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May 16, 2010 by
bp complaints
BP’s Latest Attempt to Siphon Oil From Gulf Is Successful, Executives Say
In a major step toward containing a massive Gulf of Mexico oil leak, BP said a mile-long (1.6-kilometer-long) tube was funneling crude Sunday from a blown well to a tanker ship after three days of wrestling to get the stopgap measure into place on the seafloor.
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Substantial safety concerns raised about the Atlantis, another BP oil rig
The company most closely linked to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill also owns a rig that operated with incomplete and inaccurate engineering documents, according to records and interviews, a deficiency that one company official warned could “lead to catastrophic operator errors.” BP – Business – Gulf of Mexico – Social Sciences – Archaeology
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May 16, 2010 by
bp complaints
(AFX UK Focus) 2010-05-16 16:30 UPDATE 1-BP will make new bid Sunday to contain oil spill-source
LONDON, May 16 (Reuters) – Energy giant BP captured oil and gas leaking from an offshore well in the Gulf of Mexico and had to interrupt the operation, but believes a new attempt on Sunday could be successful, a source close to the operation told Reuters. Gas was taken to the surface and it was flared in the suspended operation on Saturday. The oil entered the pipe but didn’t make it all the way …
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U.S. Seeks BP Clarification of Plan to Pay for Gulf Oil Spill
May 16 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. government is seeking assurances from BP Plc that the company will pay for all damage relating to the oil spill off the coast of Louisiana.
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BP tussles with latest bid to contain US oil spill
BP Plc struggled on Saturday to get its latest effort to contain the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill to work as the Obama administration demanded that the British energy giant clarify its intentions on paying for damage caused by the accident.
BP says mile-long tube working to halt Gulf oil spill
Associated PressWeathered oil from the leaking pipeline is seen on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.BP said early Sunday afternoon that the mile-long tube is working, drawing most of the leaking oil to the tanker from the Gulf seafloor….
Read more on New Orleans Times-Picayune
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May 05, 2010 by
bp complaints
 ABC News |
Lastest Update: Gulf Oil Spill Pre-qualified contractors and consultants are coordinating with county staff on the disaster response. Environmental staff is continuing assessments of … BP gives Congress gloomy outlook on gulf oil spillLos Angeles Times Some oil spill events from May 4, 2010The Associated Press Gulf Oil Disaster – Beneath the WavesTucson Citizen Wall Street Journal –KFYR-TV –New York Times all 8,707 news articles »
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