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December 02, 2011 by
bp complaints
 USA Today |
Anadarko Announces Large Natural Gas Discovery in Gulf of Mexico The Maritime Executive This is Anadarko's first find in the Gulf since last year's BP Macondo offshore oil spill, which they had a stake in. Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is expected to make a return before the end of 2012. The current plan is to complete Cheyenne East, … Anadarko reports gas discovery in Gulf prospectHouston Chronicle Anadarko has Gulf of Mexico gas discoveryReuters Anadarko Announces Cheyenne East Discovery in Gulf of MexicoBloomberg
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Tags: AnadarkoAnnouncesDiscoveryExecutiveGulfLargeMaritimeMexicoNatural
Posted on
May 12, 2011 by
bp complaints
 USA Today |
Dauphin Island Sea Lab director: Gulf Coast oil spill produced large fish … Gulf Coast Newspapers That day, Crozier addressed the current state of Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico one year after the oil spill. He said the gulf and the bay are doing much better than originally anticipated. Crozier said he has spent a lot of his time in the past … US approves Shell's Gulf of Mexico drilling planMarketWatch
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Tags: coastDauphinDirectorFishGulfIslandLargeNewspapersproducedspill
Posted on
May 05, 2011 by
bp complaints
 AFP |
La. seeks large share of oil spill liability money Forbes State officials say Louisiana was hurt more than other states by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and so should get more money than other states from companies responsible for the disaster. Garret Graves, who leads the state Coastal Protection and … Oil drilling group Transocean reports profit slumpAFP White House bashes GOP drilling bills, stops short of veto threatThe Hill (blog) Photos: One Year After Deepwater Horizon, Portraits of the Gulf CoastVanity Fair NASDAQ –IBTimes –Asheville Citizen-Times all 40 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: ForbesLargeliabilityMoneyseekssharespill
Posted on
May 05, 2011 by
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 Times LIVE |
Louisiana seeks large share of oil spill liability money FuelFix (blog) State officials say Louisiana was hurt more than other states by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and so should get more money than other states from companies responsible for the disaster. Garret Graves, who leads the state Coastal Protection and … Photos: One Year After Deepwater Horizon, Portraits of the Gulf CoastVanity Fair BP Puts Deepwater Horizon In Rearview, Chugs To Forbes (blog) BP Reviewing Relationships With Deepwater Horizon ContractorsNASDAQ IBTimes –Asheville Citizen-Times –The Independent all 34 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: blogFuelFixLargeliabilityLouisianaMoneyseekssharespill
Posted on
February 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
US reopens large Gulf of Mexico zone to shrimping AFP Some 205 million gallons of oil flowed into the Gulf in the worst environmental disaster in US history. Over 88000 square miles (229000 square kilometers) … Area of Gulf of Mexico reopens to royal red shrimp fishing on
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Tags: GulfLargeMexicoReopensshrimpingZone
Posted on
December 03, 2010 by
bp complaints
BP says gov't estimate of oil flow too large The Associated Press Staff working for the presidential oil spill commission told The Associated Press that BP is arguing that the government overestimated by as much as 50 … Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Disaster only half as bad as US government believes … BP says gov't estimate of oil flow too largeWWL First News
all 244 news articles »
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Tags: AssociatedEstimateFlowGovtLargepresssays
Posted on
November 30, 2010 by
bp complaints (blog) |
Fewer large claims paid in full, says oil spill claims center (blog) Less than half of Alabama oil spill claims for more than 0000 and no claims of more than million were paid in full, according to data received Monday … National papers defend Feinberg's handling of oil spill claimsThe Florida Independent Gulf States need Baby Boomer Editorial: Improve process for paying TMCnet –Anniston Star –Press-Register – (blog) all 19 news articles »
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Tags: al.comblogCenterClaimsFewerFullLargepaidsaysspill
Posted on
September 23, 2010 by
bp complaints
Large Scale Study of BP Oil Spill Health Effects Planned … the nonprofit Institute of Medicine to gather a committee of experts to conduct the study in the five Gulf Coast states affected by the oil spill. … Experts craft study of BP oil spill health effectsBusinessWeek BP (NYSE:BP) Oil Spill Response Cut in Half by GovernmentDripping Oil (blog)
all 63 news articles »
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Tags: EffectsHealthLargeNewsinferno.complannedscalespillStudy
Posted on
August 19, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Scientists map and confirm origin of large, underwater hydrocarbon plume in Gulf He contrasted that with “what the oil industry does best: They know where to drill holes and how to get the oil to come out. WHOI's expertise in oil spill … Up to 79% of spilled oil still in gulf, scientists sayPalm Beach Post Administration Plans to Actually Regulate Deepwater DrillingFiredoglake (blog) BP to stop handling claims related to Gulf spill2TheAdvocate Automated Trader all 5,287 news articles »
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Tags: confirmGulfhydrocarbonLargeoriginPhysOrg.comPlumeScientistsUnderwater
Posted on
June 20, 2010 by
bp complaints
Why BP’s commitment to pay billion in Gulf spill is only a drop in very large bucket
NEW YORK — BP holds enough oil in its reserves to single-handedly supply the United States for two years.
Read more on Red Deer Advocate
Tags: billionBP’sbucketcommitmentdropGulfLargeonlyspillvery