A Month after the Oil Disaster, We Need Obama to Lead Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) Even as questions persist, there is one thing I know for certain: the Gulf oil spill isn't just an accident. It's the result of a failed energy policy. … Scientists Fault Lack of Studies Over Gulf Oil SpillNew York Times US and Cuba hold talks on Gulf oil spillWashington Post Gulf oil spill: Obama's regulatory response falls shortLos Angeles Times Huffington Post (blog) –MarketWatch –TIME all 3,941 news articles »
Obama Replaces Offshore Agency Faulted in BP Spill (Update5)
The Obama administration replaced the Minerals Management Service, faulted for lax regulation of offshore drilling before the BP Plc spill last month, with three offices to oversee leases, drilling safety and fee collection. Read more on BusinessWeek
The above video shows President Barack Obama, after surveying the BP oil spill and federal response in the Gulf Region. The President discusses the enormous scope of the disaster and the ongoing federal commitment in Venice, Louisiana.
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is uncovering some dirty details, plans are underway to try and cap the spill. There are new allegations surfacing that say President Barack Obama and oil company British Petroleum are masking the severity of the oil spill. Wayne Madsen says that President Barack Obama is just helping out the same people that contributed to his campaign in 2008.
Obama Said to Plan Commission to Probe Gulf Oil Spill BusinessWeek (Updates oil capture rate in sixth paragraph. For more on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, see {EXT4 }.) By Nicholas Johnston May 18 (Bloomberg) — President … Salazar: BP will pay all costsPolitico Updates and latest pictures from the Gulf Coast oil spillExaminer.com Deepwater Horizon Incident Update #17Navarre Press New York Times –Detroit Free Press (blog) –The Guardian all 16,748 news articles »
Obama Scolds Oil Companies Over Gulf Spill
President Barack Obama on Friday angrily decried the “ridiculous spectacle” of oil industry officials pointing fingers of blame for the catastrophic spill in the Gulf of Mexico and pledged to end a “cozy relationship” between the oil industry and federal regulators that he said had extended into his own administration.
Gulf oil spill: Obama administration warns BP it's on the hook for all damages … Los Angeles Times (blog) "Regardless of what BP ends up committing to pay for this disaster, there is no such thing as a 'Too Safe To Spill' oil rig, and there should be no legal … 'Oil spill' on the PlatteDenver Daily News The oil spill threatening to engulf BP bossTimes Online Washington Warns BP Over Spill CostsTheStreet.com Anchorage Daily News all 673 news articles »
Obama sternly takes oil companies to task for fingerpointing over Gulf spill
President Barack Obama says this week’s finger pointing by oil companies involved in the Gulf oil spill was a “ridiculous spectacle.”
Angry Obama Seeks to Deflect Blame for Gulf Oil Spill Crisis CBS News The potential political downside to a disaster is huge. Just ask George Bush. The White House, and most who have closely compared the responses, … President Obama's Gulf Oil Spill Message: I'm AngryABC News (blog) Lawmaker questions BP over oil spill estimatesReuters BP Risks Disaster By Playing Down the Gulf Oil Spill's True SizeBNET Christian Science Monitor –Federal News Service (subscription) –KEYC all 6,963 news articles »