Coast Guard puts Transocean on notice for recent slick in Gulf of Mexico After nearly a month of investigating a growing oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico originating near the site of last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster, the US Coast Guard today issued a statement showing that their investigation may be drawing to a close. …
Coast Guard Says Sunken Transocean Rig May Be the Source of Gulf Oil Sheen Bloomberg An oil slick from the sunken Deepwater Horizon drilling platform is seen off the coast of Louisiana May 10, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. Photograph: NASA via Getty Images An oil slick from the sunken … Coast Guard: Sheens near site of Deepwater Horizon disaster not from BP's …Washington Post Sheen may be from Deepwater Horizon rig wreckageHouston Chronicle Coast Guard, Transocean Look Into Gulf Oil SheenWall Street Journal BusinessWeek all 192 news articles »
Coast Guard, Transocean Look Into Gulf Oil Sheen Wall Street Journal HOUSTON—The US Coast Guard said Tuesday it is working with Transocean Ltd. to find out whether last year's wreckage of the Deepwater Horizon rig is the source of oil sheens that have appeared in the Gulf of Mexico. … Coast Guard Says Sunken Transocean Rig May Be the Source of Gulf Oil SheenBloomberg US Says Sunken Transocean Rig May Be Source of Oil SheenBusinessWeek Coast Guard: Sheen in Gulf not from capped BP wellThe Associated Press Platts all 182 news articles »
BP Gulf of Mexico Drilling Plan Criticized by Environmentalists, Lawmakers Bloomberg BP was “ultimately responsible” for the accident on the Deepwater Horizon rig that killed 11 and started the leak, though rigowner Transocean Ltd. and Halliburton Co (HAL), which provided cement, share some of the blame, a US report said Sept. 14. … UCSB Researcher Receives Grant to Study Impact of Deepwater Horizon Oil SpillSanta Barbara Independent BP showing signs of life in Gulf of BP Files Its First Deepwater Gulf Exploration Plan Since Oil SpillFox Business (press release) – – all 145 news articles »
1 million pounds of carbon released after Gulf of Mexico spill One million pounds of carbon were released into the atmosphere following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Spill, according to researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). On April 20th, 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater … BP Files Its First Deepwater Gulf Exploration Plan Since Oil SpillFox Business Viewpoint: Don't worry: No evidence that tarballs will make you sickPensacola News Journal Report cites BP responsibility in Gulf blowoutWorld Socialist Web Site Bloomberg –TG Daily – (press release) all 128 news articles »
BP Files Its First Deepwater Gulf Exploration Plan Since Oil Spill Fox Business LN) said Friday it has filed a plan with US regulators seeking approval to drill deepwater wells in the Gulf of Mexico, marking its first attempt to explore for hydrocarbons in the region since Deepwater Horizon oil spill last year. … BP tar balls still sitting on ocean floorTG Daily Obama blocking 2010 gulf spill probe? Gulf Coast deserves fairnessDaily Comet Daily News – Galveston County –Reuters Africa –JD Supra (press release) all 95 news articles »
UPDATE 2-BP files first Gulf drill plan since Macondo Bayoubuzz HOUSTON, Sept 23 (Reuters) – BP Plc. confirmed onFriday it has filed a plan with US regulators to pursue itsfirst new deepwater oil exploration work in the Gulf of Mexicosince the disastrous Macondo spill in 2010. The plan, filed with the Bureau of …
New Gulf Oil Spill Raises New Questions Clean Energy News (blog) UPDATE 2: The Coast Guard Deepwater Horizon Joint Investigation Team has released its final report on the causes of the Gulf oil spill. Some of BP, Transocean and Halliburton's actions prior to the spill violated federal law. … AP: BP oil not degrading on Gulf floor, study saysabc40 AP: BP oil not degrading on Gulf floor, study saysWBAY
Chevron strikes oil in deepwater Gulf Tri Parish Times Chevron is contracted with the Marine Well Containment Corporation to satisfy BOEMRE's requirement that operators demonstrate an ability to contain the discharge of a worst-case scenario blowout, a regulation imposed following the BP Deepwater Horizon…
Vast divide over Gulf permitting woes Tri Parish Times The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement was reorganized shortly after the fatal BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill last year and, while the government enforced a ban on deepwater exploration and development in the Gulf, … BOEMRE Report: Gauging Macondo's Financial Damage To Energy StocksOil and Gas Investor (registration)