Posted on
August 19, 2010 by
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 CBS News |
Like Every Administration, White House Defends Obama "Vacation" CBS News The the gulf oil spill comes up. The CEO of BP goes off to watch his yatch in a race and Obama dresses him down over it and then goes off to play golf. …
and more »
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Tags: 'LikeAdministrationdefendsEveryHouseNewsObamavacationWhite
Posted on
August 17, 2010 by
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 Reuters |
Oil spill update: Sea Turtle eggs relocation changes, President Obama visits … Prime Writer News Network Oil spill cleanup efforts continue and this past weekend President Obama visited Panama Beach, Florida to get a firsthand view of recovery in the Gulf. … Plumes of Gulf oil spreading east on sea floorCNN Scientists See Serious Health Risks in Gulf Oil SpillWebMD Gulf oil spill: Are con artists posing as fishermen to scam BP?Christian Science Monitor Wall Street Journal (blog) –BusinessWeek –Gov Monitor all 1,637 news articles »
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Tags: ChangeseggsNetworkNewsObamaPresidentPrimeRelocationspillTurtleUPDATEVisitsWriter
Posted on
August 17, 2010 by
bp complaints |
BP Oil Spill Update: Obama Shirtless Swimming at Gulf of Mexico These waters had been part of those affected by the BP oil spill. It seems that the photo op with Sasha and President Obama is a way to show Americans that … President Barack Obama's response to Gulf of Mexico oil spill gets largely … Odd Photos Depict Obama Trip to Florida's Gulf CoastU.S. News & World Report (blog) After the BP oil spill: Obama family visit Florida to promote tourism (photo show) Daily Mail –Habledash (satire) (blog) –The Guardian all 2,553 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Posted on
August 17, 2010 by
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Obama administration tightens drilling oversight Austin American-Statesman The start of shrimp season brought a return to the routine for fishermen who have been sidelined by the oil spill. Gerald Herbert/ASSOCIATED PRESS A shrimp … US to require oil drilling reviewBBC News White House Orders Environmental Reviews for Deepwater DrillingTIME (blog) No deepwater drilling without environmental studies: USNational Post San Jose Mercury News –News 8 Austin –The Associated Press all 692 news articles »
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Tags: AdministrationAmericanStatesmanAustinDrillingObamaoversighttightens
Posted on
August 16, 2010 by
bp complaints |
Odd Photos Depict Obama Trip to Florida's Gulf Coast U.S. News & World Report (blog) [See photos of the Gulf oil spill.] The second picture, sent to those who've signed up for the "Daily Snapshot" E-mail from the White House, … After the BP oil spill: Obama family visit Florida to promote tourism (photo show) After BP oil spill Obama promotes Gulf of Mexico tourism by swimming with daughterDaily Mail Barack Obama swims off Flordia Gulf coast after oil National –The Guardian –NewsOXY all 2,533 news articles »
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Tags: blogcoastDepictFlorida'sGulfNewsObamaPHOTOSReportTripU.S.World
Posted on
August 16, 2010 by
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Barack Obama swims off Flordia Gulf coast after oil spill It was the President's fifth visit since the BP oil spill, but this trip was all about boosting tourism. He declared: "Oil is no longer flowing into the … BP oil spill: Barack Obama dives into safety debate with Gulf of Mexico swimThe Guardian President Obama: Oil spill efforts successful, Gulf Coast now 'open' [Pic] Obama uses his daughter, 9, to promote tourism with swim in Gulf of Mexico …Daily Mail CNN (blog) –Reuters –AFP all 2,460 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Posted on
August 16, 2010 by
bp complaints |
BP oil spill update: Alabama sues over Gulf oil spill, Obama arrives of Gulf Coast Khabrein BP oil spill update: Alabama sues over Gulf oil spill, Obama arrives of Gulf Coast. World's third leading gas and oil producer BP is in for trouble. … In Gulf, Obama says he's committed to full cleanup from oil spillThe Hill Alabama AG sues BP, others over Gulf oil spillThe Associated Press Alabama files suit against BP, oil spill –Daily Home Online –AFP all 484 news articles »
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Tags: AlabamaarrivescoastGulfKhabreinObamaoverspillSuesUPDATE
Posted on
August 16, 2010 by
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Obama Tries to Boost Tourism to Gulf Coast With Weekend Trip BusinessWeek … 37 percent of the Gulf of Mexico to fishing as the oil spread. BP said Aug. 9 the cost of stopping and cleaning up the spill had risen to .1 billion. … BP oil spill: Barack Obama dives into safety debate with Gulf of Mexico swimThe Guardian President Obama: Oil spill efforts successful, Gulf Coast now 'open' [Pic] Obamas take boat tour on Florida Panhandle tripCNN (blog) eNews Park Forest –AFP –Reuters all 2,404 news articles »
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Tags: boostBusinessWeekcoastGulfObamatourismTriesTripWeekend
Posted on
August 15, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
BP oil spill: Barack Obama dives into safety debate with Gulf of Mexico swim The Guardian Barack Obama plunged up to his neck into the debate about the safety of Gulf waters after the BP oil spill yesterday when the White House released a photo … President Obama: Oil spill efforts successful, Gulf Coast now 'open' [Pic] Obamas take boat tour on Florida Panhandle tripCNN (blog) Obama, daughter swim in Gulf in act of reassuranceAFP Reuters –Tonic –Newsday (subscription) all 2,369 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: BarackDebatedivesGuardianGulfintoMexicoObamaSafetyspillSwim
Posted on
August 15, 2010 by
bp complaints |
President Obama: Oil spill efforts successful, Gulf Coast now 'open' [Pic] Ultimately, the pictures are a part of an "effort to show that Gulf Coast beaches and waters are in good shape despite the BP oil spill. … Obamas take boat tour on Florida Panhandle tripCNN Obama, daughter swim in Gulf in act of reassuranceAFP Obama swims in Gulf, says beaches open for businessReuters Newsday (subscription) –Tonic –New York Times (blog) all 1,922 news articles »
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Tags: coastEffortsExaminer.comGulfObamaOpenPresidentspillsuccessful