Posted on
October 28, 2011 by
bp complaints
Rove Revives Myth That Obama Was "Uninvolved" In Response To BP Oil Spill Media Matters for America (blog) From today's America Live: ROVE: Take a look at BP, for example, the oil spill in the gulf. It took him 55 days from the oil spill until he finally sat down with — met with an expert who knew what the heck was going on in the Gulf of Mexico. …
and more »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: AmericablogMattersMediaMythObamaresponseRevivesRovespillUninvolved
Posted on
April 01, 2011 by
bp complaints |
BP Continues To Do What They Do Best: Thwart Media Coverage Of The Oil Spill Huffington Post Everyone who hasn't already done so should direct their RSS feeds and whatnot in the direction of Mother Jones' news-gathering super-hero Mac McClelland, who provided some of the best coverage of last year's BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf … Death Payouts in BP Spill Start at MillionWall Street Journal BP leaks sensitive data on Deepwater Horizon victimsComputing BP loses data from Deepwater Horizon claimantsZDNet UK The Daily Advertiser –eWeek – all 1,470 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: bestContinuesCoverageHuffingtonMediaPostspilltheythwart
Posted on
March 22, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Why Nuclear, Fossil Fuels Are Disasters Waiting to Happen Greentech Media (blog) –The Gulf oil spill last year in the US killed 11 and will likely result in hundreds of billions of dollars in damages, a total that will include cleanup costs as well as revenue and jobs lost as a result of a downturn in tourism and fishing. … Natural Gas Now Viewed as Safer BetNew York Times Japan is wake-up call for rest of the worldGulfNews Disaster in Japan Solving energy riddle won't be easyHouston Chronicle
all 251 news articles »
gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: blogDisastersFossilfuelsGreentechhappenMediaNuclearwaiting
Posted on
December 19, 2010 by
bp complaints
Moms big users of social media, study finds San Francisco Chronicle The top topic tweeted throughout Twitter's social network world was about the giant gulf oil spill. Supermoms: There have been ample examples of how mommy …
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: ChroniclefindsFranciscoMediaMomsSocialStudyusers
Posted on
November 10, 2010 by
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 New York Daily News |
Tony Hayward, the ex-BP CEO, rips media, defends decision to go yachting … New York Daily News Former BP CEO Tony Hayward defended his decision to go yachting during the Gulf oil spill (below). The man at the helm of BP during the worst … Former BP CEO Tony Hayward has no regretsPolitico (blog) Tony Hayward Admits BP Unprepared for SpillAOL News Hayward Says BP Was Not Prepared for Gulf Oil DisasterDailyFinance Raw Story –The Sun –Press TV all 31 news articles »
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Tags: DailydecisiondefendsexBPHaywardMediaNewsripsTonyyachtingYork
Posted on
November 05, 2010 by
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 Reuters UK |
BP Stock Rebounds, Media Moves on, But Gulf Residents Are Bracing for a … AlterNet But the long-term health impacts on Gulf Coast residents from the catastrophic oil spill are only beginning. Exhibit A, says chemist Wilma Subra of the … Reds Ain't Dead: Fishing Louisiana After the Oil SpillOutdoor Life Magazine Fuel card news: BP 'must focus on Gulf of Mexico'The Fuelcard People The Murky Picture Beneath the SurfaceRedOrbit Yale Daily News –Courthouse News Service –Personal Liberty Digest all 268 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: AlterNetbracingGulfMediamovesReboundsResidentsstock
Posted on
October 25, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
BP CEO slams media, rivals for boosting spill fears Reuters "I watched graphic projections of oil swirling around the gulf, around Florida, across and around Bermuda to England — these appeared authoritative and … BP to sell four Gulf oil fieldsBBC News Gulf oil spill update: Rescued turtles released, new concerns over weathered Marubeni to Buy Stakes in BP Gulf of Mexico WellsABC News USA Today –AFP –Wall Street Journal all 266 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: boostingfearsMediaReutersrivalsSlamsspill
Posted on
October 14, 2010 by
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 Audubon Magazine (blog) |
Audubon Scientists Find Gulf Birds and Oil Too Close for Comfort SYS-CON Media (press release) This citizen-science data can reveal changes in bird populations and location that may provide early indications of combined impacts from the oil disaster … New Audubon Report on the Gulf: There's Still OilAudubon Magazine (blog)
all 25 news articles »
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Tags: AudubonbirdsclosecomfortFindGulfMediapressRELEASEScientistsSYSCON
Posted on
September 29, 2010 by
bp complaints
Key contact numbers
- Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information: (866) 448-5816
- Submit alternative response technology, services or products: (281) 366-5511
- Submit a claim for damages: (800) 916-4893
- Report oiled wildlife: (866) 557-1401
Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center
Phone: (713) 323-1670 (713) 323-1671
MEDIA ADVISORY: Teleconference to Provide Update on Subsurface Oil Monitoring Program
WHAT: Dr. Janet Baran, NOAA scientists and co-lead of the Subsurface Oil Monitoring Program will provide an update for media on the ongoing subsurface oil monitoring efforts coordinated by the Unified Area Command. The focus will be on sediment and water sampling conducted in the past week in the Gulf of Mexico.
WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010, 1:00 p.m. CDT, 2:00 p.m. EDT.
WHERE: call in 866-304-5784, conference ID # 15193975
Online: Further information about the program can be found on the ship mission log at, and data and information are available on
Recent Updates for Unified Command for the Deepwater BP Oil Spill | Deepwater Horizon Response
Tags: AdvisoryMediaMonitoringProgramProvideSubsurfaceteleconferenceUPDATE
Posted on
September 28, 2010 by
bp complaints
Key contact numbers
- Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information: (866) 448-5816
- Submit alternative response technology, services or products: (281) 366-5511
- Submit a claim for damages: (800) 916-4893
- Report oiled wildlife: (866) 557-1401
Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center
Phone: (713) 323-1670 (713) 323-1671
WHO: Dr. Jacqui Michel, lead NOAA scientist for shoreline cleanup and assessment operations, Liz Jones, NOAA scientific support coordinator and Holly Fortune, Florida On-Scene Coordinator for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill recovery
WHAT: Teleconference to provide operational update on Florida shoreline cleanup efforts
WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010, 10:30 a.m. CDT,11:30 a.m. EDT. The call-in number is (866) 304-5784; the conference ID number is 14641528
Recent Updates for Unified Command for the Deepwater BP Oil Spill | Deepwater Horizon Response
Tags: AdvisorycleanupEffortsFloridaMediaoperationalProvideShorelineteleconferenceUPDATE