Posted on
April 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 USA Today |
BP Sues Maker of Blowout Preventer Wall Street Journal On the first anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, BP PLC filed a federal claim against Cameron International Corp. for delivering what it called a "dangerous" blowout preventer. … Deepwater Horizon, one year laterThe Seattle Times The conversation: One year since the BP oil spill, but still a long way from …Los Angeles Times One year anniversary of Deepwater Horizon explosionWLBT-TV New York Times –Seattle Post Intelligencer –Christian Science Monitor all 6,807 news articles »
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Posted on
April 19, 2011 by
bp complaints
Gulf oil spill: For some Georgians, it's not over Atlanta Journal Constitution "I'd hate to lose consumer confidence, but where did the oil go?" said Inland Seafood's Rosenberg. Although his business returned to normal within six months of the disaster, he's concerned that worse lies ahead. "What is going to happen to the catch? …
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Tags: AtlantaConstitutionGeorgiansGulfIt'sJournaloverSomespill
Posted on
April 19, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
PICTURES: The Gulf Oil Disaster One Year Later National Journal The dolphin was found on September 2, 2010 washed up on Port Fourchon beach in Louisiana with oil on its skin from the Gulf oil spill and will now be cared for and raised at the marine mammal education and research facility in the Florida Keys. … Gulf oil spill redux: nine books on the BP disasterLos Angeles Times A look at Gulf oil disaster a year Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup Workers Report Mysterious Illnesses Year After DisasterHuffington Post National Geographic –AFP –Houston Chronicle all 3,695 news articles »
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Posted on
April 19, 2011 by
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 Los Angeles Times |
Oil spill claims update today Pensacola News Journal Oil spill compensation claims chief Ken Feinberg will host a media conference call this afternoon to discuss the status of the claims process and to release new statistics on the program. Feinberg's Gulf Coast Claims Facility began operations on Aug. … BP's billion fund barely tappedCNN
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Tags: ClaimsJournalNewsPensacolaspillTodayUPDATE
Posted on
April 16, 2011 by
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 Fox News |
Oil Firms to Deploy New Containment Device for Deepwater Spills Wall Street Journal This improved version, Massey said, will operate from several bases along the Gulf Coast and be ready around mid-2012. As the government suspended deepwater drilling following the Gulf disaster, the oil industry needed to quickly take steps and prove … Emails expose BP's attempts to control research into impact of Gulf oil spillThe Guardian E-mails: BP tried to control spill BP Oil Disaster at One Year: Making the Most of the Natural Resource Damage …Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) Nieman Watchdog (blog) – –American Free Press all 1,953 news articles »
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Posted on
April 12, 2011 by
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Report: Spill overwhelmed Coast Guard Pensacola News Journal Inadequate planning, complicated command structures and communication failures plagued response efforts to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, according to an internal Coast Guard review. The report, which was first reported by The New York Times last … FAU Experts on the Deepwater Horizon Oil SpillNewswise (press release) BP spill funds used to buy iPads, SUVs, report saysHouston Business Journal Coast Guard Unprepared for Oil Spill ResponseWall Street Journal Destin Log –Daily Mail –Marketing all 540 news articles »
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Tags: coastGuardJournalNewsoverwhelmedPensacolaReportspill
Posted on
April 11, 2011 by
bp complaints
Oil Industry Has Had To Learn Lessons From The Deepwater Disaster Wall Street Journal The Deepwater Horizon disaster in April 2010 was the largest offshore spill ever in the US It humbled one of the oldest, biggest and most distinguished oil firms, BP PLC (BP.LN), forcing it to set aside billion in compensation and sacrifice its … EDITORIAL: Drilling for troubleThe Register-Guard Deepwater ban lifted? Bill would speed oil-drilling permitsAlexandria Town Talk Cold hard data vs warm baby dolphinsDeep-Sea News
all 8 news articles »
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Tags: DeepwaterdisasterIndustryJournallearnLessonsStreetWall
Posted on
April 07, 2011 by
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Overhaul not performed on Deepwater blowout preventer Houston Business Journal A recommended overhaul of the blowout preventer at the center of the investigation into the Deepwater Horizon rig disaster was not performed, even though other routine maintenance was done, a federal panel investigating the incident was told Wednesday. …
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Tags: blowoutbusinessDeepwaterHoustonJournaloverhaulPerformedpreventer
Posted on
April 04, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Fox News (blog) |
Transocean Regrets 'Insensitive' Wording in Filing Wall Street Journal HOUSTON—Transocean Ltd. on Monday said it regrets "insensitive" wording in a recent securities filing in which the contract driller called 2010 its "best year in safety performance" despite the deadly Deepwater Horizon disaster. … "Safety" Bonuses for Deepwater Horizon Rig Owner?Mother Jones BP May Resume Deep-Water Drilling in Gulf by Green: On Our Radar: Salazar Slams Transocean Over BonusesNew York Times (blog) Reuters –Forbes –Politico all 1,204 news articles »
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Tags: 'Insensitive'FilingJournalRegretsStreetTransoceanWallWording
Posted on
April 01, 2011 by
bp complaints |
BP Executive: Company Views US Gulf As Important To Its Portfolio Wall Street Journal LN) American unit said the British oil giant is eyeing a return to drilling in the US Gulf's deep waters nearly a year after the company's deadly Deepwater Horizon disaster. "The Gulf of Mexico will remain a really important part of our portfolio," … BP managers could face manslaughter charges over Gulf oil spillThe Guardian Sources say charges are possible in Gulf Laptop containing Gulf of Mexico oil spill damage claims with BP is World Science –TechEye –The State Column all 1,470 news articles »
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