Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Obama blames Gulf oil spill on ‘breakdown’ at BP 0

Posted on May 23, 2010 by bp complaints

Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico (NASA, International Space Station Science, 05/04/10)
gulf oil spill
Image by nasa1fan/MSFC

Obama blames Gulf oil spill on ‘breakdown’ at BP
WASHINGTON/VENICE, La. (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday blamed the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill on “a breakdown of responsibility” at energy giant BP Plc as he unveiled a commission to investigate the disaster.
Read more on The Star

Obama moves to take political control of BP Gulf oil spill 0

Posted on May 23, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama moves to take political control of BP Gulf oil spill
President Obama has named a bipartisan commission to investigate the causes of the BP Gulf oil spill, one of the nation’s worst environmental disasters, including any government failures.
Read more on The Christian Science Monitor

Obama blames Gulf oil disaster on BP ‘breakdown’ – ABC Online 0

Posted on May 23, 2010 by bp complaints

National Geographic

Obama blames Gulf oil disaster on BP 'breakdown'
ABC Online
(Reuters: John Kepsimelis) US president Barack Obama says he blames the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill on "a breakdown of responsibility" at energy giant
Gulf oil disaster brings gusher of Hill hearingsThe Associated Press
Lessons from the Gulf oil spillWashington Post
Obama Picks Graham, Reilly to Probe Gulf Oil SpillBusinessWeek
Christian Science Monitor –USA Today –Los Angeles Times (blog)
all 7,516 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Obama names chairmen of Gulf oil spill commission 0

Posted on May 22, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama names chairmen of Gulf oil spill commission
President Barack Obama announced Saturday that former Florida Sen. Bob Graham and former EPA Administrator William K. Reilly will lead a presidential commission investigating the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Read more on San Diego Union-Tribune

Fla. Attorney General Blasts Obama Administration 0

Posted on May 22, 2010 by bp complaints

Fla. Attorney General Blasts Obama Administration
Florida Attorney General Bill MCollum, who is running for the GOP nomination for governor, took a swipe at both BP and the Obama administration Friday for their handling of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Read more on Local 10 Miami

Gulf oil spill: President Obama names panel to lead federal investigation – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on May 22, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf oil spill: President Obama names panel to lead federal investigation
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Since then, thousands of barrels of oil have spewed into the gulf daily in an environmental disaster of untold proportions. The company and outside experts
Latest updates and pictures from the Gulf oil spillExaminer.com
BP Oil Spill Kills Birds and Other Animals on the Gulf CoastTaipan Publishing Group
Gulf Oil Disaster: A Transatlantic Pollution Catastrophe LoomsCenter for Research on Globalization
Louisville Courier-Journal –Palm Beach Post –Federal News Service (subscription)
all 7,376 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Obama Sketches Energy Plan in Oil – New York Times 0

Posted on May 22, 2010 by bp complaints


Obama Sketches Energy Plan in Oil
New York Times
“And the disaster in the gulf only underscores that even as we pursue domestic production to reduce our reliance on imported oil, our long-term security
Latest updates and pictures from the Gulf oil spillExaminer.com
Oil disaster updatesWWL First News
US Rep. Klein, after Gulf slick fly-over, urges transparency by oil companyPalm Beach Post
UK Today News –DigitalJournal.com –World Buzz Now!
all 6,649 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

President Obama Comments on the BP Oil Spill in Louisiana 44

Posted on May 21, 2010 by bp complaints

President Obama Comments on the BP Oil Spill in Louisiana visit: firedoglake.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

We Are Change Chicago Presents The Monckton Interviews We Are Change Chicago presents the first of many interviews with Lord Christopher Monckton on the controversial subject of climate change. www.wearechangechicago.com

President Obama Speaks on NYC Incident and BP Oil Spill in Louisiana 51

Posted on May 21, 2010 by bp complaints

After surveying the BP oil spill and federal response in the Gulf Region, the President discusses the enormous scope of the disaster and the ongoing federal commitment in Venice, Louisiana. He also speaks about the incident in Time Square, New York and the ongoing local and federal response.

The President speaks about the Administrations commitment to help protect the Gulf Coast and the livelihoods of the people who live and work there from the effects of the Deepwater BP Oil Spill and calls on the companies involved to stop pointing fingers and take responsibility. May 14, 2010.

Obama Said to Plan Commission to Probe BP Oil Spill in Gulf 0

Posted on May 20, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama Said to Plan Commission to Probe BP Oil Spill in Gulf
President Barack Obama plans to create a presidential commission to investigate the BP Plc drilling accident that has spilled millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, an administration official said.
Read more on BusinessWeek

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