Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Slow return to Gulf of Mexico, Exxon says – UPI.com 0

Posted on October 07, 2011 by bp complaints

Global Adventures, LLC

Slow return to Gulf of Mexico, Exxon says
Washington has lifted its moratorium, enacted after BP's Deepwater Horizon rig caught fire and sank in April 2010, on oil and natural gas exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. The US Interior Department is restructuring its departments that oversee
Drilling down regulation debateTbo.com
Deepwater Horizon: Bacteria did help to fight oil spillGlobal Adventures, LLC
Oil Rig Safety After the Deepwater Horizon AccidentEnergy Digital (press release)
Ultimate Memorial –Futurity: Research News –RedOrbit
all 33 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

US delays in Gulf deepwater permitting ‘understandable’: ExxonMobil CEO – Platts 0

Posted on October 06, 2011 by bp complaints

US delays in Gulf deepwater permitting 'understandable': ExxonMobil CEO
Delays in returning the pace of oil and gas drilling permitting in the Gulf of Mexico to levels seen before last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster are "understandable" as both the government and industry grapple with new safety rules, ExxonMobil CEO

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Panel Draws Gulf Coast Restoration Road Map – Science AAAS 0

Posted on October 06, 2011 by bp complaints

Panel Draws Gulf Coast Restoration Road Map
Science AAAS
For more on the gulf oil spill, see our full coverage. Update: The House measure introduced today maintains the overall distribution of the money but puts some limits on the 5% share that would be managed by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric

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gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill revealed old, deep problems – CBS News 0

Posted on October 05, 2011 by bp complaints

Global Adventures, LLC

Gulf oil spill revealed old, deep problems
CBS News
One hundred days after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Explosion, Cypress trees killed by saltwater intrusion are seen in wetlands near Houma, La., Wednesday, July 28, 2010. Environmentalists are calling on the White House to speed up the restoration of
Deepwater Horizon: Bacteria did help to fight oil spillGlobal Adventures, LLC
Bacteria: First responders in Gulf spillFuturity: Research News
House unveils Gulf oil spill fine proposal nearly identical to Senate billal.com (blog)
WALA-TV FOX10 –Treehugger –FuelFix (blog)
all 50 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Deepwater Gulf Of Mexico: Shortening Timeline From Discovery To Production … – Eurasia Review 0

Posted on October 05, 2011 by bp complaints

Deepwater Gulf Of Mexico: Shortening Timeline From Discovery To Production
Eurasia Review
Beginning this week and continuing into mid-March 2012, prices for wholesale and residential heating oil and propane will be included in This Week In Petroleum, the Weekly Petroleum Status Report, and on EIA's Heating Oil and Propane Update web page.

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gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

New Report Highlights Biggest Challenges of Rebuilding Gulf Coast – Fox News 0

Posted on October 05, 2011 by bp complaints

Global Adventures, LLC

New Report Highlights Biggest Challenges of Rebuilding Gulf Coast
Fox News
| AP AP FILE- A boat motors through oil sheen from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill off East Grand Terre Island, where the Gulf of Mexico meets Barataria Bay, on the Louisiana coast, at sunset. HOUSTON – Coastal states must work together to restore key
Deepwater Horizon: Bacteria did help to fight oil spillGlobal Adventures, LLC
Waterkeepers Report Shows Much Work Left To Do In The GulfTreehugger
Gulf Coast lawmakers in House to announce oil spill fine compromiseal.com (blog)
RedOrbit –The Louisiana Record –WALA-TV FOX10
all 210 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Tourists return to US Gulf states after BP spill – Telegraph.co.uk 0

Posted on October 03, 2011 by bp complaints


Tourists return to US Gulf states after BP spill
US states affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill last year have seen tourists return to the Gulf coast after BP pumped 9m (£115m) into the tourism industry. Oil clean-up workers scour an empty beach near Gulfport, Louisiana after the BP spill:
Industry skeptical about drilling numbersDaily Comet
Oil Rig Safety After the Deepwater Horizon AccidentDigitalJournal.com (press release)
House deadlocked over distributing oil spill finesMississippi Press (blog)
BusinessWeek –HSToday
all 47 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

USCG, Transocean evaluate source of Gulf of Mexico oil sheen – Oil & Gas Journal 0

Posted on September 28, 2011 by bp complaints


USCG, Transocean evaluate source of Gulf of Mexico oil sheen
Oil & Gas Journal
25-26, said a statement on RestoretheGulf.com, which the government hosts to report updates regarding the gulf after the Macondo blowout and spill. The video of both wellheads shows intermittent bubbles coming from cement ports at the base of the
Coast Guard Contacts Transocean Over Gulf Oil SheenCapital.gr (press release)

all 213 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP and Transocean argue over fresh Gulf of Mexico oil ‘leaks’ – Telegraph.co.uk 0

Posted on September 28, 2011 by bp complaints


BP and Transocean argue over fresh Gulf of Mexico oil 'leaks'
The US Coast Guard has warned that more oil may have leaked from the Deepwater Horizon rig, causing a new round of finger-pointing between BP and Transocean. By Rowena Mason There have been several sightings of oil near the site of last year's Gulf of
Is The Deepwater Horizon Leaking Oil?GCaptain (press release)
Coast Guard: Sheens near site of Deepwater Horizon disaster not from BP's Washington Post
Sheen may be from Deepwater Horizon rig wreckageHouston Chronicle
all 211 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

BP looks to get back into deep-water drilling in Gulf of Mexico – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 28, 2011 by bp complaints


BP looks to get back into deep-water drilling in Gulf of Mexico
Los Angeles Times
The April 20, 2010, blowout at the oil company's Macondo well killed 11 workers on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig and resulted in the largest oil spill in US history. Environmental groups urged the federal government to permanently ban new offshore oil
BP Gulf of Mexico Drilling Plan Criticized by Environmentalists, LawmakersBloomberg
BP seeks to drill again in the Gulf of MexicoUSA Today
BP Files Its First Deepwater Gulf Exploration Plan Since Oil SpillFox Business
Bizjournals.com (blog) –UPI.com
all 90 news articles »

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