Microsoft Sam and his political round table on the British Petroleyum (BP) oil rig that is leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico, featuring Microsoft Sam, Mary Mike, James, and Jack
Residents file Gulf of Mexico oil spill claims with BP in Slidell
David Chaix visited the BP claims center in Slidell on Tuesday and left with the assurance that he would receive a ,000 check in seven to 10 days. He’ll take it, but it won’t come close to covering what he… Read more on New Orleans Times-Picayune
The government has crossed the Rubicon at this point- maybe NOW all those red staters down in the Gulf will realize oil is a dirty business that sometimes destroys entire ecologies and industries? Where will your shrimp be now, Louisiana? The time for a massive, popular switch to wind and solar and hydrogen is NOW. Video Rating: 4 / 5 – clean energy news 24/7 This is the first video I’ve seen of the Gulf of Mexico oil leak itself . The sheer volume of oil gushing out is quite incredible – you can see it at about the 2 minute 30 second mark of the video. More:
Oil keeps gushing from a deep-water well, adding to the catastrophic slick flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. Meanwhile, a Senate hearing into the disaster has seen oil company executives blaming each other. US president Barack Obama has voiced his frustration at the response to what is feared could be the country’s worst-ever environmental accident. Video Rating: 4 / 5 – clean energy news 24/7 This is the first video I’ve seen of the Gulf of Mexico oil leak itself . The sheer volume of oil gushing out is quite incredible – you can see it at about the 2 minute 30 second mark of the video. More: Video Rating: 4 / 5
Oil keeps gushing from a deep-water well, adding to the catastrophic slick flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. Meanwhile, a Senate hearing into the disaster has seen oil company executives blaming each other. US president Barack Obama has voiced his frustration at the response to what is feared could be the country’s worst-ever environmental accident. Video Rating: 4 / 5 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Oil rig said oil spill dome failed. BP will use environmental safety for Louisiana. Blowout preventer
A lawyer looked over the contracts BP is having local Louisiana fishermen sign in the oil spill cleanup. BP tried to sneak in limits to when and how much these same fishermen will be able to sue BP for compensation for losses due to the oil spill.
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico – Spill Map April 28, 2010 Image by SkyTruth
BP making progress on Gulf of Mexico oil spill containment
A specially designed tool was plugged into the sunken oil rig Deepwater Horizon’s wellhead at a depth of 5,000 feet Sunday morning, and has begun siphoning oil and gas up to a tanker on the surface. Sen. Mark Begich says residents of the Gulf Coast have had more time to prepare for incoming oil than Alaskans did during the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill. Read more on KTUU Anchorage