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BP Complaints

Obama Wants BP to Set Up Escrow Account for Claims (Update1) 0

Posted on June 14, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama Wants BP to Set Up Escrow Account for Claims (Update1)
President Barack Obama wants BP Plc to set up an escrow account to pay the claims for damages caused by its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, White House adviser David Axelrod said.
Read more on BusinessWeek

Obama tells Britain no hard feelings over spill 0

Posted on June 14, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama tells Britain no hard feelings over spill
President says he recognizes ‘that frustrations about the oil spill had nothing to do with national identity’
Read more on New Orleans Times-Picayune


GOP Tests 2012 Theme vs. Obama 0

Posted on June 13, 2010 by bp complaints

GOP Tests 2012 Theme vs. Obama
What’s Your Reaction? President Barack Obama meets with members of his Cabinet to discuss the response to BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Monday, June 7, 2010, in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington.
Read more on The Huffington Post


Pr. Obama Gulf Spill (1) Press Conference 4

Posted on June 13, 2010 by bp complaints

PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES NEW DRILLING REGULATIONS; CHIEF REGULATOR RESIGNS Today President Obama is announcing new drilling regulations hours after Elizabeth Birnbaum resigned under pressure as head of the Minerals Management Service (MMS), the lead agency overseeing US oil and gas drilling. The MMS has come under fire for lax inspections of the Deepwater Horizon rig prior to its April 20 explosion and an Inspector General’s report that identified inappropriate behavior and industry relationships by agency officials.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


Obama: I Won’t Forget Rig Workers Families 0

Posted on June 13, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama: I Won’t Forget Rig Workers Families
President Extended Condolences to Relatives of Those Killed in Deepwater Horizon Explosion
Read more on CBS News


Obama, U.K.’s Cameron Talk Disastrous BP Spill 0

Posted on June 13, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama, U.K.’s Cameron Talk Disastrous BP Spill
President Barack Obama discussed tragedy, responsibility and beer in a phone conversation today with recently-elected British Prime Minister David Cameron. Mr. Obama and the conservative U.K. leader discussed the impact of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, reiterating that BP must do all it can to respond effectively to the situation.
Read more on CBS 2 Los Angeles


Obama heads to disaster zone, Coast Guard warns BP 0

Posted on June 13, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama heads to disaster zone, Coast Guard warns BP
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AFP) – US and British leaders sought to ease tensions amid sharpened rhetoric over the expanding oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as President Barack Obama readied to take matters into his own hands.
Read more on AFP via Yahoo!Xtra News


Criticism of BP not anti-British, Obama tells Cameron 0

Posted on June 13, 2010 by bp complaints

Criticism of BP not anti-British, Obama tells Cameron
/London, June 13 (DPA) US President Barack Obama Saturday told British premier David Cameron that his frustration with BP Plc over the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico had ‘nothing to do with national identity’, and that he had no interest in undermining BP’s value, the British government said.
Read more on Sify News


Obama Bid To Ease Tensions Over Oil Leak 0

Posted on June 13, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama Bid To Ease Tensions Over Oil Leak
Barack Obama has sought to smooth over tensions with Britain over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, saying his criticisms of BP are “nothing to do with national identity”.
Read more on SkyNews via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News


Anger at BP not directed at UK: Obama 0

Posted on June 13, 2010 by bp complaints

Anger at BP not directed at UK: Obama
US President Barack Obama says his criticism of BP was not aimed at Britain as the US Coast Guard raised pressure on BP to contain the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Read more on Brisbane Times


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