Posted on
August 23, 2011 by
bp complaints
Marshall Islands clears itself of Deepwater Horizon fault Petroleum Economist The Marshall Islands has absolved itself of any fault in last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster that killed 11 people and triggered the worst oil spill in US history. The government of the Marshall Islands, under whose flag the Transocean … BP, Transocean Tangle Over Deepwater Spill DocsLaw360 (subscription)
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Tags: clearsDeepwaterEconomistfaultHorizonIslandsitselfMarshallPetroleum
Posted on
August 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Los Angeles Times |
Gulf of Mexico makes dramatic comeback from Deepwater Horizon oil spill (Press-Register/Jeff Dute) As I watched the ghastly photos and videos of the unfolding Deepwater Horizon oil spill last year, I told anyone who would listen that the Gulf of Mexico would never recover in our lifetimes. I assumed that there would never … Why is that dead bird wearing a radio?Houma Courier Transocean Ltd. to sell oil exploration armMarketWatch U.S. to hold first Gulf lease sale since Deepwater Horizon spillCNN Washington Post – all 327 news articles »
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Tags: al.comcomebackDeepwaterDramaticGulfHorizonmakesMexicospill
Posted on
August 21, 2011 by
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 New York Times (blog) |
Deepwater Horizon Owner To Sell Oil Exploration Arm – Report NASDAQ LONDON -(Dow Jones)- Transocean Ltd. (RIG), owner of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig contracted to BP PLC (BP) when it blew up in the Gulf of Mexico last year, has put its oil exploration arm up for sale, the Sunday Times reports, without citing sources. … U.S. to hold first Gulf lease sale since Deepwater Horizon spillCNN Oil and gas lease sale in Gulf of Mexico would be first since Deepwater …Washington Post Lessons learned from the two worst oils spills in US Wall Street Journal – all 323 news articles »
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Tags: DeepwaterexplorationHorizonNASDAQOwnerReportSell
Posted on
August 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
Site of Deepwater Horizon Accident Leaking Again, Sources Say An anonymous Vessels of Opportunity (VoO) captain is reporting that BP has hired approximately 40 boats from Venice and Grand Isle to deploy boom around the former Deepwater Horizon site (50 miles off the Louisiana coast). The fleet began its mission …
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Tags: accidentagainDeepwaterExaminer.comHorizonLeakingsitesources
Posted on
August 20, 2011 by
bp complaints |
U.S. to hold first Gulf lease sale since Deepwater Horizon spill CNN By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) — The US government said on Friday it would hold its first oil and natural gas lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill last year. The proposed sale, scheduled for mid-December in … Oil and gas lease sale in Gulf of Mexico would be first since Deepwater …Washington Post US to Offer Oil Leases in the GulfNew York Times Gulf of Mexico oil lease sales resumeFinancial Times AFP –USA Today (blog) –MarineLink all 1,126 news articles »
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Tags: DeepwaterFirstGulfholdHorizonLeaseSaleSincespillU.S.
Posted on
August 18, 2011 by
bp complaints
MIT group simulates Deepwater Horizon accident, predicts pipe failures Houston Chronicle (blog) A Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer model successfully replicated the pipe fractures that doomed the Deepwater Horizon rig, and the model could help predict future offshore accidents from happening, according to a school release. … Crash-test model could forecast pipeline
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Tags: accidentblogChronicleDeepwaterfailures'GroupHorizonHoustonPipepredictssimulates
Posted on
August 17, 2011 by
bp complaints
Deepwater Horizon TPMMuckraker The United States filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the Louisiana ship building company they say lied to them to gain a major contract with the US Coast Guard during the Deepwater Horizon disaster response. The company, Bollinger Shipyards Inc., …
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Tags: DeepwaterHorizonTPMMuckraker
Posted on
August 17, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Marshall Islands issues Deepwater Horizon oil spill report USA Today (blog) At the start of last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill that killed 11 workers, the Deepwater Horizon floating rig met all inspection requirements, concludes the island nation that registered the rig. The 2010 spill started with … Report by flag state for Gulf rig that exploded recommends better emergency …Washington Post Oil spill report seeks better emergency proceduresForbes
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Tags: blogDeepwaterHorizonIslandsIssuesMarshallReportspillToday
Posted on
August 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
Deepwater Horizon Trial To Proceed In Phases Gulf Coast Maritime During the most recent monthly status conference in the pending Deepwater Horizon litigation, federal district judge Carl J. Barbier, of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, discussed the likely schedule and format …
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: DeepwaterHorizonproceedtrial
Posted on
August 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
Deepwater Horizon Trial To Proceed In Phases Gulf Coast Maritime During the most recent monthly status conference in the pending Deepwater Horizon litigation, federal district judge Carl J. Barbier, of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, discussed the likely schedule and format …
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: coastDeepwaterGulfHorizonMaritimePhasesproceedtrial