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December 05, 2011 by
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Task force urges Congress to funnel oil-spill penalty money to Gulf The Hill (blog) A federal-state task force established by President Obama in the aftermath of last year's massive BP oil spill urged Congress Monday to require that billions of dollars in fines from the disaster be used to … RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other StatesMarketWatch (press release) Feds set to release gulf restoration planHouston Chronicle Contact Information: Alisha Johnson,, 202-564-4373U.S. (press release)
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December 05, 2011 by
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EPA completes Gulf oil spill task force work, USDA gives million to river … Washington Post (blog) HOUSTON — Federal authorities are providing million to restore seven Gulf Coast river basins after last year's catastrophic oil spill. The US Environmental Protection Agency's head Lisa Jackson says a task force has set out a series of goals to … Task force urges Congress to funnel oil–spill penalty money to GulfThe Hill (blog) Epa Announces Million For Gulf River BasinsWSLS Contact Information: Alisha Johnson,, 202-564-4373U.S. (press release)
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December 05, 2011 by
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Gulf oil spill: Another defendant in Mobile gets probation in claims fraud (blog) By Brendan Kirby, Press-Register MOBILE, Alabama — Barbara Ann Jenkins last week became the latest area resident to get probation for defrauding the claims fund set up to compensate victims of last year's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. …
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Posted on
December 05, 2011 by
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RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other States MarketWatch (press release) The BP oil disaster worsened the damage to the badly degraded Mississippi River Delta wetlands, a priceless resource that "sustains the Gulf region's unique people and cultures and brings the US economy billions of dollars each year in energy, fishing, … Contact Information: Alisha Johnson,, 202-564-4373 …U.S. (press release)
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Tags: coastcouldfinesGulfMarketWatchOpportunitiespressProvideRELEASErestorestates
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December 05, 2011 by
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EPA to unveil Gulf recovery plan in Houston Monday Corpus Christi Caller Times … officials today at the 2nd Annual Gulf of Mexico Summit will unveil more details of a vast, multibillion dollar plan to restore the natural and economic fortunes of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem following one of the worst oil spills in history. …
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December 05, 2011 by
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Fishing limits hurt industry, Gulf anglers say In Mississippi, where the coastal economy was also hurt by closures of parts of the Gulf to fishing after the oil spill, the restrictions are keeping many of the "weekend warriors" from putting their boats back in the water, said Ben Bloodworth, …
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December 05, 2011 by
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Feds set to release gulf restoration plan Houston Chronicle The gathering is the first convened by the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi since the Deepwater Horizon disaster dumped nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf. …
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Tags: ChronicleFedsGulfHoustonplanRELEASERestoration
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December 03, 2011 by
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 New York Times |
Plaintiffs' Lawyers in a Bitter Dispute Over Fees in Gulf Oil Spill Cases New York Times A version of this article appeared in print on December 4, 2011, on page A30 of the New York edition with the headline: Plaintiffs' Lawyers in a Bitter Dispute Over Fees in Gulf Oil Spill Cases.
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Tags: BitterCasesdisputeFeesGulfLawyersoverPlaintiffs'spillTimesYork
Posted on
December 02, 2011 by
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 USA Today |
Anadarko Announces Large Natural Gas Discovery in Gulf of Mexico The Maritime Executive This is Anadarko's first find in the Gulf since last year's BP Macondo offshore oil spill, which they had a stake in. Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is expected to make a return before the end of 2012. The current plan is to complete Cheyenne East, … Anadarko reports gas discovery in Gulf prospectHouston Chronicle Anadarko has Gulf of Mexico gas discoveryReuters Anadarko Announces Cheyenne East Discovery in Gulf of MexicoBloomberg
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Tags: AnadarkoAnnouncesDiscoveryExecutiveGulfLargeMaritimeMexicoNatural
Posted on
December 02, 2011 by
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Girl's Art Helps Gulf Oil Spill Recovery COM – Olivia Bouler of Islip, Long Island, has been painting pictures of animals and offering them to anyone who donated money to save birds caught up in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Her campaign went viral online, and she raised nearly 0000 for …
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