Posted on
December 10, 2011 by
bp complaints
Mexican States, Alabama Cities Can't Bring Some BP Spill Claims Bloomberg BP Plc won't have to face oil–spill claims by Mexican states and Alabama cities that a federal judge deemed too far removed to have been physically harmed by the 2010 Gulf of Mexico spill. US District Judge Carl Barbier in New Orleans also threw out … Conservation Report: Will the Gulf Lose the Oil Spill Fines?Field and Stream (blog) Deepwater Horizon Committee issues final reportEurekAlert (press release) US Report Due Wednesday On Deepwater Horizon SpillNASDAQ Upstream Online all 4 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: AlabamaBloombergbringcan'tCitiesClaimsMexicanSomespillstates
Posted on
April 08, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Company responsible for Mexican Gulf oil disaster pats itself on the back The Voice of Russia Transocean – an offshore drilling firm directly responsible for the ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico cited the year of the catastrophe as the company's best year for safety ever and awarded its top executives million dollar bonuses. … UGA marine expert recounts her experiences studying Gulf oil spill devastationOnline Athens Gulf oil rig owner apologizes for calling 2010 'best year' everCNN International Overheard on CNN: Oil rig 'safety' pays offCNN (blog) UAB News –Forbes (blog) –BNET (blog) all 1,775 news articles »
gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: 'responsiblebackCompanydisasterGulfitselfMexicanpatsRussiaVoice
Posted on
September 16, 2010 by
bp complaints
 Reuters |
BP Sued by Mexican States Over Gulf Oil Spill Damage BusinessWeek As cold fronts move into the area, the underwater “plume” of oil generated by spill will invade Mexico's fishing waters in the Gulf and possibly its shores, … Total Sees Delays After BP SpillWall Street Journal BP Spill Trials Should Start Within a Year, Lawyers for Victims Tell CourtBloomberg Gulf oil spill updates: Oil on the sea floor and politics getting in the way …Creative Loafing Tampa (blog) The Associated Press –McClatchy Washington Bureau – all 3,364 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: BusinessWeekDamageGulfMexicanoverspillstatesSued
Posted on
June 20, 2010 by
bp complaints
Tags: GulfmaybeMexicanSolutionsspill
Posted on
May 19, 2010 by
bp complaints
 National Geographic |
Mexican Leaders Dither as Gulf Oil Disaster Accelerates: Excelsior, Mexico The Moderate Voice The United States isn't the only country confronting ecological and political crisis because of the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. … Gulf Oil Disaster – Time to Demand Solutions and Cleaner Energy Policy.Salem-News.Com Coast Guard: Despite BP efforts, Gulf oil spill is getting Atlantic coast now under threat as current spreads Gulf oil slickThe Guardian Treehugger –BusinessWeek –Voice of America all 15,771 news articles »
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Tags: disasterDitherExcelsiorGulfLeadersMexicanMexicoModerateVoice