oil spill a ‘significant challenge’ 0

Posted on May 04, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama: Gulf oil spill a ‘significant challenge’
President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is a reminder that the economy, which is showing signs of recovery two years after the recession, can be walloped at any time by a sudden and costly crisis.

Read more on Boston Globe


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