Emergency response team fights gulf oil spill Creamer Media’s Engineering News A 40-year veteran in disaster relief, Thompson Pump has facilitated a number of cleanup efforts over the years, including the Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989 … Independently-Funded Research Expedition Locates Deep Sea Remnants of Gulf Oil…Common Dreams (press release) Where's all the oil gone?Greenpeace USA (blog)
MOXNews.com April 30, 2010 MSNBC The ED Show I felt I had to mirror this video so that it gets out to more people. Please also subscribe to this channel if you are all for protecting our Oceans. www.youtube.com Please also check out his website: www.oceanfutures.org Oceana also has a petition to tell the Senate NO on Offshore drilling….. na.oceana.org Just enter your zip code and it will automatically generate a letter for you. -Thank you!.