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August 24, 2011 by
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 Reuters |
New leases on Gulf oil Sarasota Herald-Tribune In this April 21, 2010, photo, fire boat crews in the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana battle the blazing remnants of the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon. The explosion of the rig killed 11 workers and led to a spill of 5 million barrels of oil. … Year Old Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Has Paid BillionInsurance Journal Deepwater Horizon claims still pouring Congress Stalls On Oil-Spill ResponseChemical & Engineering News Daily Comet –Bloomberg –Fox News all 402 news articles »
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Tags: GulfHeraldTribuneLeasesSarasota
Posted on
August 23, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Reuters |
Year Old Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Has Paid Billion Insurance Journal Established by the Obama Administration and oil giant BP four months after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig in the Gulf of Mexico, the GCCF has spent the last year distributing monies from a billion fund set up by oil giant BP. … Deepwater Horizon claims still pouring Pleasure Island business owners endure long wait for oil spill (blog) Getting accurate informationDaily Comet KHQ Right Now –FuelFix (blog) –Petroleum Economist all 243 news articles »
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Tags: billionClaimsFundGulfInsuranceJournalpaidspillYear
Posted on
August 23, 2011 by
bp complaints
The "Friday Syndrome" and Gulf Oil Drilling Huffington Post (blog) BOEMRE is relying on an extremely out-of-date spill risk analysis from the year 2000, which was written long before the Deepwater Horizon accident, and before deepwater drilling became as common as it is today. BOEMRE also failed to account for the … First offshore lease sale planned since 2010 BOEMRE sets GOM offshore lease sale for Dec. 14 in New OrleansPennEnergy- Energy News (press release)
all 5 news articles »
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Tags: blogDrillingFridayGulfHuffingtonPostSyndrome
Posted on
August 22, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Port aux Basques Gulf News |
Latest News Port aux Basques Gulf News The letters were mainly from people and parties outside Newfoundland, but who also have a stake in resources in and around the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Many of the letters warn of the potential of an oil spill or well blowout such as the one that happened …
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Posted on
August 22, 2011 by
bp complaints
Weigh risks on Gulf oil Hamilton Spectator While it may be a case of putting the cart before the horse — considering no one really knows how much oil or gas is under the seabed — memories are still strong of last summer's oil spill in the ecologically fragile Gulf of Mexico. …
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Tags: GulfHamiltonrisksSpectatorweigh
Posted on
August 21, 2011 by
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 Los Angeles Times |
Gulf of Mexico makes dramatic comeback from Deepwater Horizon oil spill (Press-Register/Jeff Dute) As I watched the ghastly photos and videos of the unfolding Deepwater Horizon oil spill last year, I told anyone who would listen that the Gulf of Mexico would never recover in our lifetimes. I assumed that there would never … Why is that dead bird wearing a radio?Houma Courier Transocean Ltd. to sell oil exploration armMarketWatch U.S. to hold first Gulf lease sale since Deepwater Horizon spillCNN Washington Post – all 327 news articles »
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Tags: al.comcomebackDeepwaterDramaticGulfHorizonmakesMexicospill
Posted on
August 20, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Boston Globe |
BP denies report of oil leak in Gulf Houston Chronicle FILE – In this June 26, 2010 file photo, oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is seen floating on the surface of the water in Bay Jimmy in Plaquemines Parish, La. A new oil sheen was spotted in the Gulf of Mexico … U.S. to hold first Gulf lease sale since Deepwater Horizon spillCNN US to Offer Oil Leases in the GulfNew York Times Oil and gas lease sale in Gulf of Mexico would be first since Deepwater …Washington Post Financial Times –AFP –Wall Street Journal all 1,134 news articles »
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Tags: ChronicledeniesGulfHoustonLeakReport
Posted on
August 20, 2011 by
bp complaints |
U.S. to hold first Gulf lease sale since Deepwater Horizon spill CNN By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) — The US government said on Friday it would hold its first oil and natural gas lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill last year. The proposed sale, scheduled for mid-December in … Oil and gas lease sale in Gulf of Mexico would be first since Deepwater …Washington Post US to Offer Oil Leases in the GulfNew York Times Gulf of Mexico oil lease sales resumeFinancial Times AFP –USA Today (blog) –MarineLink all 1,126 news articles »
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Tags: DeepwaterFirstGulfholdHorizonLeaseSaleSincespillU.S.
Posted on
August 20, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
December Gulf lease requires higher minimum bids Houston Chronicle The lease sale – delayed because of last year's oil spill – will take place in New Orleans. Dubbed Lease Sale 218, it will cover all available unleased areas – 3900 blocks covering 20.6 million acres – in the western Gulf planning area off the Texas … UPDATE: BP investigating new sheen in Gulf of MexicoRichmond Times Dispatch BP investigates new sheen in GulfPalm Beach Post New BP Spill Feared in the Gulf of MexicoTreehugger
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Tags: bidsChronicleDecemberGulfHigherHoustonLeaseminimumrequires
Posted on
August 20, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
US to Offer Oil Leases In the Gulf New York Times WASHINGTON — Making good on a promise, the Interior Department announced Friday that it had scheduled its first sale of offshore oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon disaster last year. … Oil and gas lease sale in Gulf of Mexico would be first since Deepwater …Washington Post Gulf of Mexico oil lease sales resumeFinancial Times US sets sale of offshore drilling leases in GulfAFP USA Today (blog) –MarineLink –Wall Street Journal all 1,063 news articles »
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Tags: GulfLeasesOfferTimesYork