Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

District Court Issues Key Rulings In Deepwater Horizon Litigation – Gulf Coast Maritime 0

Posted on September 01, 2011 by bp complaints

Gulf Coast Maritime

District Court Issues Key Rulings In Deepwater Horizon Litigation
Gulf Coast Maritime
The Deepwater Horizon was at all material times a vessel in navigation. Contrary to one defendant's arguments, the court held that clearly established law dictated that the oil rig Deepwater Horizon was a “vessel,” not a fixed platform,

deepwater horizon – Google News

Gulf oil slick: is it Macondo or something else? – Houston Chronicle (blog) 0

Posted on September 01, 2011 by bp complaints

Mother Nature Network

Gulf oil slick: is it Macondo or something else?
Houston Chronicle (blog)
The scientist who tested the oil for the Alabama paper speculates the oil could be surfacing from the Deepwater Horizon's riser, the pipe that connected the well to the drilling rig and that now lies crumpled on the seafloor near the wellhead.
Oil Sheen Sighted in Gulf of Mexico Raises New Questions About Last Summer's SpillPopular Science
New leak near Deepwater Horizon site quickly becoming a massive oil slickExaminer.com

all 50 news articles »

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“Gulf Cleanup Chaos”: Report Details Dangers of Dispersants – Public News Service 0

Posted on August 31, 2011 by bp complaints


"Gulf Cleanup Chaos": Report Details Dangers of Dispersants
Public News Service
The dispersants used in cleaning up the Gulf Deepwater Horizon oil disaster may have the same types of adverse effects on humans and wildlife as does the oil itself, according to a new report from Earthjustice, the environmental advocacy law firm.
UWF researchers part of 2.5M in grants to study oil spillPensacola News Journal
2.5 Million Awarded to Research Consortia Studying Effects of Deepwater MarketWatch (press release)
Deep Horizon oil spill research fundedUPI.com
Bradenton Herald –MiamiHerald.com –ABC Action News
all 345 news articles »

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Scientists get $112M to study Gulf after BP spill – Palm Beach Post 0

Posted on August 31, 2011 by bp complaints

Scientists get 2M to study Gulf after BP spill
Palm Beach Post
The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS — A science board overseeing 0 million in funds BP set aside to study the company's catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has awarded 2 million to independent researchers. The Gulf of Mexico Research

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$11 million headed to consortium studying Gulf oil spill – Bradenton Herald 0

Posted on August 30, 2011 by bp complaints


million headed to consortium studying Gulf oil spill
Bradenton Herald
A research consortium led by the University of South Florida's College of Marine Science has been awarded more than million through BP's Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative to continue assessing the impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill,
2.5 Million Awarded to Research Consortia Studying Effects of Deepwater MarketWatch (press release)
USF's College of Marine Science awarded million to study gulf oil spillTampabay.com
BP awards USF million for Gulf oil spill researchABC Action News
Newswise (press release) –Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine –Bizjournals.com
all 256 news articles »

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BP awards USF $11 million for Gulf oil spill research – ABC Action News 0

Posted on August 30, 2011 by bp complaints


BP awards USF million for Gulf oil spill research
ABC Action News
TAMPA – British Petroleum has awarded the University of South Florida million to study the long-term impact of the massive Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. USF's College of Marine Science is one of eight centers chosen
2.5 Million Awarded to Research Consortia Studying Effects of Deepwater MarketWatch (press release)
million headed to consortium studying Gulf oil spillBradenton Herald
USF's College of Marine Science awarded million to study gulf oil spillTampabay.com
Newswise (press release) –Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine –Bizjournals.com
all 233 news articles »

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USF’s College of Marine Science awarded $11 million to study Gulf oil spill – Tampabay.com 0

Posted on August 30, 2011 by bp complaints


USF's College of Marine Science awarded million to study Gulf oil spill
PETERSBURG — A research consortium led by the University of South Florida's college of Marine Science was awarded an million grant to study the impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The group is one of eight to receive research money to
2.5 Million Awarded to Research Consortia Studying Effects of Deepwater MarketWatch (press release)
GRI funds added GoM oil spill research consortiaOffshore Oil and Gas Magazine
2.5M awarded for Gulf oil spill researchOrlando Business Journal
Juice (blog) –NOLA.com –World Socialist Web Site
all 223 news articles »

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Profile: Reddy Stayed Steady During Gulf Oil Spill – Miller-McCune.com 0

Posted on August 29, 2011 by bp complaints


Profile: Reddy Stayed Steady During Gulf Oil Spill
Scientist Christopher Reddy holds a piece of synthetic foam that was part of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. (Gale Zucker) Last November, a half year after the BP oil spill, as Christopher Reddy sat in a Mobile, Ala., restaurant,
BP says gulf 'sheen' not from MacondoUPI.com
Coast Guard Reports No Leakage From Deepwater Horizon WellGulf Coast Maritime
Florida isn't whole yet following BP oil spillPalm Beach Post (blog)
The Press Association –New York Times –Sun-Sentinel
all 187 news articles »

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Coast Guard Reports No Leakage From Deepwater Horizon Well – Gulf Coast Maritime 0

Posted on August 27, 2011 by bp complaints

Gulf Coast Maritime

Coast Guard Reports No Leakage From Deepwater Horizon Well
Gulf Coast Maritime
According to the agency, as part of the investigation into recent National Response Center reports of sheen observed in the vicinity of the source of last year's BP Deepwater Horizon explosion, fire, and ensuing massive oil spill, on August 25th two
Coast Guard, BP Find No Evidence of Leaking WellWall Street Journal
Mining and police work most dangerous U.S. jobsReuters
Pilot finds oil bubbling up at Deepwater Horizon well again; BP reports no leaksal.com (blog)
Washington Post (blog) –NOLA.com –Daily Beast
all 720 news articles »

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Caught with their BPants down? Horizon oil leak continues in Gulf – Daily Caller 0

Posted on August 25, 2011 by bp complaints


Caught with their BPants down? Horizon oil leak continues in Gulf
Daily Caller
Oil is again bubbling to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico near the epicenter of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. Reporters from Mobile, Alabama's Press-Register loaded into a boat Tuesday to inspect the site.
Deepwater trouble on the horizon: oil discovered floating near source of Gulf al.com (blog)
Justice Dept. Still Probing Dubious BP Oil Leak EstimatesAllGov
BP-Funded GCCF Doled Out More Than B in First YearCSNews Online
Sarasota Herald-Tribune –AFP –Insurance Journal
all 448 news articles »

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