Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Obama Says ‘Buck Stops With Me Over Oil Spill’ 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama Says ‘Buck Stops With Me Over Oil Spill’
U.S. President Barack Obama speaks after a briefing on the damage along the Louisiana coastline caused after a BP oil line ruptured in the Gulf of Mexico, May 28, 2010. (From L-R) National Incident Commander U.S. Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen , Obama, and Florida Gov. Charlie Crist.
Read more on Bernama

Obama inspects beach threatened by Gulf oil spill 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama inspects beach threatened by Gulf oil spill
Intent on showing firm command of a deepening Gulf Coast crisis, President Barack Obama kneeled on a Lousiana beach Friday and lamented livelihoods and wildlife imperiled by America’s largest-ever oil spill.
Read more on San Diego Union-Tribune

AP: BP shoots mud at oil as Obama halts drilling plans 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

AP: BP shoots mud at oil as Obama halts drilling plans
ROBERT, La. (AP) — BP hoped to know as early as this afternoon if a stream of mud will finally end its Gulf of Mexico oil spill, a five-week disaster that was putting other U.S. offshore drilling projects on hold as far away as Alaska.
Read more on The Garden City Telegram

Obama arrives in Gulf as BP progresses 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama arrives in Gulf as BP progresses
BP reported progress Friday in its struggle to plug its gushing Gulf of Mexico oil well, but U.S. President Barack Obama cautioned there was no “silver bullet” solution to the biggest oil spill in U.S.[…]
Read more on The Sudbury Star

BP oil spill: Barack Obama to extend moratorium on deepwater drilling for 6 months 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

BP oil spill: Barack Obama to extend moratorium on deepwater drilling for 6 months
President Barack Obama will extend a moratorium on deepwater oil drilling for six months while a commission studies the reasons for the Gulf of Mexico spill.
Read more on Daily Telegraph

Obama extends stop on deepwater wells 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama extends stop on deepwater wells
Escalating his administration’s response to the disastrous Gulf oil spill, President Barack Obama plans to announce Thursday that a moratorium on new deepwater oil drilling permits will be continued for six months while a presidential commission…
Read more on Cape Cod Times

Obama Extends Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Deepwater Horizon
Image by New Orleans Lady

Obama Extends Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling
President Obama is extending a moratorium on deepwater oil drilling by six months. In a White House news conference, Obama unveiled new federal guidelines for offshore drilling.
Read more on KARK Little Rock

Obama Outraged Over BP, Federal Oil Regulators, Axelrod Says 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama Outraged Over BP, Federal Oil Regulators, Axelrod Says
May 26 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama ’s outrage over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill has reached “the upper scale,” and it is directed at both BP Plc and federal regulators, senior White House adviser David Axelrod said today.
Read more on Bloomberg

Obama sees oil spill up close on Louisiana beach 0

Posted on May 29, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama sees oil spill up close on Louisiana beach
U.S. President Barack Obama toured Louisiana Friday to survey first hand the efforts to cap and clean up a disastrous oil spill causing environmental and economic misery across the Gulf.
Read more on Vancouver Province

Obama suspends oil permits, deepwater exploration 0

Posted on May 29, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama suspends oil permits, deepwater exploration
US President Barack Obama on Thursday unveiled tough moves to suspend new oil drilling and exploration following the Gulf of Mexico disaster, while denying the government was too slow to tackle the crisis.
Read more on AFP via Yahoo! News

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