Posted on
November 11, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Houston Chronicle (blog) |
Study: Change method to assess gulf oil spill Sarasota Herald-Tribune The report aims to help officials create the best plan for restoring the Gulf and compensating the public for irreparable damage. BP will have to pay the bill. "There is no previous case quite like the Gulf oil spill," said Stephen Polasky, … Post-spill U.S. oil, gas auction Offshore lease sale set for DecemberCBS News RIDM 2011: Film on Gulf Oil Spill is clumsy and disappointingMontreal Gazette (blog) MarineLink –Center for Biological Diversity (press release) –Houston Chronicle (blog) all 484 news articles »
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Tags: AssesschangeGulfHeraldTribunemethodSarasotaspillStudy
Posted on
November 10, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Reuters |
How much damage did BP oil spill cause? Sarasota Herald-Tribune Oil is seen on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico near the site of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010. (Photo by Matt Stamey / The Houma Courier) By Kate Spinner The traditional approach to making the polluter pay for environmental damage caused by … US plans first Gulf lease sale since big oil spillReuters Africa Gulf of Mexico Oil &Gas Lease Sale AnnouncedMarineLink First Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale Approved Since BP Explosion, SpillCenter for Biological Diversity (press release) –Reuters –WAMU all 449 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: CauseDamageHeraldTribuneMuchSarasotaspill
Posted on
November 10, 2011 by
bp complaints
 ThinkProgress |
Scientists: Gulf oil cleanup 'inadequate' Sarasota Herald-Tribune The panel, made up of more than a dozen scientists from varying fields, said the BP disaster was so large and unprecedented – and the Gulf of Mexico so complex and economically valuable – that tallying up individual losses and charging BP for their … US to Open New Areas to Offshore DrillingNew York Times We Have "Learned Nothing" from BP Disaster: Obama Opens More of Arctic to …ThinkProgress Obama cautiously offers more areas for offshore drilling in Alaska and Gulf of …Washington Post (blog) WAMU all 444 news articles »
gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: 'inadequate'cleanupGulfHeraldTribuneSarasotaScientists
Posted on
November 08, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Evidence shows Gulf oil spill caused widespread ecological damage Sarasota Herald-Tribune Far from pristine, the northern Gulf contains more than 3000 active oil rigs and 26000 miles of pipelines. It also receives huge slugs of nutrient pollution each year from the Mississippi River. Separating the oil spill's impact from the other stress … BP's Gulf oil second wave 100 miles from shore, 'Big Fix' splashes Oil spills everywhereGlobe and Mail The Current: Oil spill impacts one year FuelFix (blog) –MarketWatch (press release) –Oil & Gas Journal all 25 news articles »
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Tags: causedDamageEcologicalEvidenceGulfHeraldTribuneSarasotashowsspillwidespread
Posted on
August 24, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Reuters |
New leases on Gulf oil Sarasota Herald-Tribune In this April 21, 2010, photo, fire boat crews in the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana battle the blazing remnants of the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon. The explosion of the rig killed 11 workers and led to a spill of 5 million barrels of oil. … Year Old Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Has Paid BillionInsurance Journal Deepwater Horizon claims still pouring Congress Stalls On Oil-Spill ResponseChemical & Engineering News Daily Comet –Bloomberg –Fox News all 402 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: GulfHeraldTribuneLeasesSarasota
Posted on
April 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Is nation forgetting lessons of oil spill? Sarasota Herald-Tribune The US Coast Guard has contingency plans in the event environmental risk escalates." So stated the April 21, 2010, update from Transocean Ltd., owner of the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig. The next day, the rig sank in the northern Gulf of Mexico … Oil Spill Wildlife Update: Reddish EgretAudubon Magazine (blog) Oil drilling worker safety one year after the BP spill disaster in the GulfFree Speech Radio News One Year After BP Oil Spill: How We Can Treehugger –ThePopTort – (blog) all 7,227 news articles »
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Tags: ForgettingHeraldTribuneLessonsnationSarasotaspill
Posted on
March 25, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
A blowout preventer it wasn't Sarasota Herald-Tribune AP FILE PHOTO / BP PLC Underwater robots and other equipment swarm the Deepwater Horizon blowout preventer, bottom left, as oil gushes out last June at the site of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. In the deepwater oil drilling industry, much faith is … Bent drill pipe caused blowout preventer failure in BP oil spill, report saysThe Louisiana Record Gulf oil spill: failure of blowout preventer traced to bent drill pipeChristian Science Monitor Stuck Pipe Kept Shear Rams From Sealing BP Well, Report SaysBloomberg Newser –SodaHead News –Financial Times all 687 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: blowoutHeraldTribunepreventerSarasotawasn't
Posted on
March 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Fox News |
Area counties still scramble for BP oil spill funds Sarasota Herald-Tribune Crews work to clean up oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill washed ashore at Pensacola Beach in Pensacola in June 2010. By CHRIS GERBASI Area counties that suffered financial losses due to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are in a battle to … Coast Guard checking for possible oil slick in Gulf of MexicoMarketWatch Five-mile wide suspected oil slick spotted just north of Deepwater Horizon …Daily Mail BP officials bungled stock sales, too: James allvoices –The Republic –Fox News all 276 news articles »
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Tags: areaCountiesfundsHeraldTribuneSarasotascramblespillstill
Posted on
February 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 USA Today |
Methan gas another threat from BP oil spill Sarasota Herald-Tribune Methane, the volatile gas that triggered the explosion of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig last April, made up at least a third of the total volume of material discharged into the Gulf of Mexico during the three-month disaster. … Gulf spill 'devastated' sea lifeBBC News Oil from BP spill still on gulf floorFinancial Times BP Oil Spill: The Cause & PreventionWBEZ MarketWatch –American Thinker –24/7 Wall St. (blog) all 1,429 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: AnotherHeraldTribuneMethanSarasotaspillthreat
Posted on
February 13, 2011 by
bp complaints
 New York Times (blog) |
Lessons from Gulf spill slipping away Sarasota Herald-Tribune The BP-leased Deepwater Horizon oil platform was behind the massive leak that tainted the Gulf. Now, some scientists fear that funding delays will impede … Sierra Club seeks to join lawsuit against British Al Jones: Memories of oil spill linger Green: Spill Commissioners Call for Review of Energy PolicyNew York Times (blog) –The State Column (blog) –ABC2 News all 456 news articles »
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Tags: awayGulfHeraldTribuneLessonsSarasotaslippingspill