Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Government’s final report blames BP, main contractors for Gulf spill – GovExec.com 0

Posted on September 14, 2011 by bp complaints


Government's final report blames BP, main contractors for Gulf spill
By Olga Belogolova National Journal September 14, 2011 British oil giant BP and its main contractors failed to heed warning signs that could have prevented the devastating Deepwater Horizon spill that killed 11 workers and sent nearly 5 million barrels
Final Oil-Spill Report Chastises BP, OthersWall Street Journal
Report Blames BP's Shortcuts for Gulf Oil SpillNew York Times
BP's cost cuts contributed to oil spill disaster, federal probe findsWashington Post
The Guardian –Seattle Post Intelligencer –PBS NewsHour
all 1,401 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

US probe lays Gulf spill blame on BP, contractors – IBNLive.com 0

Posted on September 14, 2011 by bp complaints


US probe lays Gulf spill blame on BP, contractors
Washington: Poor management and critical mistakes by BP and its contractors led to the largest offshore oil spill in US history, according to the final report of the largest US government probe into last year's massive Gulf oil spill.
Gulf spill blamed on poor management decisionsWOI
Gulf spill blamed on poor management decisionsWLNE-TV (ABC6)
Report: BP ultimately responsible in Gulf spillWREX-TV

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Report: BP ultimately responsible in Gulf spill – Seattle Post Intelligencer 0

Posted on September 14, 2011 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Report: BP ultimately responsible in Gulf spill
Seattle Post Intelligencer
DINA CAPPIELLO, AP, HARRY R. WEBER, Associated Press FILE – In this April 21, 2010 file photo taken in the Gulf of Mexico more than 50 miles southeast of Venice on Louisiana's tip, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig is seen burning.
Final Oil-Spill Report Chastises BP, OthersWall Street Journal
Report Blames BP's Shortcuts for Gulf Oil SpillNew York Times
BP's cost cuts contributed to oil spill disaster, federal probe findsWashington Post
The Guardian –GovExec.com
all 1,319 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Report Blames BP’s Shortcuts for Gulf Oil Spill – New York Times 0

Posted on September 14, 2011 by bp complaints


Report Blames BP's Shortcuts for Gulf Oil Spill
New York Times
The central cause of the explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig was a failure of the cement at the base of the 18000-foot-deep well that was supposed to contain oil and gas within the well bore. That failure led to a cascade of human and
Final Oil-Spill Report Chastises BP, OthersWall Street Journal
BP bears brunt of blame for Deepwater Horizon catastropheThe Guardian
BP's cost cuts contributed to oil spill disaster, federal probe findsWashington Post
Seattle Post Intelligencer –Occupational Health & Safety –Houston Chronicle (blog)
all 1,254 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Gulf spill blamed on poor management decisions – WOI 0

Posted on September 14, 2011 by bp complaints

Financial Times

Gulf spill blamed on poor management decisions
Long after 9/11, the search for the next terror attack never ends More>> By DINA CAPPIELLO and HARRY R. WEBER Associated Press A key federal report puts ultimate responsibility on BP for the catastrophic failures leading to the worst offshore oil spill
Gulf spill blamed on poor management decisionsWBXH
NewsOn6.com – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports – KOTV.com | Gulf News On 6
US gov't prepares to release BP oil spill reportWLNE-TV (ABC6)

all 1,086 news articles »

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Halliburton Sues BP Over Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill – Update – Bayoubuzz 0

Posted on September 14, 2011 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Halliburton Sues BP Over Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill – Update
The disaster triggered the worst offshore oil spill in US history. Halliburton, maker of the cement that was used to seal the Macondo well, said it filed claims against BP in Texas state court for "negligent misrepresentation, business disparagement
Black Tide Reveals the Struggle of Gulf Coast Communities After Deepwater HorizonSmall Business Trends

all 602 news articles »

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Report Spreads Blame in Gulf Blowout, Spill – Wall Street Journal 0

Posted on September 14, 2011 by bp complaints

MyFox Philadelphia

Report Spreads Blame in Gulf Blowout, Spill
Wall Street Journal
A federal investigation into the cause of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico points the finger at BP PLC, but also its contractors, for a litany of failures that led to the deadly well blowout and oil spill last year,
BP,Transocean and Halliburton to Be Blamed in Government Deepwater Horizon ReportFox News
BP Uses Asset Tracking Tech To Aid Oil-Spill CleanupInformationWeek
Mystery surrounds what some say could be another gulf oil spillFlorida Independent
CBS News
all 266 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

No end in sight for oil in the Gulf of Mexico – Aljazeera.net 0

Posted on September 13, 2011 by bp complaints

Fox News

No end in sight for oil in the Gulf of Mexico
He said the oil could either be leaking from the broken riser pipe that connected the Deepwater Horizon to the well, or that oil is leaking from the Deepwater Horizon itself. But other scientists remain concerned that the new oil could be coming from a
UT Researcher Investigates Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impact on CoastTennessee Today
VIMS professor to study effects of oil spill on Gulf food chainWilliam and Mary News

all 292 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

VIMS professor to study effects of oil spill on Gulf food chain – William and Mary News 0

Posted on September 12, 2011 by bp complaints

European Parliament (press release)

VIMS professor to study effects of oil spill on Gulf food chain
William and Mary News
GRI is a 10-year, 0 million independent research fund established by BP in the aftermath of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. GRI projects are designed to study the impact of the oil spill and its associated response on the environment and on
UT Researcher Investigates Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impact on CoastTennessee Today
Big Oil steps up the battle for deep water drillingGreenpeace UK (blog)
Lessons learned from 2010 oil spill: stricter rules for offshore drillingEuropean Parliament (press release)

all 8 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Contributions grow for Gulf Coast Business magazine – Press-Register – al.com (blog) 0

Posted on September 08, 2011 by bp complaints

Press-Register – al.com (blog)

Contributions grow for Gulf Coast Business magazine
Press-Register – al.com (blog)
Gulf seafood, especially in the wake of the oil spill, and explores whether a new, more regional approach might make sense. We've also got a story about a building boom in Biloxi, Anchor Square's opening and an update on the big Baldwin megasite.

and more »

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